Product: Jaaxy
Price: Free starter membership, $19 monthly for Pro, $49 monthly for Enterprise
Ranking: 92/100
An In Depth Jaaxy Review – Introduction
For anyone involved in any aspect of marketing online, you know how important finding the right keywords can be. You also know how incredibly time consuming this one little aspect of online marketing can take to find the most profitable keywords. How do you know if it’ll be worth your time and effort if nobody is even searching for it, or if nobody will be able to find it within the search engines?
Most keyword tools today are either defunct or spit out inaccurate data. Even the Google Keyword Planner’s estimates are highly inflated(or deflated) and more importantly it doesn’t give you the EXACT search competition number.
So, what exactly is Jaaxy? Not only is it one of the best keyword tools I know of, it’s also an incredibly powerful research suite for internet marketers. It saves so much time and allows you find hundreds of great, profitable keywords within minutes (or even seconds). It was created by the owners of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle and Carson.
I signed up for a free membership quite some time ago when I was first exploring the online marketing world. However, I didn’t want to pay the $19 monthly fee, so I decided to use alternative keyword tools. The one within the Wealthy Affiliate community served me just fine for awhile.
However, I eventually decided I needed something better because I was spending so much time researching keywords.I would literally spend AN ENTIRE DAY trying to find the right words. It was taking so much time to just look for good key phrases, I couldn’t spend as much time accomplishing other necessary tasks, like writing!
So I signed up for Jaaxy and I can tell you, I definitely do not regret it.
I was able to find TONS of great keywords within minutes. It would have taken me hours to find them before! Not to mention, I know I’m getting the most accurate data, so I am confident my efforts won’t be wasted on keywords that are impossible to rank for!
Who is Jaaxy for?
Anyone who needs to find good keywords–those involved with internet or affiliate marketing, SEO companies, domain buyers/sellers, bloggers–they can all benefit from Jaaxy
People who want to SAVE TONS OF TIME!
People who need to get ACCURATE data
People who have some level of experience with marketing online. It isn’t a training tool, but rather a research platform. It gives you data, but you have to already know how to use it!
A look inside the software – what are the benefits of Jaaxy?
Jaaxy provides useful data, unlike a lot of other keyword research tools. It pulls its numbers from ALL search engines, not just Google. Plus it doesn’t heavily rely on Alexa ranking, which is essentially meaningless.
Watch me uncover an entire niche in just a few minutes…
I’m going to do a quick search for “diabetic cat food” just to see what Jaaxy spits out at me. Honestly this just popped into head because my sister’s cat has diabetes and she has to feed her special food now. It occured to me there must be many other people with this same problem…

You can find your find exact keyword competition with the click of a button, no need to search through Google in another browser window to find it! This alone sheds off hours of valuable time. BAM, Instant QSR! It allows you to also view the estimated number of monthly searches, and unlike other tools that seem to be widely popular, like the Google Keyword tool, the number is way more accurate. (Google’s tool can pull extremely inflated search estimates, up to thousands more, and even further it doesn’t give you the exact competition!)
It also gives additional indicators such as the KQI (Keyword Quality Indicator) and the SEO power. The green lights here are indicating the keyword is a great term to rank for. The yellow lights mean there’s some moderate competition, but it’s still OK to try for. If you ever see a red light, stay clear! All these terms coming up here are actually incredibly easy to rank terms – under 100 terms are the “low hanging fruit” so to speak, and you can go after these terms all day long and rank easily for them. With Jaaxy, you’ll easily be able to discover THOUSANDS of them in a relatively short amount of time.
Now I’ve just uncovered a new niche… “Caring for Diabetic Cats”
With just one search I was able to uncover tons of other keywords and discovered many people were searching for food and ways to care for their diabetic cat, and that it was overall a very uncompetitive niche.
Diabetic cat food recipe
cat food for diabetic cats
low carb cat food diabetic cats
best cat food diabetic cats
diabetic cat treats
feline diabetes diet
cat diabetes symptoms
Now you have enough to start writing up a niche site and it literally only took a few minutes to do the research. You can use Jaaxy for coming up with all your keyword ideas that you may not have otherwise thought about!
What other features does Jaaxy include?
Check Domain name availability
Did you know buying and selling domains is a very profitable industry? The software within Jaaxy lets you find rare profitable domain names, so you can snatch them up and resell them for a profit! You could also buy up the domains for yourself, if you put content up on the domain you could probably very easily receive a first page ranking within Google. That would mean $$$ for you! You can find them with just one simple search within the software, it’s THAT easy!
Check your site rank
If you want to see where you stand within the SERPS, you can enter you domain name and keywords to see what page you are ranking on! It’s way more efficient than trying to do it manually. That can take forever!
Affiliate program finder
Jaaxy also allows you to quickly find affiliate programs for your niches, including commission rate and what affiliate network they’re associated with. Now you can know what programs would be the most beneficial to sign up for without doing tons of additional research!
Keyword lists
This let’s you easily gather your ideas and save them for later by letting you create lists for each keyword group or topic. These can be oraganized and saved to files to keep on your computer, so you can come back and look up great keywords whenever you want.
Brainstorm Tab
This let’s you uncover what’s currently trending on Google and Yahoo (what people are searching for the most) as well as the current Amazon best sellers and what’s hot on Twitter. This can be really useful if you’re stuck on finding a niche, or interested in tapping into “trending” niches. You just right click and save anything you find interesting to the queue so you can have the idea saved for later.
Plus way more…
What are the positives of Jaaxy?
Gives very accurate searches as it takes data from multiple search engines (not just Google)
Allows you to see your exact competition, not some estimated number like “high, medium or low”
You can see tons of additional keyword ideas with just one search
Click on any search result to start an entirely new search
Can save all your keywords into organized lists
Allows you to easily check your SERPS, your rankings, and find affiliate programs for your niche
It’s an online program, so you can use it on any device with an internet connection (it isn’t software that has to be installed)
It’s 100% free to try out with no credit card required
What are the negatives to Jaaxy?
Just like everything, it isn’t perfect.
A fair percentage of the keywords in spits out aren’t in their grammatically correct form, or don’t make sense. You shouldn’t use keywords that don’t make sense, as it will only look unnatural when you write your content.
It has a few bugs. Many times when you try and click “get QSR” it won’t work or will give you an error. Sometimes it gives “O” for QSR when it really isn’t.
Enterprise is a little out of the average users price range. You have to upgrade to Enterprise to instantly sort keywords by searches and competition, and also to instantly see QSR and domain availability. However you can find these things within the normal Pro version, it just requires a few extra clicks.
A green light keyword isn’t a guarentee you’ll rank for it. But that is true for pretty much any keyword tool you try and use… nothing out there will guarantee your rankings. All you can do is have a basic blueprint for how to rank keywords and follow that, you will find that you won’t rank for every single thing you attempt (even really experienced online marketers don’t rank for everything).
Jaaxy Free Trial – $0, free with no credit card required. This gives you access to 30 free searches. Get your free trial here.
Jaaxy Pro – $19 per month, and this includes everything you need.
Jaaxy Enterprise – $49 per month, this is a faster version of the software and is for power users and people who need to see instant results. It requires no clicking to see QSR or domain availability, and you’ll be able to sort your keywords by searches and QSR.
Final Verdict
Jaaxy is an incredibly useful tool that allows you to perform all sorts of additional tasks related to marketing online way beyond simple keyword research. It gives accurate results and save TONS of time. There are different membership options, from the free version to enterprise (where you really will be able to research at LIGHTENING speeds) and shed hours upon hours of valuable time, so you can use that for accomplishing other tasks.
The pro membership is amazingly awesome as well, you can do nearly everything as with the Enterprise membership and it’s only $19 per month! I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who needs great research tool for their marketing endeavors. You really can’t find anything better!
If nothing else, just try it out, for free. I don’t think you’ll regret it!

Moiz uddin saysis jaaxy tool free for premium wealthy affiliate members or not

Wendy saysNo, Jaaxy itself isn’t free for WA premium members. However, WA has a keyword tool included with the premium membership that grabs the same data as Jaaxy, it just isn’t as advanced.
I googled Jaaxy alternatives and found this article. I was almost convinced… and then I realized that you’re an affiliate marketer. You can’t really find unbiased reviews at all anymore, can you? I’m a little bummed…
I am an affiliate marketer, Jeff, but I actually care about people and don’t just recommend anything and everything because I get commission. I know many of them do, but I am not like that. Personally I think Jaaxy is great and anyone can try it out for 100% free to see for themselves.
I do discuss keyword research in detail within my website here and I even have an entire article that tells you how to find keywords for completely free. Here’s the link to that —
Like I said, I try to help! 🙂
thank you for recommending this great key word tool as i do ,could you please help me and tell me how i can get payments from jaaxy affiliate. iam amember of jaaxy i have $24 on my jaaxy account and i saved my paypal email to receive payments but on 1st apil i did not received sending private emil to kyle but no response, help me
It’s possible your payment settings are set at a minimum payment level that’s above $24, in which case you wouldn’t get paid. If you go into your affiliate settings you should be able to set the minimum payout to as low as $20.