Product: Instant Payday Network
Owner: Jeff Buchanan
Price: Free to start, then varies based on chosen CPA offers + upsells into Empower Network
Rank: 60/100
Get the truth about Instant Payday Network
I first heard about Instant Payday Network awhile back while researching legitimate ways to earn money on the internet. Everyone and their brother is out to tell you how amazing this system is. The internet is FULL of people promoting the Instant Payday Network. You have to look for quite awhile before you actually run into something with a single negative thing to say about it. I mean, any program you can use for 100% free and make money with has to be great, right?
If you’re looking for an honest Instant Payday Network review, please hear me out.
Let’s check out how IPDN stacks up to the competition:
How does Instant Payday Network work?
In order to join Instant Payday Network, you need to join Express MyCashFreebies and Double MyCashFreebies. These are websites where you can sign up for various CPA offers from fortune 500 companies.
Examples of CPA offers –
- Sign up to get approved for a credit card.
- Create a free trial at, (or various other credit score companies).
- Create a free trial at a place like Netflix or Gamefly.
- Sign up for a magazine subscription.
These aren’t static offers and can change daily, weekly or monthly. Some of these only require you complete the free trial offers, but you still need to enter you credit card information for 99.9% of the offers.
Upon joining each of these CPA offer sites, you will be given a referral code. You can use this within “Step 3” of the IPDN system to access it for free. He provides you with a capture page, free email marketing campaign and teaches you marketing strategies to send you capture page around the internet to attempt to have others sign up. He calls this a “turnkey” system that will create you a steady income online if you put in the work. However in order to get credited for referrals and start making money you’ll need to complete CPA offers, and you referrals much complete the offers in order for you to get credit for them.
Each one of these CPA offers within MyCashFreebies and Double MyCashFreebies is worth a certian amount of credit, anywhere for 1/10 to 1 full credit. You need to complete 2 full credits at each company to be approved for Instant Payday Network. This would be signing up for a minimum of 4 offers – assuming you did 1 credit offers – but those usually are ones that require paying more money, so if you wanted to attempt the free trials you may be looking at completing closer to around 10 offers (maybe even more).
But… how do you make money?
You need to first complete your CPA offers. Then you’ll get paid money each time someone you referred via your capture page completes their trial offers too – I believe it’s $20 for MyCashFreebies and $30 for Double MyCashFreebies.
THEN….You are then encourage to join the Empower Network, where you will be pressured into spending thousands upon thousands of dollars to be able to earn the “REAL” money.
Want to learn how to build a REAL business online?
My Immediate Concerns with Instant Payday Network
First of all, you need to be very careful completing these CPA offers. Diligently keep track of every single offer you sign up for – the date, when it expires, etc so you know when to cancel. Do some basic research on each of these companies and see if other people have had issues with their billing departments. A little research brings up some red flags for some of these companies…
Freecreditscore, Creditreports and eMusic – just a few of the CPA offers availabe within MyCashFreebies – have quite a few customer complaints. These complaints pretty much all involved the billing and people saying they were charged beyond their free trials even though they cancelled. This is very real and isn’t uncommon, it has actually happened to me before too.
Remember, you’re giving out your credit card info to SEVERAL companies and you need to be very careful because you could end up getting charged for “free” offers if you don’t cancel soon enough (or if you are unlucky).
This “turnkey” system is probably not going to earn you a steady income…
Sure, you can refer your friends to IPN via your capture page, maybe pick up a few stray leads here and there and earn each time they complete their CPA offers. However, this is a very empty marketing campaign that has no strong foundation. If you’re attempting to make money by spamming your link on Craigslist, blog comments, forums, YouTube… you’re going to find it really hard to actually get consistent traffic and conversions. There are thousands of other people attempting to do the exact same thing as you, and your campaign isn’t even unique.
Perhaps you can make some stray dollars with this, but it won’t lead you to the types of figures Jeff talks about, that is for sure.
Pros vs Cons
- The first 3 phases of the program are essentially free
- You can make some money without doing a whole lot of work
- The advertising for this program is very deceptive. It leads people to believe they can actually work 10 hours a week and earn upwards of $4,000 PER DAY? That is highly unlikely.
- The marketing campaign is too generic and way over-used. There is no solid foundation in place.
- You’re going to be giving out your PERSONAL information when signing up for these offers (Name, address, phone number, email, credit card number, and in some cases your social security number) That’s like giving an instant invite to be put on spam calling and mailing lists, plus you really should be careful when giving your social security number away.
- Many of these CPA offers require your credit card information! Once they have it, you have no control of whether they’ll charge it or not. In addition, unless you are very organized while signing up for these free offers — like writing down which companies you signed up for, the dates in which you need to cancel them, and all the information you used to sign up with — you may forget and these programs could charge your credit card!
- You also need to read the terms and conditions carefully, because some companies will charge your credit card during the free trial period and place a “hold” on your funds until you decide to cancel. Can you imagine what would happen if you were signing up for 20+ offers, all with different terms and conditions for what they are “allowed” to do on your credit card? I don’t see it ending well for most people.
- Sometimes, cancelling these free trials is a pain in the butt. Some companies will try to make the cancellation process as difficult as possible. When you finally figure out how to do it, they’ll put you on the phone with someone who will try and convince you not to cancel. This has happened to me in the past and it’s a PAIN IN THE BUTT to deal with those people.
- But perhaps the biggest negative about this entire program is that it’s just a stepping stone to join the EMPOWER NETWORK! (Basically a huge slimy pyramid scheme, and NOT free)
My Final Opinion
I would not recommend this program to my family or friends. Maybe it’s just that I’ve had one too many bad experiences dealing with companies trying to unlawfully charge my credit card, not allow me to cancel trial offers, or just essentially NOT co-operate with me in any way. Perhaps it’s just my bad luck–but I just wanted to forewarn you all about what you are actually entering into with this program.
If you sign up for this thinking you’ll instantly make hundreds or thousands every day with doing basically no work, you won’t. But hey, you can sign up and do it for free, so I guess you technically aren’t losing out on anything but your time (and your personal information).
If you DO decide to try this program out, try the free steps and see if they work for you. Don’t proceed to the 4th step and join Empower Network. You’re just going to end up losing a lot of money.
Anyone have any experience with Instant Payday Network they’d like to share?

Nomfundo saysHey i am from South Africa it’s seem to be sad that you have informed the audience about instant payday network in a negative way but this is the only way for Africans to make money online so i would love if you list any request on ways to make money online based in Africa

Wendy saysI’m not a fan of IPN as I think it has its fair share of negatives, and I know it isn’t the only way to make money in South Africa. I know there are members in my top recommended program that are from South Africa as well, so I would suggest you give it a try 🙂
Well, Thanks for the awesome post. I wanted to know why Express my cash freebies is a type of site or not a good program to join? I wanted to know that there are a lot of people says, it’s a good way to make money. But yes. as you said CC required as well. But any programs you see online need some type of risk, right? So you can simply join and refer people if you are not interested to use CC? Refer and make more money right?
Share your views. I am waiting.
Hey there. Yes, anytime you give your CC info to any company, you are taking a risk. But the issue with My Cash Freebies is that often times you are putting your credit card information down for several companies (for products and services you most likely don’t want anyway) and it can be hard to keep track exactly what you signed up for and when to cancel if you don’t keep a detailed record of it.
Well you can join the program for free and get a code to refer others. Unfortunately, however, you cannot start earning commissions from your referrals unless you’ve reached a full credit and that credti can only be earned by signing up for offers which required a credit card.
Before I’d even completed any offers or given my credit card details using this system, I was horrified to find that on the same day I started to receive hundreds of unwanted emails from all over the globe telling me about a “Copy and Paste Your Way to $100K per month…” from Unfortunately I can only assume that my email address was given to organisations via IPN and/or associated networks. I have had to go through each and every email to add them to my blocked senders list, but I’m still receiving several per day. It’s been a real nightmare! I contacted IPN but they have not yet responded to my question.
You do know when you sign up for EMCF, and DMCF (for free) you automatically get referral codes which you can place in step 3 to get the marketing system (IPDN, that has support) without filling out an offer and putting down a CC right?
Which then makes your membership of IPDN useless because if they take the simple free route then your referral id wont be conected to the new prospect and you wont get paid..
Yep, I am aware of that. Did you read my review? I pretty much already covered everything you pointed out. Yeah, technically IPDN is free because it’s just the system that teaches you how to promote the EMCF and DMCF offers, but it doesn’t really get you anywhere because like you said, you won’t get paid unless you complete the required credits for My Cash Freebies.
Well, … I’ve spent a few hours looking at IPN reading reviews and do not think it’s a good way to make money. We are in the digital age and information = money! Giving your personal information to companies is a value to that company. I’d steer clear. Value your personal info! Don’t give it away…Nothing is free.
Thanks for the info. I actually see IPN as actually working. Maybe its me but in that why are we supposed to offer the IPN link to get paid. It seems the intent of IPN is to get people to try the free offers but with the “intent” to cancel them and duplicate this process, and with no genuine interest in the free trial much less the company offering the free trial. The purpose seems to be to make a buck off getting someone into a system that duplicates itself in order to get money off of that referral, but that the promotion strategy is to go through IPN to duplicate referrals, selling the point that you can take advantage of the free trial, get the referral money, cancel the free trial, and duplicate the process for others. This doesn’t seem ethical. Do you think I am seeing this wrong or missing it somewhere? Why not just promote the free trials though My Cash Freebies and get paid for that. Can that actually be done? To and for people that might actually be interested? Thanks. I would appreciate your response. 🙂 FYI- I haven’t joined IPN yet but was in the process of looking at it. I may look at Wealthy Affiliate as well. Does it do the same kind of thing?
I don’t think you are looking at it the wrong way, because that is exactly how I see it too. However, I think the “logic” behind doing this is that it gets more people exposed to services and products companies have to offer, so theory ends up bringing in new customers so the companies benefit from this type of campaign. I’m not sure how many of the new customers are happy customers or just “accidentally forgot to cancel the free trial” customers. Haha. It seems like people engaging in this type of referral system are NOT doing it to legitimately try out new products and services, they just want the referral $$ and therefore are not quality customers for the companies.
You are actually getting paid by My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies directly, not IPDN, so no you do not need an Instant Payday Network account to do this and earn money from referrals. IPDN is actually just a generic marketing guide to teach you how to promote the MyCashFreebies stuff.
Wealthy Affiliate isn’t the same type of thing at all, it isn’t based on completing any type of trial offer or earning credits. It teaches you how to build an online business, one with your own unique brand. You’ll learn how to create a website (you get 2 free sites, actually) around any niche you want (wahtever you’re interested in) and then you’re taught how to create content, get traffic, and use that site to promote basically anything you want (either through affiliate marketing or your own products/services). It’s definitely worth checking out!
Thank you for the info…I have been reading many sites about Instant Payday and the Wealthy Affiliate…I am a beginner and want to create an income and Wealthy Affiliate seems to be the way to go…
No problem Elizabeth! Yeah definitely would recommend Wealthy Affiliate to any beginner. It’ll teach you how to create your own brand and business for the long term.
I fulfilled requirements for both IPDN offer websites, got a very simple website from them, but many of the online advertisers have blocked any and all IPDN web addresses. I had to get different name for the website that linked directly to the IPDN squeeze page, to hide the IPDN name. I have tried free and paid advertising for the site/program and have had it for over a year now, and never made a cent. Fortunately I was only out the money I spent on the offers which was only a couple of hundred bucks, which I had hoped I would make enough to at least get my money back.I am sure they benefited from the offers I did, but it seems it is not worth the time or effort. I will still keep trying free ads in the hopes that I may someday get my money back. Nothing left to lose.
Couple key points here: You only need one credit on each site, not two. I did mine with three offers: one on Express, and two on Double. Not sure where you got your information, but I’d be happy to provide screenshots if so desired.
Also, I believe the requirement of a credit card is a non-issue, for one reason: If you open one tab and go through Express or Double and click on the gamefly offer, it takes you to Then open another tab and directly type in without the affiliate coding attached to it. You’ll find the EXACT same page, and BOTH pages require the same information. Same with Netflix, GoDaddy, and the other offers.
The difference is, by doing it through MCF, it lets you earn after doing it. That’s it. And of course they (the company, not IPDN) need your credit card info to 1) Prove that you’re a real person, 2) secure method of payment should you decide to keep your service like I did with Gamefly, 3) to verify your age, and 4) to thwart fraud….I mean, if they didn’t ask for credit card info, they’d all be creating new free email addresses with fake names to “complete” offers, and just keep getting themselves paid over and over again.
Side note: I make between $300-$1200/month with IPDN. It has it’s ups and downs like any other business, but to be fair, I only get to work on it a max of 10 hours a month.
I believe they must have changed it since I wrote this review. I went back to check and you are right, you do only need 1 credit from each; however at the time I wrote this it was definitely 2. I had created an account at both MCF and DMCF so I got my information first hand from their websites, not from a second source.
I understand completely that the connection to the companies is independent from IPDN and that you would be required to put in all the same info (including CC) even without going through these credit offer sites. That was never the issue, the problem is when you start entering your CC for trial offers you are accepting responsibility for those companies to have access to your information and in certain cases may charge without your consent. In all cases you need to keep a good record of what you sign up for so you’ll be able to cancel in time.
If you think it’s impossible for companies to be able to charge your card without permission (like so many previous commenters) you would be sorely mistaken. I has happened to me on more than one occassion and I hope you don’t have to go through that experience. In any case, I am just trying to inform people before they make a decision, because everyone seems to think it’s just no big deal when I believe it’s something that should be considered before jumping in the game.
I am glad that IPDN is working for you. I never said it didn’t work, but I believe there are much better alternatives. I wish you the best!
Finally, a real review! Thanks so much for this. I pretty much already knew it was a scam. I just didn’t know how much of a scam it was. Many people don’t realize that it takes actual work to make real money online. I’ve come across lots of people who are totally turned off by the concept as a whole once they learn the truth. In reality though, you just have to find a business model that you like, so it doesn’t feel so much like work.
Whew! THANKS for “unselling” me, Wendy!
Hey Wendy:
Think I got a pain-in-the-neck from watching all the tennis here.
Lots I can agree with & lots I can disagree with. It basically comes down to a “to each their own”, as long as it does not violate any laws &/or trespass upon my own self / property. The law & the one in violation of said law deals with the authorities that my tax dollars pay for (their lifestyle & their governmental equipment & their pensions –can you say “bail-out”). As for the trespass, the one in violation of has to deal with me, period. No excuses. It is still America & not yet France or England or China or Russia or North Korea. Therefore, I am responsible for me, myself & I, not the government. (Doesn’t the United States government work for us? With today’s mindset that I experience all around, I wonder if I have it backwards –I wonder???)
The World Wide Web is a wonderful place. It is an extremely violent & dangerous place while it is also an extremely wonderous & thought provoking & highly rewarding place. I’d always thought I had been born in the wrong century, wanting to get on my horse & ride for days and days without seeing a single person for as far as my eyes could see. To explore that which has yet to be seen. And yet today, I have something similar in which I can get on my pewter (my computer) and ride for days without seeing a single person (photographs do not count). When I get off my pewter, I am richer from the experience / the ride. Yet, I also must be aware of my surroundings as I ride along within this wonderous W.W.W. Back in the 90’s, there were the banditos (thieves who would hurt you, taking all you own) lurking behind the larger rocks. And today, said banditos along with banditos &/or tangos from numerous countries (including 3rd world countries!) abound. Twin 6-shooters with the Winchester 76 for range no longer fill the void. Today’s twin machine pistols with the 7.62mm x 51mm M-40 with scope for range is more suitable. Even still, it is dangerous out there within the World Wide Web with every body & their mother trying to get in on a game / scam. The on-line dating arena is vastly infected with such bad guys (& gals!) who’ve learned english and the computer language, just so to hit up on & rob within this huge arena. If what I’ve written thus far is over anyone’s head then let me bring it down to the in-your-face realm. A best friend hooked-up with such a guy back in October of 013 into February of 014. She lost a grand or two of personal money. And get this, he, the bandito, had gone into the US government system, heisted some cash, and deposited the thousands into her personal bank accounts. Then he got into the bank account of an attorney (attorney company or law office?) and deposited the heisted twenty-five k into her personal bank account. I’ve seen it from India, from Nigeria, from Malaysia, from even Israel!
So yea, point being if you are a rookie, stick with what you know. And if you desire to pursue internet marketing & such, learn it from those you know & trust. (Actually, trust nothing. Question everything.) Do this BEFORE you go out & play with the big guns. Learning how to cut somebody open & then stitch em back together without future infection is not learned over night. And neither is internet marketing / business.
Well, okay. Would like to doctor this all up with the anchors & title & all (thank you, Wendy, for allowing for such). Yet I gotta go; got places to see & people to meet.
Wendy, I’ve enjoyed going through your pages of “surviving after college”. I can relate with much in which you have posted. I’ve also enjoyed reading the writings (& thoughts) of an intelligent woman. You, Wendy, are to be congratulated. Are you free for dinner & a show?
Hey Jim,
You’re right, people have the right to do what they want. I’m just trying to warn people exactly what they’re getting involved in, that’s all. And yeah… internet marketing is not learned overnight and it isn’t the easiest thing in the world to get the hang of… which is why I always recommend beginners start off in a decent place that will offer the right amount of training, help and support… not get suckered into spending tons of money and led astray. The internet is a nasty world indeed and there are tons of shady systems and products (and people) … so you really do need to do your research.
Thank you for the kind words, I am glad you enjoyed my website. 🙂
This is an excellent site / blog. I do agree about some of the comments regarding the risks in giving CC details to companies on-line and some of your comments regarding Empower Network. However the small point I would like to make is that there is a near as damnit identical system called Online Profit for Dummies (OPFD) – attributed to Ryan Maynard. I’m not too sure what to make of this … your thoughts ?
Hi Peter,
Yes I have heard of Online Profit for Dummies and it is the exact same system… the only difference is the name. My guess is the Instant Payday Network was getting flooded with people trying to promote it, so they created an identical product with a different name to sell to others to take advantage of the same system with a fresh keyword? You’d be surprised at how many identical programs like this exist on the internet!
Hi Wendy,
yes I totally agree I spend far to much time on here performing due dilligence on various systems trying to find something decent to use and promote. It is amazing how much stuff is duplicated and rebranded on here but I couldn’t get over the IPN and OPFD marketing being identical – it was if they are using the same script and of course the same 4 steps.
If in your experience on line you feel you could recommend any systems then please advise away.
Best regards
It’s good that you’re doing your research. You should check out my top recommended program, Wealthy Affiliate, if you’re looking for a good system to get involved with. It’s really an amazing community and a great place to learn. 🙂
I would like to say thank you Wendy,i was looking into IPN but now im not..Anytime you have to give credit card info out its not free..Iv had problems in the past with companys who had my credit card info and trying to cancel it can be a nightmare.And there is one thing i dont like is somebody putting a hold on my card..Do you have any info on a good program to make money?
Yes a lot of these companies will put holds on your card for the free trial and that may cause issues for people not expecting it (because most people don’t read the fine print) …. Sure Jim check out my recommendation above.
I feel I can speak from experience regarding the Instant Payday opportunity.
It all comes down to offers, the singles, the doubles, if you are willing to take on all sorts of different junk offers for a one time or a monthly recurring product that supposedly opens the doors for you to start profiting.
However you have to keep track of all the offers and make sure to cancel everything on time.
Doing all of that I still ended up after a very long struggle getting scammed out of $35.00 from an actual skin care product company that was one of the stupid offers.
As for FREE, not in my case.
Thankfully I did not sign up for Empower either, another funnel with little given back of value.
Guess what I did after 23+ years of experience online and a desire to build my own legitimate business?
I listened to Wendy;
Thank you Gary for stopping by to share you experience with Instant Payday Network. Yeah, you really need to keep a good track record when entering a program like this. Part of it comes down to organization, yes, but even then you still come fall victim to them taking money off your credit card!
“Are you ready to embark on your new found holy grail of internet marketing training? See for yourself and join for free, right here.”
Hmmmmm, your last line in your commentary sounds like you want people to do something for free. Hmmmmm, most people know that the word “free” is the biggest misnomer in the english language – nothing in this universe is free. Everything comes with a cost, price or obligation of some sort.
I understand your concerns in reference to IPDN but every where I go that has a negative, I find people commenting in the positive. Must be something to it – me thinks. And, yes, one need be careful – even with what wealthy affiliate teaches and promotes. You buy your ticket and you take your chances.
Actually Jim, Wealthy Affiliate comes for 100% free at no cost or obligation. Is the entire program 100% free? No, there is a premium membership option that costs money – but the starter membership contains training and free websites (seriously free) and you can keep your free account for life, there is no requirement to upgrade if you don’t want to. Other places are charging lots of money to be able to access what you can within Wealthy Affiliate for free.
Sure, IPDN may work for some people. I never said it couldn’t make anyone money. However, will it teach people a true way to become successful online? Probably not. But to each there own, and whatever works. I just am trying to provide a better alternative.
And the fact that you’re saying there ”lying” to lure people in. It’s not ”lying” because your not buying anything from them your doing free trials with other companies not purchasing anything from instant payday personally, besides there ”free trials” so there’s still a argument there.On top of that every business/commercial/ad on the FACE OF THE PLANET uses deceptive headlines and marketing to lure customers in that’s the name of the game. So really what are you arguing?
But you are putting down your credit card and many of the offers you actually have to buy something from them, even if it’s not expensive it’s still not “free”. It doesn’t matter if it’s from IPDN or not, the fact is you have to buy something to get access to the program. My point is there is a better option that is actually free where you can learn a more productive way of earning money online, ie starting your own business – not learning how to promote Instant Payday Network to others. I’m trying to help others here, and I don’t think IPDN is a good place for beginners to start out online.
Man Wendy! You have a lot of time on your hands! 🙂 Never seen someone answer EVERYONE.
I don’t approve all comments, but if someone takes the time to leave a coherent comment on my site, I have the decency to take the time to respond to them.
Im sorry but you’re point of ”99.9% of people don’t make money” is not helping to validate anything your saying. What you learn in instant pay day network and empower network is how to market online. You don’t ‘have’ to sell empower networks products but that is an option; you can use empower network products to help you learn how to sell and market ANYTHING online. In 5 years 90% of America will be overweight, is that the companies faults who make the food or the government OR is it the PEOPLE who are fat who’s fault it is? 99% of America are not entrepreneurs, they are not innovators, what these programs teach you is up to you to understand and apply in ways that can make you Serious money. The fact that many people don’t make money doesn’t mean anything. People invest far more into College hoping to get something much more in return than what the college seemed to say was available. Hence the billboard outside of my house saying, ”SPC College learn more earn more” so why is it people have such disdain for these opportunities online? When we don’t even know what banks do with our money that were forced to let them hold. In return they invest it and end up using all our money. Using greed trying to always make more and almost crashing our economy?
If people start out in a place online that isn’t conducive to their success you are almost guaranteeing their failure. You may not have to sell Empower Network, but why would you sign up if you weren’t going to sell it? Isn’t that where all the money is? Otherwise you are paying the $25 monthly base rate for a blog that isn’t even your own blog. The problem with programs like Empower Network is you have to invest SO much money and most people looking to make money online do not have 1,000’s to blow on programs like this. I agree, people do invest way more into college and I think it is important if you are seriously looking to learn how to make money online, you’re going to have to invest somewhere. However, there are way better programs and cheaper solutions that can teach people in a better way, and that is what I am trying to point out here.
She gave a pretty good review however it is a legit business and people are making money online with this business daily. The one thing I did not like with this company is that they provide no training on how to get the business started or promote the business but what I do like is the Instant Pay day Network is free to sign up and you get a free website with a capture page to get started. No pyramid because you get paid from the trial offers completed like Netflix, direct t.v etc. However take down info so you can cancel some of them so your card does not get charged. I signed up on My Cash For Freebies and started with a free credit report then another cost 1$ and a 4.95 trial offer. I completed it got my credits, I cancelled one of them but kept the Freester and roadside asst. because they give you 25$ Walmart vouchers montly and dinner vouchers 25$ monthly and it was only a 1$ to join Freester roads side asst. Free vouchers for 1$ well you cant beat that. Then in a couple of days later I earned 80$ in one day from a few people signing up, well I cant reveal all of my secrets but I can say that it does work!! Who cares if you have to spend 4.00$ to start a business!! Part of making this work is you have to know where to post the ads because there are some hot spots across the country where u get 10-20 emails a day!! I have no info on Empower Network I have not signed up!
When you give out your credit info to lots of companies like this you’re going to run the risk of getting charged for products and services you didn’t want, and I am here to warn people about that. The IPN system isn’t available unless you put down your credit info and pay for trial offers, therefore it isn’t TRULY free.
If your “business” consists of convincing other people to sign up for a program like this then you aren’t running a very good business in my opinion.
They can’t just start charging your card.Be responsible and read all disclaimers and write down necessary info.when using credit card on phone or internet.IPDN does work for people that do the work.Nothing is free in this world.As far as Empower I agree somewhat,it is alot of upsells and very expensive at that,but you can’t run before you walk and you can’t walk before you crawl.You don’t just go buy everything at once as a beginner,you work your way towards a goal.Start with the free system then get the blogg then,well you get the idea.Make a little money so you can upgrade and make alot.You should listen to their videos,very inspirational.And yes I am making money with IPDN and I’m ready to get the blogg.Maybe a couple months I will upgrade again with money I earn with that.Got to have a plan man .Thanx for the post,and good luck with future endeavers.
Actually once a company has your credit card number, they can charge it for something you are unaware of, and claim it was in the fine print that hardly anybody pays attention to. So yes, you really need to be careful and pay attention and that is what I am warning people about here, that is all.
That’s cool.Everyone has their own experiences and we can learn from each other.I still enjoyed your post.Nice job.Good luck with all you do.
Yes we each have our unique experiences and I just needed to share my side of the story. Thank you for being understanding and taking the time to comment, I wish you the best of luck too.
it was simple to set up…I did 3 Offers combined. Canceled them 7 days later all in one call….post ads on craigs list….Make money!!! whats the problem?
When a program claims to be “free” yet you’re required to put down your credit card to sign up for trial offers, it’s deceptive. Maybe you cancelled yours no problem, but I’ve done similar things in the past with free trials and had a horrible, nightmare of a time trying to cancel. Some of these companies may charge your credit card without asking even if your free trial is not technically over. There are LOTS of people complaining about this sort of thing happening to them.
Just because you had no problems with it that doesn’t mean everyone will have such an easy time, it depends on the companies you sign up for and how many offers you complete. I am trying to warn people it isn’t as carefree and simple as they make it seem.
But the really big problem with this program, aside from the free offers part is that it’s not really about anything except trying to get other people to sign up to join Instant Payday Network too, since that’s how people actually make money with this. So it’s an entire system where everyone encourages everyone else to join free trial offers, just to cancel them before they expire, then to go promote the system to others for a commission? Then to go on to encourage people to join the most slimy pyramid scheme of them all? There’s just nothing of real value in this program and I’m not going to sit here and say “it’s great!” like everyone else so they can gain more referrals. I want to warn people it’s NOT great.I’m sorry, but I’m not.
Everyone who has left a negative comment have all posted their affiliate link too in an effort to try and gain more referrals (which I did not allow!)I’m willing to be you’re not making any significant amount of money by just posting your ad on CL …
God, I wish I’d found this site before I signed up. Now I have to try and cancel all the so-called “Offers” that I signed up for. You’re so right! Only one (1) of them was “free” and even that was not totally “free”. I’m not looking forward to calling these people and getting hassled. I’ve been around the block a few times and should have known better. The thing is, I DID considerable research and everyone just loved this program. Your site (and one other) didn’t even show up on Google until about 5 days after I joined. Well, it’s my fault! You know what they say: A hard head makes a soft behind.
I hope they don’t give you any issues with cancelling, it really can be a pain. Yeah, I know there is definitely an overwhelmingly positive response to this program out there, and I feel as though the negative opinions get backhanded and slapped aside. On the positive note, you didn’t have to spend any money to join, and hopefully the companies you signed up for won’t give you crap when you decide to cancel. Also, you’ll know better next time. 🙂
I don’t understand the trouble with the trial offers.There are free ones but even the others you just write down day and time you signed up wait till 2 days before being charged ,then you cancel.They try to keep you on but just say no thankyou,please cancel my subscription, that’s all.There is no cheaper online business to start in.Where else can you get free capture pages,free autoresponder,freetraining,free tools,and once in back office go to facebook page and interact with all the suucessful people already doing it and pick their brain.Everyone wants money but don’t want to do any work.Go back to your 9to 5 job then.Geez
I agree, people need to be responsible about the trial offers and that is what I am warning them about. Just because you didn’t have an issue with them doesn’t mean it’s a perfect system – there is a lot of bad things going on out there that perhaps you are unaware of. I’ve had companies like these try and unlawfully charge my credit card before, and it really is a HUGE pain in the butt trying to take care of it. Furthermore, you claim “where else can you get FREE training and tools” … well it isn’t technically free is it? I am suggesting an alternative where you actually can get free training and tools, (without the credit card offers) where you’ll be taught how to build your own business online, one that you choose yourself and can enjoy, not just being taught how to market IPDN to everyone and anyone. So I do agree, not many people are willing to do the hard work it takes to make money online – but I just think IPDN is not a very good system to really teach a beginner how to make money online. I am not saying they don’t need to do any hard work, the complete opposite – it does take A LOT of work, and that I know from personal experience.
You only have to sign up for two free trial offers. They don’t even have to be free. You might just be interested in what a particular company is offering and want to pay for their product. If it is a company for credit scores or reports social security is required in order to get the information. Regarding cancelling, there are only two things that you have to remember. Then again you might be happy with the product that you won’t cancel. The Idea is to get people through the doors, offer them something, and see if they like it. They can walk out the door with the product or empty handed, that was their choice. Just like any other store on the streets. I don’t see anything shady about what this company does. Some people find people dancing on the streets trying to get customers into their stores cheesy, but it works.
Well it really depends on how many credits the offers you choose are.. you need 1 credit from both MCF and DMCF. The majority of them are under .5 credits… but they are always changing so it really depends what offers are available at any particular point in time.
You’re completely right though, it’s possible people may be sincerely interested in what these companies have to offer and want to be paying customers… I am not trying to suggest that is “shady”. However I think a lot of times for the purposes of this program most people looking for free stuff won’t sincerely want anything these companies have to offer… they just want the ability to earn commissions.
I’m just pointing out the reality that you need to be careful and plan accordingly if you want to get the offers for 100% free.
I don’t feel instant payday network is a scam. They tell you that they are not paying you and they also tell you that you are being paid by fortune 500 companies. They give you an optional step to join empower if you want. Again, optional, but that is where bigger money is made. You can do instant payday network alone and get paid. Jeff Buchanan is very honest and down to earth. He has just launched a campaign, spending several thousand dollars to update IPDN. And is charging people nothing. How is that a scam? He is telling people how to get started for nothing and you are knocking him. I don’t get it.
Hi Jim,
I feel Instant Payday Network to be at best a shady system – I never said you can’t make money from it. My point here is there are deceptive marketing tactics involved especially stating that it’s free, when in reality you have to sign up for CPA offers – which you’re more than likely going to have to pay for, or at least give out some personal information of some type. I’m just trying to warn people to think twice about what they are getting into before they sign up, that’s all.
And you state, “that is where the bigger money is made” – with Empower Network. It’s really not, because 99% of people will not make any money with EN – most of them will spend more money buying into the system then they get in return. Most people aren’t cut out to be successful with Empower Network.
Any system (like IPN) that promotes Empower Network I would advise anyone to stay away from.
Instant Payday Network isn’t a scam. It just depends on if you are lazy or not. Sometimes it just takes a little bit more work to make decent money.
Hi Jeff, I appreciate you taking the time to comment but I will have to disagree with you – Instant Payday Network is a MLM scheme in which you basically make most of your money trying to bring other people to join the program too. Not only will you have to “sell” your personal information to these companies- they try to encourage you to join Empower Network which is a huge no-no in my book – 99.9% of people lose out on their money in that program.
It isn’t about being “lazy” it’s about having some self-respect and not wanting to be a viscous sales hawk trying to sell everyone and anybody a program that has no substance. I agree 100% it takes hard work to make decent money, but that hard work should be doing something honest with a purpose, not trying to steal other peoples money for your own benefit.
Hey Wendy
MLM has multi-levels in its compensation plan where you get a commission from a team members sale in your downline. IPDN pays off of 1 level and that’s not when people join. IPDN is free to join. Express MyCashFreebies and DoubleMyCashFreebies are free to join. The only way you get paid is when a person you refer completes the credits from tries a free offer or purchase a product if they so choose. My point – products not sign ups.
As far as EN he says it’s optional.
And from what I’ve researched I must of missed where you “sell” your information to a company. Who is paying individuals for their information?
Hey Ron,
I understand instant payday network doesn’t have multi-level compensation plans. However, because you are getting people to join a program in which they aren’t gaining anything other than access to promote the program to others (no product, just reselling the “system”) that is reminicent in what happens in pyramid schemes, even if there is no downline.. you are still just promoting a system to promote a system, to others who go on to promote the system. Then, you are advised (however optional) to join Empower Network which IS definitely a pyramid scheme. The fact you don’t get money til they complete the offers is besides the point, I don’t see why it makes a difference.
Any time you are enticed to give up information via some sort of offer like this, it’s always for a reason. Especially the few offers with no CC required, once they get your info they have the right to sell it.
Isn’t that the point? To gain access and learn how to promote online. It can’t be people aren’t gaining anything because they are learning how to market online by blog, post in craiglist, youtube, etc. for free so I’m not seeing how that is reselling when you don’t pay to join EMCF, DMCF, and IPDN. Anybody else would turn those “marketing secrets” or training into a product in itself and charge you. Isn’t that where most people fail at? Not knowing how to market online.
Getting paid after offers are completed makes all the point. Its why I commented because I thought it was being said it was being mistaken for MLM and a pyramid scheme. You can’t get paid for a referral if the referred doesn’t act on the offer/product in a referral program.
Yes in order to get paid your referrals need to finish completing the offers, I understand that… but if they don’t complete the offers they don’t get access to instant payday network… so you only are getting paid for the people that actually enter the program, not just give you their email. That isn’t any different from any other program where you’d get paid for referral…they’d have to sign up and put down a payment or something similar. So maybe there aren’t multi-levels and downlines within Instant Payday Network, but it’s trying to entice you to enter Empower Network (even if it’s not *required*) and that IS a pyramid scheme.
Realize the point I’m making is not that you can’t make any money with IPDN… it’s warning people they’re going to have to put down their CC info for most of these offers, even if they opt for free trials they’ll still have to deal with canceling, credit card holds, forgetting and being charged, etc… I would rather not deal with that crap myself. So is it really “free”? Not 100%.
Yes, people fail because they don’t understand how to market online and that is because they are led astray with bad programs that offer NO support. I’m trying to make people aware there is a place they can get free training, tools and support to learn the *secrets* of marketing online without putting down a credit card at all. This is stuff people are literally charging 1,000’s of dollars for and it’s completely free…
If I were trying to learn how to market online and I were looking for a free option…I would be more willing to join a program where I only needed to provide my email address as opposed to one where I needed to put down a credit card for 4, 5, 6, 7+ trial offers before i could really gain access.
I understand that… but if they don’t complete the offers they don’t get access to instant payday network…
You do know when you sign up for EMCF, and DMCF (for free) you automatically get referral codes which you can place in step 3 to get the marketing system (IPDN, that has support) without filling out an offer and putting down a CC right?
Alright, I was mistaken but I see this now. I had signed up for EMCF and DMCF and was under the impression you actually had to complete the offers. I will correct my mistake within the review. Thx Ron.
Nice honest review! These types of scams are just a way to waste your time looking for that pot of gold. In the meantime, you rack up a credit card bill and nothing to show for it. As far as Empower Network is concerned, it is full of up sales. Biggest warning for Empower Network… Why does the owner live in Costa Rica? Warning!
Great review, Thank’s
Thanks for stopping by Dave. Yeah Empower Network is dodgy all around, and I don’t trust anything that’s associated with it! Instant Payday Network is just a lure to get you to the bait of Empower Network!