Program: Coffee Shop Millionaire
Creator: Anthony Trister
Price: $37, $27, + upsells
Rating: 2/5 stars
While this program by Anthony Trister has been around for a few years now, for some reason it still gets a ton of attention. The sales video is very alluring and definitely makes you feel like buying it will get you one step closer to making your first million online.
But the question on everyone’s mind remains – is Coffee Shop Millionaire a scam, or does it actually work? If you’re looking for my short answer, yes, I would call this program a scam. It is pretty much all hype and no actual substance. If you’re looking for real training to make money online, you can find it here.
However, I’m going to give you a thorough review so you can make an informed decision of whether or not it’s something you’d want to invest money in.
What is Coffee Shop Millionaire, and how does it work?
If you’ve taken the time to watch the sales video for CSM, you may be left wondering what the heck it actually is. After all, Mr. Trister spends the majority of the time selling you on the dream of making lots of money online and bragging about how much he makes, rather than taking the time to actually explain what is included within your membership and how he can teach you to have the same success he did.
Once you buy the program, you find out that it’s an online training course that essentially teaches you how to start up your own local marketing business. The training within the members area consists of 12 modules, all containing 1-2 videos that are about approximately 10 minutes long (give or take). The program provides a pretty good overview of how to start up a local marketing business, but that’s about it. It’s not nearly comprehensive enough to cover the scope of what a newbie would need to know in order to actually go into the business themselves.
I find this to be a major drawback since it is being marketed to newbies, so it should cater to their needs.
What will you learn with the training?
The third module talks about setting up your own website for you local marketing business, and largely talks about outsourcing the actual tasks of website creation. It also talks about how to find clients to reach out to and offer your services.
The course then goes on to explain local SEO strategies, email marketing, video marketing and social media marketing. These are all explained how you can use them to benefit your clients local business in terms of outreach and marketing potential.
Then it focuses on taking your business and scaling it up to reach more profit potential.
Taken as a whole, the training is actually a pretty good overview of the local marketing business module. People do actually make money this way and it can be a very lucrative business to get into.
The problem is the training is not nearly comprehensive enough to cover the scope of what a newbie needs to know to start their own local marketing venture. It’s only 12 modules, each consisting of a 10-12 minute video. So you’re looking at less than 3 hours of overall training to teach you how to start a business in local marketing.
Less than 3 hours, seriously? Some of my college courses were longer than that, and I certainly didn’t learn everything about any topic in a single class hour! My favorite online training program has countless video courses on all different aspects of local marketing, and that’s only a tiny portion of what they have to offer. My point is, there’s way better options out there if you’re looking to get started out with local marketing.
It tells you what you should be doing in this business, but not really how to do it. It tells you to outsource your website creation, but then goes on to tell you about how you can offer your clients services like website design and mobile optimized sites. How are you supposed to offer potential services to your clients that you can’t even do yourself?
There’s nothing wrong with local marketing, but if you’re going to get started with it you should first know how to create a website and a thing or two about how local SEO works and how to do it – none of which you’ll really get out of Coffee Shop Millionaire.
If you want real local marketing training, click here.
This is where things get confusing. You can purchase the program for $27 (after being told you can receive a special $10 discount), but you’ll be hit with massive upsells before you even find your way to the members area.
So in all honesty, the $27 doesn’t really get you anything but the training modules, which are incredibly basic and not worth the money.
Upsell #1 – The 6 Figure Secrets Club – Initially $297, then only $147
Although the reality is very different. Done for you type sites loaded with PLR content don’t really work well in the real world, especially because the people setting them up have absolutely no idea what they’re doing. How are you going to market the site, get traffic and sales? And even if you do get traffic, the content is probably so bad it won’t even convert well. Also consider the fact every other person who buys this upsell is getting the exact same “money machines” that you are.
Upsell #2 – Direct email coaching – $197
This is where you’ll get access to Anthony’s personal email and guidance to show you his way to “the easy street”.
Upsell #3 – Website and hosting
Now it’s not that this isn’t something you don’t need, because yes having a domain and hosting is a very important part to owning an online business. That being said, however, it’s the way they market it to complete newbies that’s shameful. They target people who have no clue what they’re doing and then overcharge them for something they aren’t even sure is right for them.
You can get a domain and web hosting for a lot cheaper and better quality then what they try to charge you here. You should also be very clear what direction you want to go with your business before you decide on your domain name, because you cannot change it without buying an entirely new domain.
Total cost with upsells – $816
That’s a significant chunk of money to invest, if you ask me. Especially when they throw it all at you before you’ve even gone through any of the training to know what you’re actually going to be doing yet!
My Final Opinion – Coffee Shop Millionaire does NOT live up to the hype
I would consider Coffee Shop Millionaire a scam in the sense that it’s highly misleading. This program sells itself on the dream, not the reality of what is offered nor the quality of the training. Everyone wants to make millions just from hanging around a local coffee shop with a latte every morning, but what this program offers isn’t going to make that a reality for anyone.
The $27 price tag is just a front to get you to spend hundreds more on upsells, none of which re going to be very beneficial to a beginner who is looking to make money online. This is true of so many programs like this – they lure you in with a low price tag, then get you with the upsells. And in the end they offer very little value and leave you with nothing but more questions and the need to buy another product.
If you’re a complete beginner, you’re way better off starting off with something that is going to actually teach you how to do things yourself. Understanding how everything works is going to help you tremendously in starting your own business online.
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