Skimlinks is a platform that makes it easier for blog owners to monetize their website through affiliate links. With this platform, you don’t have to bother signing up for any affiliate programs (aside from Skimlinks), waste time placing affiliate links on your site, or track any of your link data since Skimlinks does it for you.
But what’s the catch, is Skimlinks legit? Let’s get into some more details of how it works.
How is Skimlinks different than joining affiliate programs?
Skimlinks is different because you don’t have to apply for a ton of different companies affiliate programs, you only have to apply to join Skimlinks.
Once your application is approved, you’ll immediately have access to around 50,000 companies. There’s a good bet many companies within your niche are partnered with Skimlinks.
The best part is you don’t even have to worry about adding affiliate links on your website – once you install the Skimlinks javascript (or plugin) you simply link to the merchant’s page. Skimlinks automatically tracks your links for performance and can even tell you the page on your website they came from!
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But how does it actually work?
Skimlinks redirect your links as unique affiliate links, so you earn commissions WITHOUT applying for affiliate programs, adding affiliate links, and trying to track all the link data within your website.
You’ll even be able to see the pages and links on your site where the sales are coming from so you can know what’s working and what isn’t.
So far it sounds REALLY cool, right? Well, there’s a little catch. Skimlinks takes 25% of your affiliate earnings as a charge for their service.
They do take out a ton of work for affiliates, so I think it can still be worth using if it makes sense for you.
Who is Skimlinks for?
Any website owner can apply for and use Skimlinks. But it really depends on your niche and what your options for monetizing your site.
If you’re debating using Skimlinks, here are a few things to think about:
- How many affiliate programs are you working with on your website?
- Can you get better commissions through the direct affiliate program?
- Are you having trouble getting approved for company affiliate programs?
If you’re only promoting a few products on your website, and you’re already working directly with the companies or are approved for their affiliate programs through an umbrella network, you probably don’t want to bother using this service.
However, it does fit well for other scenarios.
For example, I have a niche site within the fashion market. I’m not just promoting one, or a handful of products on my website. I work with many different companies across the board and have links on many pages. Skimlinks makes my life A LOT easier for managing my links.
Another thing is, it’s difficult (or impossible) to get into many fashion affiliate programs. Many of them do not accept new affiliates or are extremely selective.
Skimlinks gives me the ability to get paid for links I may send out to those sites if I want.
So while I do still work directly with companies, or use their actual affiliate programs if they offer better commission rates, many times I do opt for Skimlinks as an alternative just to make things a bit easier.
For large authority blogs with tons of content, this platform may be a benefit since applying to every affiliate program and then worrying about managing every program and different logins could be a hassle.
It can just be easier to send out a quick link as an additional way to monetize for products and services that aren’t part of your main promotions.
How to apply for Skimlinks
Anyone can apply for Skimlinks here. You simply fill out some basic info and wait for the approval. You can add and apply with multiple websites if you own more than one, and it lets you better track your links and sales.
How to use Skimlinks on your website
There are 3 ways you can add Skimlinks to your site –
- Install the javascript
- Install the Skimlinks plugin (for WordPress)
- Just use your individual affiliate link (you still are provided with this if you want to use it, it works for your website and anywhere you want to share it around the web including social media and emails.
There are instructions for how to do this after you sign up with Skimlinks.
That’s it. Then you just link to the products you recommend, and Skimlinks will do the rest for you.
What are Skimlinks commission rates?
It depends on the company as to what commissions are offered. Some pay extremely low, around 1%, while others 50%. The easiest way for me to see if a company I want to work with uses Skimlinks and what the commission rates are is to install the Skimlinks bar within my browser.

Of course, you can also search for this information directly within the Skimlinks platform.
You’ll have to earn at least $65 in order to cash out, and it can take 90 days for your commissions to be approved for payout. This is typical across many affiliate platforms.
Using the Skimlinks editor bar

I really like having the Skimlinks editor tool installed on my browser (Google Chrome Extension) because when I visit websites I can see if they work with Skimlinks or not, and what the commission rates are.
Simply search for “Skimlinks editor tool” and install it in Chrome.
This way, you can easily find if a specific business works with the platform or not, and what the commission rate is. You’ll also be able to easily grab your affiliate link if you want to use it off-site, like on social media.
Is it worth using Skimlinks?
Ultimately this comes down to your unique circumstances. If you want to recommend certain things to your readers, but don’t want to bother signing up for each individual affiliate program, this is a great option. Or if you are within a niche where affiliate programs are extremely picky and you can’t get approved to each one you want, this is an alternative.
Just keep in mind they will take out a 25% commission, and the commission rates they offer are often times lower than if you joined the companies affiliate program directly. Therefore, it’s not the highest
For me, I like to use Skimlinks as a supplemental revenue source. It’s great for monetizing certain links without going through a lot of extra effort.
You’re not just limited to one revenue source or affiliate platform on your website, so figure out the best strategy for you. This can help you so you’re not “leaving money on the table” so to speak!
Want to check out some awesome affiliate marketing training that’s free to test out? Check it here.
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