Price: $2.99, varies
Creator: Carlos Romero
Rating: 10/100
There’s plenty of products out there that claim to do just what Turbo Paypal does – provide an easy solution for earning an unlimited amount of income from the internet. But really, what is Turbo Paypal and is it the miracle solution you’ve been looking for?
I’ve had a chance to see for myself if this is really all it’s cracked up to be. If you want my honest opinion, there’s not a whole lot to this. The instructions are poorly written and vague, at best it’s just a crude outline that seems like it was put together in 15 minutes with no editing (but for less than $3, what would you expect?)
There’s also many flaws in the system itself and I want to discuss them in further detail to give you a clear picture why this probably isn’t what you’re looking for. But let me start off with an overview of how it all works…
How does Turbo Paypal work?
Basically this outlines how to clone and resell the exact same system to others using a free website. You’re given the text, image and video files to upload to your own website and taught how to create a paypal account and download page so you’ll get paid every time someone buys the product from your site. This isn’t an affiliate marketing system since you’re actually the one who is selling and earning the profits.
After you’ve created your site, you’re going to be using the popular PTC site, Neobux, to advertise and get visitors to your page. He says you can click ads til you’ve reached $16, then invest that into your first advertising campaign…
Then, apparently this is where you can sit back and watch the money roll in. However, he claims to really make it work, you’ll need to reinvest your initial earnings back into your Neobux ads to get more and more views.
In a nutshell, that’s the entire system.
This system is usually $2.99, but it really depends where you buy it from.
However, your advertising expenses will be quite costly and much more than the initial few bucks you paid for the purchase. You’re looking around $20 to start but could easily end up spending way more.
Since you’re using a free website platform, you won’t need to pay for a domain or hosting.
The flaws of Turbo Paypal…
First of all, this is extremely poorly put together and would probably leave a complete newbie with more questions than answers. The step by step instructions leave out tons of vital information inexperienced individuals would need to know.
Second, Neobux is not the most effective way to advertise your product. There’s a reason why you can buy a crap ton of ad views for so cheap! A crucial element of any advertising campaign is reaching your target audience. The way Neobux and other PTC sites work, however, you can’t restrict who sees the ad. Not only are the views extremely untargeted, they’re being shown to people who are desperate enough for money they’re willing to click ads for .001 cents a pop. Most likely, they probably don’t care what you have to show them. You’ll end up with extremely low conversion rates. You’d be lucky if you got a sale or two from 10,000 views..
You need to be very careful when you pay for advertising and understand the math and conversion rates in order to have a profitable campaign. There’s absolutely nothing that trains you how to pay for your ads or the best strategy to use
Carlos states you can set up the entire system for no additional costs, but let’s get real. You’re most likely going to need to pay out of pocket for your ad campaign because it isn’t as easy to earn money with Neobux as he makes it seem. Since you’re restricted in your daily ad views and you’re only getting paid a fraction of a cent to view each ad, realistically you can expect to earn around 5 cents a day as a free member there. If you do the math, you can see it’d take nearly an entire year to earn up money to run your first campaign. Most likely you’d end up throwing in the towel and reaching for your credit card to fund it.
Because you’re risking your money with Neobux and there’s aboslutely no clear instructions as to how to properly implement and refine your campaigns, it can be easy to spend more money than you are actually making. The views may seem like a lot, but they won’t get you very far at all.
My final opinion
Turbo Paypal is probably one of the lowest quality programs I’ve come across. It’s nothing more than a poorly written step by step guide that’ll teach you how to repackage and sell the exact same step by step guide… there’s nothing new or insightful to be learned from it..
While I wouldn’t go so far as to label Turbo Paypal a scam, it isn’t something I suggest you waste your money on. The methods are neither solid nor groundbreaking, and will most likely leave you with nothing to show for it. It’s just so horribly written and there’s so much left out of the instructions that I cannot recommend it.
If you’re looking to set up a system that’ll truly earn you unlimited money from the interent, you’re going to need to put forth a whole lot more work than creating a 2 page free website and buying some Neobux ads. Anything claiming to earn you unlimited income from the internet for a $2 investment and little work should always set off some red flags.
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Gary saysAlthough I would agree with a few points you made, I must say I have learnt a lot from the version I had bought. I must tell you that there are several modified versions out there and this may have caused the problem with your interpretation of the system.
The version I used came with a detail three part video series which explained the setup of the system in totality.
Additionally, the version I purchased included both the reseller website and the affiliate webpage setup of the website which is really the primary way of earning from the system and not just reselling the product as you stated.. However, if the version you have is a modified version, then this might be where the you have the problem. To be honest I have made a lot of cash from the this system and is still making money from it but most of it is made using free traffic and not neobux or clixsense as stated in the guided. I figure thou that when the product was just released to the public those site may had been effective but that time had now long passed.
Thanks for sharing