Quick and Easy Website Tutorial
I want to provide you with a quick tutorial here–I’m going to have you follow along as I make my own website free of charge! People are always asking how to get a website for free, so I want to demonstrate how easy this actually can be.
Before you begin, if you don’t already have an account with Wealthy Affiliate, sign up right here before you follow along. It only takes a few minutes and you can sign up for free, you don’t need to pay anything to get started. I’m going to demonstrate how to use the free website builder inside the community at Wealthy Affiliate.
It’s really easy, and only takes a few steps. I’m going to walk you through the process step by step down below, but if you’d rather watch a video tutorial, here’s one by Kyle – the co-founder of Wealthy Affiliate.
Step One:
After you’ve set up your free account with Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll notice a few big buttons on the left hand side of the dashboard. Click on the light blue “Build My Website”, the 4th one down.
Step Two:
After clicking on websites and hosting, a “Create New Website” button will be displayed–simply give it a click!
Step Three:
You’ll be prompted to either start a free website, or a premium one. For the purposes of this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create a free site. This is unlike a premium website because the domain is not actually owned by you, however the website is still yours to build however you wish. (In order to create a premium site, you would first need to go to an external web hosting site such as Namecheap.com or GoDaddy.com to pick a domain name to purchase.)
Once you’ve selected a “free website”, you are then prompted to enter your domain name in the box. This can be whatever you want. I’ve chosen my domain name to be “How to quit smoking”, but yours can be whatever you wish. If it’s unavailable, the text will turn red, so just try again with another name. You cannot change this later once you get it up and running, so make sure it’s what you want.
After you’ve chosen a domain name, select a title to choose what you want to call your website. Your site title should match your domain name.
Now select a theme. There’s a list of popular, responsive themes to choose from shown on the screen–just choose something that is clean and looks nice. Again, you can always change the theme later so if you can’t decide just chose something that looks decent–you won’t be stuck with this theme forever.
Step Four:
After clicking the “I’m Ready, Build My Website Now!” button on the bottom of the screen, you’ll be brought to a page with your login details. Use the user name “admin” and the password they provide you for the first time log-in.
Simply log in to your account and you’ll have full access to the WordPress dashboard to edit your website, add content, change the theme and make it your own!
BAM, you have your very own FREE website, up and running! LIVE!
Now you can use the WordPress editor to build out your website!
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