Located at www.internet-experts.us/gm6/, this work at home opportunity claims you can earn up to $379 a day working from the comfort of your own home. But is this Internet Experts System by Karen Johnson a scam or legit work at home opportunity?
This particular program has been advertised several places across the web, calling it different names and advertised with different creators names. You can find “breaking news” stories about it from different advertorials, which are fake news snippets on fake websites that are actually just an ad for a product.
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Many fake websites are all promoting this Internet Experts program under different names
Take this website for example, http://www.winnercareer.com/lp/c/bcam.php
This particular ad features a so called Mary Stevens who used this program to earn over $8,000 per month online, but the work at home opportunity is called Emma Stewart’s Simple Income Strategies, which redirects to the Internet Experts website.
Another advertorial page, featured at http://www.theweeklyviral.com/d/tna.php features the same Marty Stevens, but this time she used Emma Stewart’s Cash From Home program to make an extra $8,000 per month. Everything else is identical to the first story.
And take yet another example from the site http://nycscope.com/res2/ , this time she is known as Emily White, who used the program called Direct Online Income to make this money.
All three are identical, with Simple Income Strategies, Cash from Home and Direct Online Income all pointing to the same page at internet-experts.us, the Internet Experts Program. There’s another advert site in which the program is known as Home Jobs Source.
Marty Stevens and Emily White are a made up “work at home mom” for purposes of this advertisement
What exactly is Internet Experts, underneath the shady sales tactics?
These programs are not what they claim to be and there are tons more sales pages that are nearly identical to this one, all advertising the same type of work at home system with the same exact stories, work at home news segment, income calculator and even the featured on news outlets that they try and trick you with (they are not associated with any of them).
The reality is these are “link posting” scams – trying to make you think they have an amazing opportunity for you to work at home, making a ton of money basically doing easy work.
Sometimes they are classic bait and switch schemes which get you in the door for a small fee, but then really turn around and try and sell you on an entirely different program or upsells into the $1,000’s.
Other times, they are total scams and you are basically given no support or anything after you pay your fee. Are you going to get training if you sign up for Karen Johnson’s Internet Experts? You might, but it won’t be anything great and I wouldn’t want to pay to find out!
The reality of “link posting”
Link posting is technically a real thing that people actually get paid for online, but it is not how this sales page describes it at all.
There are a lot of ways to make money online, and yes, companies will pay you to advertise for them and give you a commission through a custom link called an affiliate link. You can get money when someone buys a product, or in other instances you can get paid if someone just enters in some personal info through a custom form, or signs up for a service.
But it isn’t easy at all, and you aren’t going to just start making $8,000 per month out of nowhere by signing up for a program like Internet Experts. I have seen a lot of sales pages like this throughout the years and none of them are what they claim to be. Don’t let these types of people scam you out of your hard earned money – if it seems to good to be true, it probably is.
You really can make money online, but it isn’t easy
The reality is it takes hard work, proper training, tools and support to actually be successful. These programs are just praying on desperation and providing nothing of substance to their customers. Considering they need to use shady advertising tactics, fake names and sell you on a dream that is not reality, I would stay far far away from programs like this.
I’ve been making money online since 2013 and can help you learn how to set up a proper foundation to build a real online business – one that will let you work at home for years to come. If you’re not afraid of some hard work to make it happen, let me help you along the way!
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