About Me

215_623898654954_9848_nHey everyone, I’m Wendy!

I currently hold a bachelor’s degree in Geography. Yep, that’s right. I’m constantly asked the questions, “So what do you do with that?” or “Oh, so you want to teach?”

I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself and why I decided to start this site, SurvivingAfterCollege.com

I started college back in 2004, it was a time when things weren’t so bad. We were all told if we get a degree, we will go on to make lots of money, and if we don’t, we will get stuck working at McDonald’s for the rest of our lives.

So because of this holy grail society (and my parents)  have put on a college education, I decided to attend a major university despite not knowing what I wanted to do with my life. I just thought I’d “figure it out” along the way…

Well let me tell you…that is a risky road to take if you’re not sure. You know the saying, It’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know! I’ve found that to be true in a lot of cases.

So there I was spending 5 years of my life in college trying to “figure it out”.  I skipped around from major to major, and finally stuck with something long enough to satisfy my graduation requirements.

…But when I graduated, I was left confused and felt like I had no idea where my life was going.

I applied for job after job, with no luck. I got stuck working at the same job after college that I had worked at during college. I had no direction. A job search without direction is not smart. Eventually picked up some decent temp work, but it still wasn’t enough. I was working hard, but it wasn’t getting me anywhere.

I knew something had to change! I couldn’t keep going on like I was, I didn’t want to work crappy jobs forever. I thought about going back to school, but I didn’t want to become thousands of dollars more in debt.

So I got busy and started researching alternative methods for making money. I knew other people were doing this sort of thing. Why couldn’t I?

One day I stumbled across a review of an online community that taught people how to create their own online business. Something seemed different about this program than all the other “make money online” products and programs. This one seemed…real. I felt like it was something I could honestly do. It also allowed you to have access for entirely free, so there was nothing holding me back from checking it out.

It was intially very exciting for me, but I was hesitant to get started. I was unsure exactly how it worked and scared of failure, and scared of what my family and friends might think. Everyone knows the internet is a big giant scam market, right? After going through the initial training, I freaked out and felt overwhelmed. I wasn’t sure this sort of thing was for me. I logged out and ended not coming back for 6 months…

I just went on with my life, working a job I hated and searching for better jobs. That program I had once joined was always pressing at the back of my mind, but I kept shoving the thought aside and telling myself I could never make it work. Nothing was really getting better for me though, I seemed to be at a stand still in life.

But one day I woke up and decided to stop being so negative…

I needed to stop telling myself I couldn’t do something and start just doing it. So I went back to the community I had since joined 6 months prior and gave it an honest attempt. Holy moly was it overwhelming! There were so many times I felt like giving up, but with their support I was able to pull through.

It took me about 3 months before I got my first $1.20 in commission. I’ll never forget that day no matter how small of an amount it was. It was proof this system they taught actually worked. I knew if I could make one dollar, I could easily make thousands. And guess what? After 5 months I was making decent extra monthly cash, and after a year I was making more than I was at my crappy job. I was officially doing this!

It was so exciting for me, I just wanted to tell everyone about it. Everyone I knew that was struggling, underemployed–everyone that wanted extra cash. I wanted them to know it was possible for them to make their own money, without picking up another actual “JOB”.

So here I am, paying it forward. I know how hard it is trying to start out making money online. I want people to know they don’t have to spend outrageous amounts of money trying to “make it” online. I want to show people how to earn online in an honest, sustainable way. I truly believe anyone that is determined can build their own success online, and that not enough people know it’s possible!

My journey online is only just beginning. I’ve seen success and I know I can take it as far as I set my mind….If I can do it, so can you!

You can find me within the community of Wealthy Affiliate as Wendyjane, feel free to check out my personal profile. :)

Email: [email protected]
Or, contact me here