Program: Qmee
Price: Free
Rank: 89/100 – a totally legitimate business that pays you for searching the web.
Qmee is a small business start up that has partnered with ad networks to give users a bit of extra cash for doing what they’re already doing – browsing the web. Simply put, it’s an entirely free extension you install within your web browser. The company claims to pay you anywhere from a few cents up to one dollar for every search result you click. But is Qmee legit or should you be leery of signing up?
An Overview of Qmee and how it works
Qmee is entirely free to join, and the browser toolbar is painless to install. It is compatable with most browsers including Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera.
In a nutshell, this is how it works: you sign up, install the extension within your browser and then use the web as you normally would. The Qmee program will display relevant, sponsored search results for keywords you type within your search browser.
The results are displayed within the sidebar of your normal search results, and are relevant to what you typed in.
For example, a search for “women’s shoes” will return a sidebar within the search engine with relevant results for places that sell them:
Each result will tell you how much the click is worth. Here “+6c” means you’ll get paid out 6 cents for the click. Most searches I encountered were somewhere around this amount.
Not only does this work within normal search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo – it also shows results when you directly search on major ecommerce sites like Amazon and Ebay.
However, these results don’t show up for every search. From what I can tell, they’re primary product based searches and only for particular products. The majority of my searches didn’t return the Qmee result bar.
It’s important to note you can’t “cheat” the system either – it works with your normal searching habits. You can’t click on the same link 100 times in a row, you need to be searching as you normally would and clicking the links like you would for any other search.
How do you get paid?
Qmee pays out primary via PayPal, but also offers gift card rewards or charity donations.
The thing that makes their cash out system far superior to any other “get paid to” site on the web is that there’s no minimum payment threshold. You can literally cash out even if you only have earned a few pennies.
If you’re familiar with the myriad of paid survey and other paid to do sites on the web, this is a breath of fresh air. Often times these companies set the minimum payment limits too high and it ends up being hard for most people to ever reach them.
It’s good to know you can get paid for your searches even if you decide you don’t like it after giving it a try.
The Good:
- Unlike other “get paid to” sites, you don’t have to waste time doing anything you aren’t already doing – you literally get paid for searching the web like you normally do
- It works with every major search engine – Google, Bing and Yahoo
- It works directly within Amazon and Ebay
- There’s no cash out minimum, so you can cash out whenever you want (even if it’s only pennies)
The Bad:
- Only shows up for certain searches, primarily product based, may not show up that often for most people depending on their searching habits
- Your information on web searching and clicking is being collected by this company
- Doesn’t have an open affiliate program, you have to be invited via a personal email from the company in order to get commissions from referring others
- There’s not yet a mobile app (the company says they’re working on one) so it can only be used on a regular computer, laptop or tablet
Final opinion – is Qmee worth joining?
I am not a huge fan of the world of online surveys, paid to click, paid to watch, etc – it’s generally a waste of time for most people. That being said, Qmee is unique because you aren’t required to do any annoying, time consuming tasks just to earn a penny. You get paid for doing what you’re already doing.
On top of that, in my opinion one of the best parts of Qmee (aside from the no minimum cash out) is the fact you don’t have to use a special search engine for it to work. Even though you won’t get paid a lot, it’s still nice making a few extra dollars without having to take extra time out of your day. Qmee is a completely legitimate company and I haven’t experienced any issues with them thus far.
If you have any experience using Qmee, please drop a note down below – I’d love to hear your take on it!
Hi Wendy
Is Qmee available outside US and UK ?
If I’m living in Japan , I can use Qmee to earn money ?
As far as I’m aware it is only for US/UK, but I’m not 100% positive. You can try to sign up and see if it works for Japan.
Great article very informative and easy to read. I had never even heard of this program. Thanks for sharing, i agree with you i usually think that these pay to click/pay to watch programs are a waste of time. However i’m open to Qmee since its so simple and easy.
I’ve never heard of Qmee. I’ll need to look into this some more for myself. If I were to add this to my streams of income I think this would at least bring me a little bit of a financial “cushion”. If I introduced this to my friends, what do you think? Do you think this has been the case for you?
Honestly I haven’t made a whole lot with Qmee, just a few bucks here and there. It that few bucks is crucial to you then it may help out financially, sometimes even the tiniest bit can make a difference.
Qmee sounds really interesting. I have not heard of it until now and it sounds like there isn’t much risk to trying it out.
I’m very interested in your “Join my FREE 5 day email course and get started today!” Did you create this?
Thanks very much for enlightening me on this opportunity
Hey Miles,
Yes I created the 5 day email course myself 🙂 You can sign up if you’d like, it is free plus you can unsubscribe at any time
Hmm this is really interesting. I’m not a big fan either of paid surveys or paid to click programs but if it’s for something I”m going to be doing anyway I’m not sure if I’d turn it down as quickly.
I’m not sure how much I like the idea of my browsing history being monitored and most of what I search for is for research as a developer. I don’t do much product searching.
Do you think it’d be worth a try in my case?
Well it does seem to only come up for specific product or product related searches, so if you don’t normally do those it may not show up for you much at all.
Another thing to note (which is a bit annoying) is if you do a product search, you have to click on the specific links which are always some third party website selling the product. For example, say I went to Amazon because I was looking for a baby stroller, and I was searching for them within their search feature and a link came up for a baby stroller within the Qmee search bar. When I click, I’m taken OFF Amazon (it doesn’t even pop up in a new tab or browser window) and it’s almost always a weird website I would never buy from anyway. So it kind of does distract from what I”m doing, even if it is showing a really relevant search result.
In your case I would say it is probably not worth it, especially if you have reservations about being monitored.
Oh my gosh – this is kind of exciting! I’ve never heard of anything like this before. Not that I spend a lot of time searching for ways to make money online, because it’s not something I really feel like I could do – but this definitely sounds like something I could do! Not a way to earn a living of course, but if it’s as simple as you say it is, why not take a minute to install it and get a free lunch every now and then?
Yes you can definitely do this Emily! I think it’s realistic to casually use it and be able to buy yourself lunch with the earnings once a month… or invest it elsewhere.. up to you 🙂 You should install the app… right now! 🙂
So let me get this right? Omee will PAY me for doing what I would do for free anyway?
If so it sounds a winner although you have to be asked right?
My only concern is that it’s yet something tracking what were doing on the net but if that doesn’t bother you then I can’t see a problem !
Cheers for the info
Yeah you got that right! I’m not sure, it probably does keep track of your activities in some way, but then again so does Google!
Hey Wendy!
I’ve heard about Qmee and how people are making a little money in their pockets from the program. But I had to see for myself! 🙂
I do love how there’s no payment threshold which makes it that little more appealing. I see Qmee as a platform for having some fun, so I guess some people will benefit from it.
However, I’m looking to build a real online business, so I like the idea of your #1 recommendation better.
Yeah, if you’re looking for a way to build up some real money online this is not the way to do it! Although it is a no hassle way to earn a few bucks to deposit into your PayPal every once in awhile. Definitely the no payment threshold is what makes this one actually worth it.
Hi Wendy, I’ve seen similar programs in the past, but I think they were trying to compete with other search engines. I like how they show you how much you get for the click, but would like to see the comp plan to see if it’s worth the effort. I suspect there are incentives for sharing and that 6 cents can multiply exponentially if it takes off. How is WA working for you?
Yeah, well one of the big ones is Bing Rewards which credits you for every few searches you do, and I know they are trying to compete with Google on that. The thing I hate about it is you HAVE to use Bing and I really dislike Bing’s search. Qmee doesn’t really require much effort at all because you really click on relevant searches and it works in any search engine, even if you’re in Amazon or Ebay! Also there’s no cash out minimum, so if you do it once and get 10 cents but decide you hate it, you can cash out 10 cents into your PayPal and then be done. Unlike any other program with $10, $20 or $30 minimums which require A LOT of effort to reach!
Hi Wendy,
Thank you for the great review. I like your images and how you made it so simple to understand! I have never heard of Qmee and it’s good to know their program is legit. I’m not a big fan myself, of online surveys or similar, but I know many people do enjoy doing this type of activity. It’s very important they know what is legit and not. Because they work directly with Amazon and Ebay, it gives people more diversification on the program. Best part is it’s FREE!
I agree with you on your #1 recommendation, being Wealthy Affiliate. It’s where I do all my work!!
Many thanks!
Yeah, I really like that the Qmee bar shows up directly within Amazon and Ebay. It makes it easier to get money because I am more likely to type a product specific search into those platforms than Google (and it really only shows up with product searches).
Any time I see a system like Qmee, I asked myself these questions. How many people are currently using this? What is the google ranking of this website? What are people saying about this? Though I see this system as new in the market, but then part of me is saying try this.
Yeah it’s always good to do a little homework before you join anything, you can never be too careful these days. Qmee is actually pretty neat though and I think you should try it 🙂