My Personal Killer Content System Review – Read the Truth
Product: Killer Content System
Owner: Socrates Socratous
Price: $37 (with final discount)
Rank: 40/100
What is the Killer Content System?
Killer Content is a system devised by a guy who goes by the name of Socrates Socratous, which is quite an alias if you ask me. He claims he gives you the secret to be able to successfully automate your website content, giving you the freedom and time to create hundreds of sites and earn money from all of them. He also says you don’t need any experience whatsoever and it’s incredibly easy to get started.
What he gives you is basically a giant PLR (private label rights) article database, some tools for automating your content and a list of hot niches. He also includes training, but it’s all video based and if you’ve seen his Killer Content sales video – you know it can be quite boring to sit and listen to him talk!
His “secret” is automated, spun content – so you can create an entire niche website and not have to worry about any of dirty writing work, which for most people can be quite a chore. However, while this may have passed for an ok tactic back at the time of the release, it is not something you want to mess around with today in this age of Google. If you use spun content like this, you’re going to get in trouble with Google sooner or later. Not to mention, content that is spun is never very good and I wouldn’t recommend it be the foundation of any website you build.
His sales tactics are a huge red flag – he’s trying to sell the dream instead of the actual product!
The way he presents his content, initially with a one page video only sales page, is a sign of a very low quality product (if not an all out scam). Furthermore, his sales video is LONG – I mean, it has to be at least 20 minutes if not 30. And for the majority of the video he talks about the how much money he makes and his perfect life – there is really very little about the actual product.
He displays a giant snapshot of his daily earnings…
And brags about his lavish vacations and lifestyle…
…but what about the actual product? Sure, he talks about it at the end for a few minutes, but the fact is he’s trying to sell you on a dream, not on what he is offering you. Anytime someone tries to sell their product this way I see it has a giant red flag. You shouldn’t need to sell something by flashing endless screenshots of your bank account, fancy cars, mansions, vacations – it doesn’t even really prove anything. Whose to say those are even his earnings? It’s not like it’s a very hard thing to Photoshop.
If his actual product was that amazing, he wouldn’t need to do all that for it to sell.
Socrates does get something right, content IS king. He just teaches you the wrong way to go about creating content.
Creating lots of regular content for your website is the key to getting lots of traffic, visitors and rankings in the search engines. But remember, people are going to be the ones reading your actual content. Using spun content is a bad idea not only because it’s slightly unethical and will get you into trouble with Google, it’s also just bad content. It just doesn’t ever seem to sound right, and I know I personally wouldn’t want to buy anything from a website like that.
If you really want lots of fresh, new content but don’t want to write it, you’d be a lot better off outsourcing the task to a competent writer. It’s a lot safer and would definitely be worth it in the long run.
It’s annoying because he uses the ever so popular down-sell marketing tactic, so the price you’re initially presented with ($47) isn’t the lowest price you can find the program for. If you keep watching the video all the way through or try to click the back button a couple of times, you’ll be able to get the program for $37. This is a one time fee, not a recurring monthly or yearly subscription. (Keep that in mind MOST programs like this do this – so if you know to fiddle around a bit you can almost always get it for a lower price).
You’ll have additional expenses that aren’t included in this package – if you follow along with his advice and keep rolling out websites left and right, keep in mind you have to purchase all of those domains along with hosting. A typical domain costs between $10 – $12, and he claims you can easily produce several new websites per day. Even if you just put out 1 new website per day, that’s going to be around $300 a month just for the domains, not even including the hosting part. If your websites aren’t producing any income, that can be quite an expense to gamble.
Not to mention, if you want any additional support or training you’ll have to look (and probably pay) for it elsewhere.
Pros –
- Get some decent training – although it may be boring and hard to listen to (it’s all video narration by Socrates)
- Access to PLR database – useful for researching and getting ideas for your own articles, or giving away as a bonus offer – (However it’s not good for actually using on your website or spinning and that is what this program seems to encourage)
Cons –
- Encourages the use of bad automated tools that will get you in trouble with Google (article distributors and article spinners)
- Outdated
- Doesn’t deliver on any of its claims
- No help or support
- Can’t try it for free
Final Verdict – is the Killer Content System a scam?
Killer Content is a borderline scam and I wouldn’t recommend it anyone. While you can buy into the system at a relatively low cost and get access to some training, it’s definitely not going to deliver on any of the promises he claims. He sells the system as his “secret” that allows you to run hundreds of sites with very little work, as everything is fully automated and push button, and on top of it all – you’ll get rich in the process.
Anyone who has been around the internet for any length of time can tell you that is certainly not the case. While the internet is a huge marketplace and there IS unlimited earning potential, you’re not going to get there with such automated, push button software and little effort. There is no such thing as easy money and when it comes to making money on the internet, you’re best bet is to learn how to create a sustainable business that will last. You shouldn’t be creating hundreds of crappy, automated sites like these. It isn’t going to get you anywhere.
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Dear Wendy,
Thanks for the great and in-depth review on Killer Content System. I got new insights from your review on the product and very helpful. Reading reviews will help us to know about the products and will save our time. Thanks for helping many people via your review. Keep up the great work I will come back to your website to learn more information. Wishing you all success!
Your Friend,
I need help wendy I did purchase killer content and now ITA a scam smh ill never find a way to Make money online without spending a ridiculous load of Cash Im broke as hell please help
I am sorry. If you want to return the Killer Content System, you’d have to go into clickbank and ask for your money back I believe, but not sure what their policies are about returns. You don’t need to spend a ridiculous load of cash to get started, check out my recommendation here and you’ll see it’s 100% free to start. ๐
Hi Im Roshonda, and I am really looking for a way to make money online.
Hello there Roshonda! Check out my top recommended product if you’re looking to make money, it’s definitely a great place to get started and free to try out. ๐