Program: Countdown to Profits
Creator: Richard Paul
Rank: 10/100 – potential scam – overhyped sales pitch, not a miracle product.
If you’ve come across the Countdown to Profits system, you’re probably trying to figure out if it lives up to the crazy claims it makes. Can you really buy a product that will make you that much so easly? The truth is, this program has so many warning signs I would like the take the time to address the top 5 that first came to my mind.
#1 – Outrageous claims – You can be a millionaire working 4 hours per week!
“Total autopilot”
“Over $75,000 per month and 1 million my first year”
“Only worked for 4 hours per week”
Anytime a product’s sales page is full of claims you can make tons of money doing basically nothing, click away. It is nothing more than hype and bait and switch advertising and I promise the product is not that simple or easy (and won’t earn you millions).
If it were THAT easy to earn massive amounts of money, the whole world would be rich. But that isn’t reality – it takes hard work to make money and it doesn’t just fall into your bank account by means of magical software!
#2 – Contradictions between their upfront claims and disclaimer page
Furthermore, the entire sales video (which you’re pretty much forced to watch if you want access) is spent boasting how easy it is to earn massive amounts of money with this system, how you have to do very little work (the 4 hour a week claim), and thousands upon thousands will be deposited into your bank account. All you have to do is follow their directions, set up the system, and boom… it’s all autopilot. Right?
Well, if you go on to take a look at their income disclaimer page, you’ll find that they state up front:
“No income claims are made, implied, or guaranteed”
“We don’t do hype”
Which, I find interesting since the ENTIRETY of the sales video, which I may add is the ONLY piece of information given about the product, is 100% HYPE!!!
Furthermore, Mr. Paul personally *guarantees* you’ll make a massive commission within your first 30 days or he’ll GIVE you $500… that seems to be a pretty good indicator there is some level of income guarantee if you at least try their system.
I don’t like being lied to and I’m sure you don’t either, so that is one more reason not to trust Countdown to Profits.
#3 – No information on what you’ll be doing – zip, zero ZILCH!
Another warning sign is there sure is a lot of talk and no substance. A very vague description is given about installing software, following instructions, and then letting the system do all the work on autopilot. There’s also the promise you don’t have to do any selling, and you’ll be hooked up with a personal mentor who will hold your hand through the entire process.
But other than that, there is literally nothing else given that gives you any sort of impression of what exactly the system is or what you will be doing.
I understand marketing, and I know hype sells. But any real product that has any sort of substance and value will at least tell you what it is you’re doing, even if it’s not crystal clear from the start.
#4 – Sells you on the dream – Vacations, Sports Cars and Mansions!
When there’s no substance to what they’re selling, marketers will instead attempt to lure you in on the idea of getting rich. They pull the focus away from what the program is, and instead focus on what it can do for you – like let you pay off your debt, buy fancy cars and take lavish vacations.
It’s just a distraction, and unfortunately it works very well (which is obviously why these types of scams keep using it)!
#5 – Deceptive Sales Tactics – “I will GIVE you $500!”
Richard Paul basically forces you to watch his entire sales video in order to get access to his system. In fact, he promises he’ll give you $500 if you watch the video in its entirety.
What that actually means is if you first buy the system (for $97), follow along step by step, and still don’t make a huge commission ($1,000 – $5,000) within your first 30 days, he promises to give you $500.
Often times when a claim like that is made, it’s extremely difficult (if not impossible) to get the refund because they will try to claim you have to “give the system an honest shot”. It’s very easy for them to claim you didn’t, and pretty difficult for you to prove to them you did.
Another thing to point out is that you’re going to be spending more than you think within your first 30 days trying to get the system up and running.
They don’t give you a real indicator of how much you’ll have to put in up front, but within their terms of service they do state something about rules for cancelling a recurring subscription charge, so there is proof that there is at least some more investment than the initial $97.
Lastly, you’re going to be walked through the process by a mentor who is most likely going to upsell you for additional services, often times these can be several thousand dollars.
In Summary – Countdown to Profits
Price: $97 + upsells
Creator: Richard Paul
Rank: 10/100 – potential scam – Avoid! Overhyped sales video, little substance.
So, is Countdown to Profits a scam? Well, they may offer some type of training on how to make money, but the fact that the system directly condradicts itself, promises you’ll get rich quick, and offers very little insight into the true nature of the product makes it very questionable and I definitely wouldn’t recommend it. There are better ways to invest both your time and money.
Hi Wendy,
The internet is full of scams like this. They seem to prey on the vunerable, those that are stuck and desperate to get themselves out of their unfortunate circumstances. There is no such thing as free money or work less and earn a fortune. To earn good money you will have to work for it.
I am glad there are people like you exposing these scammers!
I noticed a Wealthy Affiliate review on your website and understand that you work with them. I have heard so many good reviews regarding them, how are you doing with Wealthy Affiliate?
I keep wondering whether to give their free trial a go.
I do recommend Wealthy Affiliate, yes. I don’t technically “work” for them but I am affiliated with them. I absolutely love WA, and if you are wondering about the free trial you should definitely give it a chance! You don’t need to put down a credit card or anything when you sign up (usually the CC details are the deal breaker when I’m trying to look into “free” programs or trial offers) so you can look around and experience it without the worry they’re going to rack up charges on your card.
Thank you for dropping by and commenting Simon!
There never seems to be an end to these scams! I remember the first MLM I ever joined, it was to sell this 5k vacuum cleaner and we had to physically go to the sales office for a week of training. For the first 3 days, all they did was sell us on how much money we could make and the free cars we could get and trips. And of course, our trainer “had the cars and houses”, yet he didn’t look too well off. lol
Since then, whenever I see that type of hype where they try to sell you on the dream more than the product, I back far away because I know it’s a scam!
Thanks for sharing and I will definitely keep far from this company if I ever come across it!
Wow that is an expensive vacuum, for that price it better have been automated to do all the vacuuming for you lol! Yeah I hear you.. I have seen enough of those schemes as well. People selling you on a dream have no real value in the service or product they are offering.
I really appreciate the honest review!
I just finished my first year of college and I’m starting to think about what I’m going to do after I graduate. Ideally, I’ll be on my way to achieving financial stability, and I won’t be able to do that if I waste all my time and money on scams like Countdown to Profits that won’t benefit me in the long run. I’m glad to have found your review so I know to stay far away from Countdown to Profits!
It’s really great that you’re thinking about that now, I am still kicking myself in the head for blowing off so much of my earlier years while I was in college. If you can start working your way to financial stability while you’re still in school, you’ll be light years ahead by the time you graduate. Good luck Morgan!
Online scams target those most in need of income due to endless financial hardships. Your website content clearly helps consumers identify scams from real business opportunities.
I enjoyed that your “about you” is on the same page. Seeing your face and profile picture helps create a more personable experience for the reader.
I researched various websites claiming to help build fast income online from home. Do you do reviews on various products?
Thanks Eliott, I like putting myself out there for people to know I am a normal person! Yes I do review various products online, I have several on my site and do a few new ones each week. I like to help people out who are trying to make money online.
Anything that screams instant success and littered with outrageous claims triggered red flag to me automatically. It is easy to prey on people desperate for the single secret formula to success. But for me, anything worthwhile, takes time to build. Whether it is online or offline, the foundation itself is important. Thanks for sharing.
Hi, Wendy and good to know you are out there on the Internet helping all of us to stay away from the scammers.
It’s surprising how many systems are out there looking to take your money promising you the world. As you mentioned, Countdown to profits does seem to ring all the bells to just another garbage site.
Thanks for the update and will check out your real business opportunity.
Thanks Travis, I always try to guide people towards a better option. I know the struggle of trying to find an alternate way to earn money. I was able to do it myself and I love helping others do the same.
Hello Wendy! I am really happy to see websites like yours that tell people the truth. There are so many scams online that cheat people and offer misleading information. I can tell that Countdown to Profit looks like a very big scam now that I have faced too many. Thank you for your great review!
THanks Effie. It is alarming the number of websites that exist with reviews that are purely promoting a program with no substance for a quick buck. Searching for “review” or “scam” of any program in Google may not necessarily give you trustworthy information these days..even with programs like this and others, people will write positive reviews only to make sales and not because they care about helping others.
Yet another scam, these type of scams making the internet world polluted.” Countdown to Profit” is a clear scam. Thanks for your honest review, I hope this will help many people like me to save their hard earned money and the community that you have recommended
as the no.1 is truly most trusted community and FREE to join. I am thoroughly enjoying my time there. Thank you
Thank you Alisha, I do try and recommend better options to people. There is hope out there but many people like to take advantage and sell desparate people on pipe dreams.
Thank you Wendy!! The service you provide on your website is priceless! As a recent college graduate, I am always on the look out for opportunities to acquire additional income. Student loans are no joke. I feel like many people are out there wanting to take advantage of our monitary desperation. You are like a superhero who takes precious time from your day to uncover the begilling scammers. Thank your for your service!
Haha thank you Dominic!
Really great review. I always find it useful to do some research on any program that seems to be interesting and thanks to you there is no more need for me dig any further. It is sad to see how certain people pray on others needs and desperation. I would rather stick to what I know.