Product: Legit Writing Jobs
Price: $4.95 3 day trial, then $17.95/month (+$77/month unadvertised fee)
Rank: 10/100
This product is a a membership site geared towards newbie online writers in search of the ideal situation, i.e, getting paid tons of money for freelance writing work without ever having to leave the house!
It can seem very appealing to many because they claim you can have absolutely no experience whatsoever to earn big money writing online for large companies.
But in this Legit Writing Jobs review you will soon learn the truth about what it takes to make money writing online and that products like this (check out Real Writing Jobs) are just scams ready and willing to take your hard earned money.
What does the membership fee for LWJ give you?
Within your membership for Legit Writing Jobs, you’re given access to a job board that pulls online freelance job postings from various sources around the internet. You could find all of these postings for free though if you did your own research. There’s also no guaruntee you’ll get any of the advertised jobs, or that the posting are outdated.
A nearly $100 monthly fee for access to a questionable job posting board is NOT worth it.
There are all types of websites geared towards freelance work that you can sign up for completely free –,,,, craigslist, fiverr… the list goes on. If you want to search for online work, those are the places to look.
Grossly false advertising claims… A newbie will never earn $365 a day from freelance writing jobs
Most people advertising these types of jobs are small website owners looking for blog writers, content editors, proofreaders, etc (not the LARGE companies they claim will hire you). Typically they have small budgets and aren’t willing to invest a whole lot, especially if
Because there are so many freelancers willing to write articles and blogs, the website owners can afford to be selective about who they hire, especially those with more money to invest. If you want to make any type of money writing online, you’ll need a lot of experience and a solid reputation within the online freelance world.
Those with absolutely no experience, no portfoio, no testimonials, who lack proper writing skills or don’t have a solid grasp of the English language (the people who Legit Writing Jobs seems to beckon) are not going to get hired for high paying jobs. Your best shot would be starting with $5 Fiverr gigs to gain experience and working your way up.
A closer look at their terms of service:
Something looks a bit suspicious about this program after giving a closer look at their terms of service. They first state that if you choose to keep your membership, you’ll be charged a monthly fee of $17.95 per month; nothing unexpected considering that is the advertised monthly access fee on their sales page. However, they go on to state if you don’t cancel, you’ll be charged a $77 monthly fee as well.
The question is, is this some sort of typo within their terms or are they being sneaky with their membership fee? $77 isn’t exactly the same as $17.95 and wasn’t advertised ANYWHERE except hidden within the TOS page.
A look at the average commission earned by Clickbank affiliates leads me to believe it was no typo, and that you’re going to pay a lot more than you budgeted for.
Here you can see the average sale is $76. Affiliates earn 75% commissions, so less than $3 for the 3 day trial membership. Then you’d have to factor in monthly rebill charges, but since the advertised monthly charge is less than $18 a month, the average retention rate for Legit Writing Job customers would have to be nearly 6 months (earning $13.50 per month) for affiliates to earn that much from promoting this program.
I find that extremely hard to believe.
So let’s do some more math… what would be the commission percentage from the $4.95 trial + $17.95 monthly fee + $77 unadvertised fee?
4.95 + 17.95 + 77 = 99.9
99.9 *.75 = $74.925
The average Clickbank sale of $76 matches up pretty well when the $77 charge is taken into account….
Let’s sum up the CONS of the LWG program:
- False advertising
- Monthly fee is nearly $95, not the advertised $17.95
- Gives you access to job postings you can find for free
- Outdated, unmaintained website – trademarked from 2011
Final Opinion – Don’t waste your money with this program!
Legit Writing Jobs is nothing more than a clever scam that entices members with the promise of endless freelance work and high income. The only people recommending this program online are only trying to sell you the product and don’t provide any real feedback on what it’s really like.
The reality is it’s just pulling writing jobs from sources you can find for completely free on online job boards. Freelance writing jobs are highly competitive; as a complete newbie you’re going to have a really hard time breaking into the freelance writing scene. You’ll need to spend time working your way up to the point you can get consistent jobs, and even then you probably won’t be earning anywhere near their claims.
Stay away from this program because you’ll only be wasting your money.
If you want to earn real money online as a writer, quit outsourcing your work!
People who outsource tasks like writing blogs and articles do so because they know the investment will yield them a bigger return (if they’re smart about it). That’s because in the online world, a single blog post can hold a lot of power; it has the ability to create passive income for the owner.
Sure, you may get paid $30 to write an article or two, but the blog owner is the one that will earn residual income day after day from all YOUR hard work! That $30 investment can soon turn into 1,000’s of dollars in yearly income and you’re the one that got the raw end of the deal.
By starting your own blog and writing content for your site you can hold all the power. The ability to communicate and market online starts with writing and if you can effectively communicate, you can learn how to market online in a way that can lead you towards a lot of success.
If you’re interested in learning how to create a blog to earn passive income, check out my #1 recommendation – Wealthy Affiliate.
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