Creator: Anthony Morrison
Price: Varies, initially offered for $69, but can get access for as little as $7 (but then LOTS of upsells)
Rank: 25/100 – don’t waste your money! This product does not deliver, does not work as promised and involves illegal activity. (Get real training here)
What is Traffic With Anthony?
This system claims to offer struggling interent marketers a chance to jump in front of the traffic instead of waiting for it to come to them, which will lead to massive amounts of daily traffic and sales without using Google or Facebook. Anthony spends his entire sales video talking about this amazing software he developed called Auto Traffic Accelerator which lets you leverage the power of viral YouTube videos to gain traffic and sales to your website or affiliate links.
The problem with it is (and I’ll explain in even further detail down below) these methods aren’t only against YouTube’s terms of service, they’re flat out illegal and won’t work as promised. Furthermore, this AutoTraffic Accelerator software isn’t even included in the initial purchase price – it’s an upsell! I don’t think that was mentioned anywhere in the video or on the product sales page…
But that will only be one tiny upsell amongst 1,000’s of dollars more in products and services he tries to shove in your face. This guy is no boy scout as this is pretty much the norm for his products, e.g., Success With Anthony.
Let’s Compare Traffic With Anthony to my #1 Recommended Training…
Who is Anthony Morrison? A little history…
Anthony Morrison is indeed a self made internet millionaire who has been featured in magazines, newspapers, TV programs, and even written several books on how to make money online. He definitely uses this to his advantage within his sales video and sadly it does make him appear credible to people who aren’t familiar with the type of programs he puts out there.
RipoffReport currently reports 43 complaints on this guy, but it’s growing consistently. Mostly these are people complaining he didn’t offer what was promised, charged their credit cards for unauthorized charges or just simply didn’t honor his money back guarantee. In fact, most people say they didn’t ever get their money back when asked, and those that did had to jump through hoops, make 100 phone calls and argue with people to get it.
In fact, I’m on Anthony’s mailing list and he has an extremely spammy approach as an email marketer. He literally sends out emails promoting his Traffic With Anthony system nearly EVERY SINGLE day, sometimes multiple times a day… each with 2, 3, 4+ links to the sales page! It’s extremely spammy and calls out desperate to me.
This guy is clearly willing ot lie, cheat and decieve people in order to make a buck.
What Software/Tools are included?
You’ll initially recieve access to step by step training. But that’s just the training that teaches you how ot use the Auto Traffic Accelerator software, which isn’t included in your purchase price... it’s sold as an upsell after you already shelled out the money for Traffic With Anthony. This is not mentioned in either the sales video or the sales page at all. A little deceptive, don’t you think?
The Auto Traffic Accelerator software let’s you do a few things:
- Search by keywords to find YouTube videos that have gone viral, and then directly message the video owners asking to place your link within their video description in exchange for a monthly payment.
- Find YouTube videos that have the potential to go viral, and get alerted when they reach a minimum view amount
- Steal other member’s YouTube videos, place your own watermark on them, and re-upload as your own with your affiliate link.
Why these methods won’t work as claimed
This software may actually do these things, but it doesn’t mean that they’ll actually work as claimed or are ethical. How many YouTube video owners are actually going to respond and let you place your own website or affiliate link within ther video descriptions? I doubt hardly any, for a multitude of reasons. I know I wouldn’t!
Here’s what one member stated within RipoffReport:
“By the way, the Auto traffic Accelerator does find videos but after contacting 800 video owners, not one reply and I did things exactly what they said to do. I think that this market has been saturated and they still continue to sell people a worthless program.”
800 video owners and not one response? Yeah that doesn’t surprise me at all. These people don’t trust you, don’t want your spammy link on their videos and have probably been messaged several times by people using this same software trying to take advantage of their videos.
The second strategy and another aspect of the software, ripping people’s YouTube videos and placing your watermark on them to claim them as your own, is both against YouTube’s terms and illegal. You can’t just steal someone’s video and pretend it’s yours, you know because of copyright infringement and all that?
If you try this most likely you’ll get reported for stealing, not necessarily by YouTube, but definitely by the video owner or someone else. That’ll get your channel shut down in no time and I wouldn’t be surprised if you got slapped with a lawsuit or two!
You may be able to use this method to make some additional sales, but you’re putting yourself at risk and definitely won’t be able to make the money Anthony claims you will.
This is where it’s deceptive and hard to pinpoint; there isn’t just one price that is offered. Initially you’re told you can buy it with 2 payments of $49, or 1 payment of $69. However, there’s several downsells if you try and click away, and you can actually get in for as little as $7.
Most people probably would be sold on that, but that is only the beginning of what he’ll try and sell you. Auto Traffic Accelerator, the main software that’s used in Traffic With Anthony, is a seperate upsell. You’re also pushed to buy $1,000’s more in products and services before you actually are able to find the product you just bought.
You won’t be able to use the $7 program for much and will have to buy upsells if you want to “really make it work”.
My Final Opinion – Don’t Buy Traffic With Anthony
The way this guy operates is slimy and I don’t recommend any products he puts out. He may have made millions online and been featured in magazines and newspapers, but that doesn’t make him any less of a scam artist. This program is a total front and bait for newbies to get them to buy tons of additional products they don’t need.
While experienced marketers may be able to make a few sales, this isn’t any method for newbies and it’s highly unlikely you’ll experience massive success with this. The truth is, it promotes illegal activities and will put both you and your YouTube account at risk. This is not a way to produce long term success online, but only a shortcut that won’t get you any closer to finding it.
There’s always going to be some guru or salesman trying to sell you on “the newest breakthrough” or “the next greatest thing” that’ll finally be able to make you millions online, seemingly very easily. I won’t lie, these guys are often times very good at what they do and make their product seem amazing, but they also never fail to dissappoint once the product is actually bought.
Making money on the internet is entirely possible for anybody if they start with the right training and mindset and stop chasing too good to be true products.
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