Product: The Work at Home University
Creator: “Michelle Withrow” (Not sure if she’s even a real person)
Rank: 0/100 (yes, ZERO)
Introduction, what is Work at Home University?
Work at Home University, also referred to as WAH University is nothing even remotely close to being a “university”, it’s a complete crock. The program was developed by a so called Michelle Withrow who went from a hard working mother to millionaire by posting links on the internet. There’s little talk about what actually the system entails, you have to pay $97 just to find out! It uses high pressure sales tactics to try and suck you in, but beware. Many people have fallen victim to the Work at Home University scam, and I don’t want you to be one of them.
Take a quick look at how this program compares to others on the market…
Scam alert #1 – There are 3 positions in every city — even non-existent ones
When you land on the website, you need to enter in your name, zip code and e-mail address so they can find if there are any jobs in your area.
I did a quick test and pounded in random combinations of numbers for the zip code field, and each and every time I got the same message:
The zip codes I entered were not real, so apparently they have positions in made up cities. And there’s always 3 openings, no matter what!
Scam Alert #2 — The creator, Michelle Withrow, and all the testimonials are stock photos
Michelle Withrow tells her personal rags to riches story, claiming she became a millionaire by posting links around the internet. She works 4 hours a day because she loves the work, but really, you only need to work 1 hour a day to make tons of cash with her strategy.
Here’s Michelle Withrow’s photo:
Here’s a stock photo – oh look, it’s Michelle!
Okay, so it does claim on the page (in tiny print) that all testimonial images have been replaced with stock photos (apparently that means Michelle too!) But my question is, why? If she were running a legitimate business, she wouldn’t need to hide her nor the testimonial’s identities behind fake pictures.
Work at Home University is a FAIL! Get REAL training here
Scam Alert #3 – The program hides behind multiple aliases
Work at Home University is not the only name this program goes by, it appears to be hiding behind multiple identities:
There was a third one which appears to have been taken down, Profit From Home University. I Googled and just got an “oops!” message saying the page no longer existed–however I found a cached copy and it looked very similar to the previous two header displays.
Even with the Stay at Home Revenue system, I wasn’t able to enter their website. It appears you have to already be a member to access it.
No legitimate program is going to disguise itself behind multiple systems like this.
Scam Alert # 4 – Promises you’ll make hundreds per day doing virtually no work
Promises riches for only an hour of your time every day. There’s even a calculator so you can “calculate” how much you have to work to get the income you want. According to the calculator, I would only have to work one hour, five days a week, to earn nearly $80,000 per year. Wow!
It doesn’t even really tell you any information about what the program is or what you’ll be doing other than you’re posting links. The reality is, you can’t simply take 2 minutes to post a link and earn 20 bucks every time someone clicks it. While you can theoretically post links online and get paid, the system is a lot more complex than that, and you’d have to work a lot more than an hour a day if you wanted to see any money from it.
The fact that you have to pay money to find out any real information about what exactly you’ll be doing is a giant red flag.
If a program claims you can earn an incredibly high salary and doesn’t even tell you much information about what you’ll be doing unless you pay to find out, it’s probably a scam.
Scam alert #5 – They use the down-sell marketing tactic
I was down sold upon trying to leave the offer. Their first sales offer was telling me I could purchase the program for only $97, but it was such a great deal because it was originally $197! Once I clicked the back button, however, they hit me with a pop-up saying WAIT! Now they’re trying to sell me their friends and family discount, and I’d only have to purchase the program for $77. I clicked the back button on my browser once more, and now they’re offering me $150 dollars off– I’d only have to spend $47!
Wow, I worked my way from $97 down to $47 with just a few clicks! And suddenly, there’s only 1 position left and I have 5 minutes to accept or they’ll give the position to the “thousands of others” that want it.
What’s the urgency?
So now, you tell me, if this is a such a great opportunity with limited positions available, why are they so desperate for me to sign up that they’re constantly down grading the price–doesn’t make a lot of sense does it?
After all the high pressure sales tactics, you’re going to be hit with immediate up-sells upon joining!
Now I didn’t pay the $47 to see what the program was about, but upon further investigation I came across customer complaints about the WAH University, saying they were immediately hit with more several hundred dollar up-sells upon joining, claiming that you couldn’t make any money with the program unless you were able to shell out the additional cash. This doesn’t surprise me as their original sales page offers a “free one on one consultation with an internet expert!” That really means they are going to put you on the phone with someone who wants to sell you a lot of stuff that you don’t need.
While they claim to offer a full money back guarantee, there’s many complaints on the internet from people saying they never got any money back.
My Final Opinion
While I may not have purchased the “product” myself, I can tell you it’s not what it claims to be. You’re promised to be able to easily make tons of money with no effort, and you’re not told the details of what you’re doing other than posting links. The “link-posting” she’s referring to is a real thing, but it’s not that simple. It takes more than 2 minutes of posting a link here and there to earn you revenue!
Take it from me, someone who DOES make a living online–it’s not that effortless or simple. However, it is totally possible and can be accomplished if you’re willing to give it an honest attempt.
Tired of scams?
**Read about my #1 ranked product here!**
(100% free. No credit card. No experience required.)
Have you been scammed with WAH University or a similar product? I’d love to hear your story down below!
john, here i read your comments W.A.H.U. NOW I PAID MONEY FOR THAT PROGRAM every thing i looked at was more money then my mistake i bought the paid surveys they said they did not receive the money i phoned the post office they told me they received it they said they cannot find the payment receipt so beware
unfortunately i was scammed over a year ago, and of course was vulnerable as hell and fell for about 200 bucks, however i did realize what i had done only a day later and was able to get all but the initial 47 dollars because they offered me a bunch of crap for free and i accepted..lo and behold i knew it was bullshit really fast!!! i am disable with severe systemic lupus and certainly am looking for opportunities working online..Therefore i am going to examine YOUR program and see what happens!
thank you in advance
tammy fis
Hi Wendy,
The website in “question” is now redirecting to a new website called “” the word university seems to have been dropped and there is no mention of “Michelle Withrow” at all.
Is it still the same Scam?
Yes Richard it’s the same thing, these type of programs are constantly changing their names and redirecting to new domains.. there are so many nearly identical programs like this it’s ridiculous.
I am so glad I ran across this I was just about to send them my last money! You are an ANGEL! I really need to make so extra cash to get my 10 year old daughter a diabetic service dog to help warn us when she is having a diabetic seizure I am desperate! do this really work I have not seen a price yet is it more than the 97 the other site is asking for?
Wealthy Affiliate is more of an educational program that teaches you how to actually build a real online business rather than any system that promises you’ll “get rich quick”. So to answer your question “does it really work”, it does but you have to put forth the effort and apply the training to actually make it work. It isn’t an overnight solution and does take time. It’s actually completely free (no credit card required, either) to join and try it out, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t at least take a peak.
Thank you for the information
hello, can anybody help me i did sign up for this and requested a refund from calling them and pulled the ticket , they said they will do the refund since its same day within 48 hours but is there any way to verify?
I did spend my last bit of money and once I did an up-sell began I knew I was scammed. Any suggestions on how to get my money back.?
I thought I would just be able to cancel easily not so again any help would be appreciated.
Hey Laurie,
You’ll need to contact Clickbank for a refund here I’ve heard many people have issues with getting refunds for this product but hope you’re able to get it taken care of. Good luck!
I just Wanted to drop a quick note to say thank you! I have done some research and was just minutes from signing up for this program when I read your review, it saved me my last bit of money. It sounded like it was a scam to me, but i thought maybe i was just being to careful. Thanks!
You’re welcome, Erika!
Thanks for letting me know about this WAH university…..was looking for such a work
that will allow me to stay at home and working online , which at the same time providing more
time with my children…
can u help me find such online work ???
hey Farha,
No problem. I see you’ve signed up for WA – that will help teach you how to start working from home online.
Follow the training and if you ever need any help, give me a shout. 
I’m so happy that I came across your article, because I have exactly $144 to my name and I was just about to spend $97 on that scam site, thinking that I was going to make some cash. I would have been so heart broken.
Something similar happened to me (twice) before and I was so hurt. I’m a fulltime Cosmetology student and a part-time “Asst.” Cashier at a tool store. So an online job will be excellent for me but you have so many sites like WAH University that makes it easy for you to miss LEGITIMATE, good paying online opportunities. When I came across the site yesterday, I actually got on my knees and prayed for the job to be a great opportunity and now, the very next day, I stumble across YOU.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
This article was greatly appreciated…
I’m glad I could help you decide to stay away from this program Tyquanna. There are lots of programs out there like this promising you’ll get rich super easy with very little work.. but that isn’t reality. You can definitely make a living online, and there are good programs out there… you just need to be careful what you choose and realize it is going to take time and hard work to achieve succcess online.
Ur right! I put in 7 7 7 93 11 u know from Prince’s song and yup 3 positions available. They are some rear holes and I hope catches up with them. God don’t like ugly. But thank u our angel. Thanks alot
Hi Thanks for your article. it helped me to not be scammed lol & i went back and placed a phone number inside of the zipcode spot and got 3 available positions. I think its safe to say its a very bad scam lol
No problem. LOl, yeah for real… which is funny because it isn’t even the type of work where there are “positions” lol. Better off not wasting your money!
LOL, that was a red flag for me! Why would posting links online from home be a position…. and with a limited amount in your area, but you can work from anywhere in the world! Why would area matter??? I did come close with OHC, but I said naw… too good to be true… and did some homework and I’m very glad I did.
Hi Wendy,
THanks for the insight into that scamming website. I had my doubts about it and now I am in the habbit of searching everything that comes across being too good to be true on google under scams. Please tell us how good that Wealth referral website of yours is working for you and if it has paid off in your case? I do not need to see 1000 testinmonials either 😉
Thanks for your time..
It has definitely paid off and I am doing it full time. Wealthy Affiliate isn’t so much a money making program but rather an online community and training center for newbies and experieinced online business owners. I do highly recommend it if you’re looking for a genuine place to learn. You can join for free too, which makes it a no brainer to at the very least test it out.
I am so glad that I read your posting on this so called WAH. I’m very behind on bills and was looking for a quick fix. Before signing up I decided to google this Michelle Withrow and you popped up. Thanks for saving me money that I don’t have to spare.
Hey Wendy,
Although I wasn’t scammed by WAH University (Thank you for your insight), I was scammed by a “payment specialist” scam through Craft Central. All I had to do, was process payments sent to me in money orders. I would deposit the checks in my bank, deduct my 10% commission, and wire the remaining balance to “vendors” who we all in the Philippines with american names. Each transaction was for the amount of approx. $1,667. It was during my 3rd transaction (which was now double the amouth of the previous 2) that my banker questioned me about my new “job”. I was so thankful that she questioned this. She found that all the postal money orders were fake. Of course, now I owe my bank about $3,000, but it could have been a lot worse.
Please, please don’t fall for “get rich quick” scemes, because they are just that. Now I check online for any kind of “job” offers, to see what people are saying about them, and what kind of scams they are.
Yeah I have definitely heard of scams like that before, one must really be careful. I’m sorry that happened to you but thanks for sharing your experience!
I wish I would have read this sooner… They got me
Sorry to hear that, but chalk it up as a learning experience? You need to keep in mind any program that claims you’ll make significant amounts of money doing very little work is lying to you. If you do not find any value within their program I do hope you’ll be able to get a refund.
Making money online certianly isn’t easy and it’s a lot of hard work, but there are great places willing to help you out (just check out my recommendation here). If you need any help going forward don’t hesitate to ask.
Be careful regardless guys! Most of the time there are companies bashing other companies for scam and claiming to have the better product. Well guess what???? They are just another company trying to get your business using different tactics. Nothing in life comes easy unless you inherit it. Good Luck with your quests. I would love to actually see comments on this #1 ranked product that Wendy uses.
Hey, yes you are totally right – that is a common tactic used online and many people use it to push bad/scummy programs. Everyone needs to ultimately decide for themselves what’s worth it and what isn’t. Here I am providing a free option for people to try and see if it’s worth it for them. I never said it was easy, it’s definitly hard work. But the product I’m recommending, in my opinion, a fantastic place to get started. Having the help and support you need can make all the difference in the world when it comes to success. I’m not scamming anyone here since it’s 100% free. Why don’t you try it out?
Good luck in all you do.
how do i join you #1rank product?
Hi dee, I have provided the link to sign up at the end of my review. You can just click right here to sign up though!
thanks for the article. I Actually fell for it myself only because I am in a really rough spot right now and just finding a way to make some extra money on the side from what i am already doing would be fantastic. Not being able to pay bills and having to skip some every month just to get buy really sucks as well as trying to get through college on student loans that are backing up. I will try that other link that you posted up top and give that a try
Thank you again Adrian
Yeah, unfortunately these types of programs prey on desperate, vulnerable people. I really hope you do give my recommendation a try, I think you’ll really like it.
Thanks. I figured it was a scam, and your review made that confirmation simple. It takes a lot of work to learn about and set up squeeze pages, set up with clickbank, do SEO, social network marketing, etc., as well as money to set up auto responders. It takes time and patience to get a list established and to realize an income from this. There are no magic wands or solutions-in-a-box that will hand over a five thousand dollar a month business for a hundred bucks. The tried and true adage, “If it looks too good to be true,” it is. It’s despicable that people out there take advantage of others, especially preying upon the hope of individuals who are often at their weakest.
You’re welcome, just trying to warn people here. It is very despicable indeed, but unfortunately there are always going to be people like that in this world. Thank you for dropping a comment!
Wow! Wendy, I am soooooo glad I stopped to do some research on WAHU! Reading your findings has me now aware of this scam! I have to say I am abit disappointed, because I thought it was going to be an answer to my quitting a most undesirable job that I have now! But the good news is I can now check out Wealth Affiliate and see what it’s all about! Thank you so much for your hard work and helping those looking for opportunities to make money online find legitimate ones!!! So glad I read this and saving myself money!!! God bless you, Wendy!!!!
You’re welcome Laura. And yeah you’re right, you should be looking at this as good news because now you’ve found a REAL chance to learn how to make money on the internet (and that is truly a rare opportunity). I am confident if you give Wealthy Affiliate a shot, you will love it!
Hey Wendy !
I have this minute read your blog and all the comments therein. This is especially “good news” as I was to try the program. I am so elated that you are at the top of the google site for this WAH. I was about to spent $ that could not truly be afforded. Now, of course, I will try the Wealth Affiliate to gleen what I can toward a better and more profitable future. “Thank you” is a totally inadequate expression for my gratitude but thank you.
Be Blessed–live long and prosper.
Hey Don,
You are most certianly welcome, I hate to see people wasting money on programs like this that will do absolutely nothing to help but rather just beg them for more of their hard earned money. I look forward to getting to know you more within WA!
is it really a scam?
Well what I can say is what they are training you to do is very difficult to achieve success with in this day and age and furthermore they are going to call you and hound you to spend 1,000’s more in coaching, additional products, etc. If the many unhappy customer complaints in the comments here to convince you to stay away, then feel free to test it for yourself.
HI Wendy, how are you? my name is LASANA, thank you so much for saving me and my hard working money, I was just on the computer about to pay that 97 to get the membership and I came across your post and I was like wait a minute let me read this a little bit before doing this, but my mind has been telling me months this cant be true but I was going to give it a try. All the things you said 100% agreed with you and it really makes points. I would love to try yours. Thanks you again, at least I got some beer and food money for the weekend to watch my football games.
Hey there! I’m happy you decided to look into it further and I’m glad I could save you some money. You should definitely try out Wealthy Affiliate, it’s free so you won’t be losing out on anything. I’m also always around the community if you need help, so don’t be scared if you have any questions! Enjoy your football games and beer and hope to be talking to you within Wealthy Affiliate soon!
dont fall for it its a scam now im fighting my money back, they say no questions asked money back guarantee and all that is not true
Thank you for your added input to this thread, Ruth. Let all our voices be heard to expose this program for what it really is – a money suck.
I feel so cheated it was to good to be truth and I had my doubts but i didn’t do my research before I bought this thing for 83.35 dllrs tax included, but still didn’t help me at all they called me and requested information about all my debts and random questions of my life that had nothing to do with a job interview. They asked me what was my previous work, how much did i made before, where did I used to work, why did I quit my job, did I owned a house, where did I live, was I renting, and all this was to help me position me in the greatest job for me. After gathering all my information they wanted me to buy another amazing software for only $399 dollars that was going to help me get rich in a month by earning 10,000 a month so really the investment on buying this software was going to pay off itself. However, I refused to buy it claiming I did not wanted to spend more than what I had already spent on the so ONE TIME FEE program. I already submitted a ticket to get a refund I hope I’ll be lucky enough to get my money back and I sure learned my lesson to research first, I might give a try to the Free one that you suggest THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING OTHERS BEFORE THEY MAKE THE BIG MISTAKE MANY OF US ALREADY MADE AND ARE SUFFERING THE CONSEQUENCES
Yeah I’ve heard people claim their sales agents try to get you to buy into anything from several hundred to several THOUSAND dollars. Nobody can promise you that you’ll earn _x_ amount of dollars online, and if they do they are just lying to you. I would recommend you join the free program I talk about here, but I will say up front there is no income guarantee. Is it possible to earn 10,000 per month? Totally.. is it realistic to earn that much up front? Absolutely not. The only thing that will help you earn online is hard work and the right training and guidance, and if you’re willing to follow it I can promise you’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish.
Yep, I thought it was a scam and you just summed it up for me– thank God for the Internet and Google! Thank God for you for educating us on your findings! Appreciate you!
You’re welcome Kirstie, and thank you for your response here!
Hi Wendy. I live in the UK and came across the WAH University (WAH) by chance and then googled to see whether it was a scam and came up with your blog. I found the WAH on a site called Along the top of the so-called Weekly Jobs Report there are a number of tabs i.e. Finance, Tech, Economy, Media and when you click on them they go straight to another AD for WAH. Along with what you have mentioned: what a scam!
Hey thank you so much for leaving the link of where you found it. I cannot believe it’s being advertised like that as if it’s this totally legitimate “job” – just sign up and you’ll be rich! Yeah, right…
I just want to say “THANKS” for all of the information provided by everyone above. I am currently waiting for a call from someone at WAH now and can’t wait to tell them off. I suspected this to be a scam in the first place and I did not heed to my intuitions. So, how do I get my $47.00 back? Suggestions????
You’d have to get in touch with the company. At the bottom of the main website, there’s a refund policy link, it will take you to a place to enter a support ticket or call a number. Hopefully they refund you!
Thanks. I was thinking of doing it until I asked if it was real. Glad I did. Thank you so much!
No problem, Lashonda. Thank you for leaving a reply!
After reading your site, I went to sign up with a fake name, fake zip code, email, etc and there were indeed 3 jobs available in my area. The only thing that was a problem was the made up cc number.. convenient
Lol convenient indeed.
plz help me out here…i already paid the amount…is there any other bussiness to earn money online…if u do,plz tell me out.i beleive you
Hey, if you go to the bottom of the Work at Home University’s website, you’ll see their refund policy link, and you’ll be provided with a website to submit a ticket or a phone number to call. I’d try requesting your money back. Yes there are other ways to make money online, check out my #1 ranked product here (Wealthy Affiliate) if you’re looking for a legit opportunity!
Hi wendy…..thanks for your advises but though its late cos I paid my membership already but at least I learned.Now I dont know how to get back my money.
I would suggest you take a look at their refund policy located at the very bottom of their main webpage, You can either open a support ticket or call their phone number. I hope you are able to get that taken care of.
Wow thanks so much for this information. I was seconds away from buying into this bullshit! I just got off the phone with my mom and said “I should look into this first. Never heard of easy money.” So thankfully I stumbled upon your site or I would have fallen for the whole “as seen on” bit.
Yeah you were smart to do so – Unless you win the lottery or inherit it, there really is no such thing as easy money! The “as seen on” is just a marketing ploy – I have no idea how they are able to stay in business.
Hello, shame I just read these comments now, because I tell you, I had already purchased in Work at Home University, because it looked so real and it happens when I finish my record, gave me error in the credit card and of mensa it repeated several times, well I thought that by giving the error had not I taken off my card but you think, I discounted the value of $ 97 4 times, call my bank and see if it was possible for them to cancel me that and I said that the process is in pending status, but that is already cleared my account and that they are what they ought to cancel the purchase. Today I got the number and I’ll call to see if it is possible that my money back, I hope to God so be it.
Wendy Anyway thanks for the info you post, this very well.
Whoa that isn’t good! I’m sorry you had to go through that, I hope you can get it taken care of! And you’re welcome!
Hi Wendy – Thanks so much for this information. I tried to sign up for WAH University for $97. My debit card wouldn’t go through – possibly because I’d just sent an e-mail to my bank about fraudulent use of my number in California. I was saved by being declined. Lol – Then I Googled Michelle Withrow -and, you saved me. Thanks so much! Will check out Wealthy Affiliate now. Unemployed at present and truly wish to work from home. Keep up the good work!
You’re Welcome, Andrea. Well at least the fraudulent use of your card was good for something, huh? It seemed as though fate saved the day in this case…or maybe just dumb luck? 😉 I look forward to seeing and working with you within Wealthy Affiliate!
Hi wendy… i was corned by them yesterday…… i should have reviewed about them before getting corned.. its sad that they are cheating ppl and playing with our sentiments. How can i get my money back? any advise… as i’m unable to post anything to them or even see my own profile which was created instantly after the payment was done… and when i tried to sign in this morning the link was all garbbled.
On their main webpage, they have a “refund policy” at the very bottom of the page. It claims you can get your full money back within 60 days of purchase and it’s “no questions asked” (however I doubt that as so many other people were having money back issues)! However they give you the option to enter a support ticket or call a number so I would advise you to at least try that approach and see if it works for you, I really hope it does! I’d also appreciate it if you would let me know how it goes!
At the very least now you’ll know not to buy into any of the program’s expensive upsells (I suspect they’ll be calling your telephone very soon!) and will be better informed to stay away from things like this in the future!
thanks again for the word of advice
hey wendy thanks for the positive input.yes you are right there alot of scams on the internet right now.we all have to look cautiously cause we all do not have money to be throwing away when all we tryin to do is make a decent living.thanks for the advice with wealthy affiliate ima look into that since it seems to be one of the most respected
thanks a lot wendy you know what? i would enter this site immediately now but i told myself first i will search via google if anything about this site and i found your subject first search in page ,you are very professional to choose the subject name to be on the top in google thank you for rescuing my money.
*finally two small questions
1-what about the indian site (earn part time)?
2-what is the best site on the internet for making money online? …….waiting for reply
Glad you found this site and joined Wealthy Affiliate – I just talked to you in chat and it is great to have you as a member. I left a comment on your profile and told you where to get started out.
I am not quite sure what you mean about the “indian site” ? And you have already joined the best site for making money (in my opinion) – Wealthy Affiliate. You’ll find all the training, tools and support you need there to get your own website business up and running!
thanks a lot wendy for saving my precious money
No problem.
Hi Wendy,
This is Joseph from Rwanda, East Africa and has been interested in the program, I browsed through the responses to the above comments and I want to start as soon as possible. according the advice you gave this is what I am going to do before paying 97$: Signing up for Wealth Affiliate and learn how to start my own online business of posting links. here in Rwanda I might be the first person who have seen this program for I like internet research. I hold masters in education but I hate being a teacher as here in Africa teachers are poorly paid. so I do hope that this program will give me a better pay! thank you and look forward to hearing from you. Thanks – Joseph
Hi Joseph,
Actually just to clear things up a bit – the $97 for learning how to post links is what you would be doing with Work at Home University, which is what I’m advising AGAINST because it is a scam. You won’t get very much information with the initial system they provide you, and they will contact you and try to get you to buy 1,000’s of dollars more in services that you don’t need. It’s very deceptive.
When you sign up for Wealthy Affiliate,(entirely different from Work at Home University) you can do so for free, without a credit card. You’ll then be a starter member and have access to 2 free websites and the starter training, and that’s where you learn how to start your own online business doing whatever it is you want to be doing! If you start up the training and give it a shot, you’ll be well on your way to earning much better pay in the long run!
wow thanks wendy you save my life and my money those were kind of interesting offers but I had to do the homework first before signing up and register thanks alot
you’ve been a great help.
No problem! Glad you did your homework.
also as a temporary insider I can tell you one thing that immediately weirded me out was that your password is auto input into the form; just entre your unsername and go? so I can enter your username and access your account then too if all I need is the name? totally off and when I called to ask for refund he tried to offer me a further discount lol couldn’t believe their audacity to try and keep me after I already figured them out.
Yeah they will practically give the initial system away for a penny because they are only going to try and get you to buy 1,000s of dollars more of stuff you don’t need!
Well I fell for it at a particularly low time in my life both emotionally and financially and it seemed just good enough to be true but ended up fake as a snake in the end I wish I had googled it first but live and learn I’m glad this info is out there for more proactive people to defend themselves with but I called and requested the refund and it’s been less than 60 days since I initially ordered so if in the 2-10 days my credit card reflects I’ll come back and let everyone know.
Yeah, unfortunately we all have to make mistakes to learn from them, but such is life. Yeah it would be great if you could let us all know your experience with receiving a refund – it seems like it’s very inconsistent, some people are able to and others are not so lucky!
thanks, wendy, i reckon you saved me a lot of bother. best wishes, john h.
You’re welcome, John!
Glad I read this before I entered my credit card info. When I saw the BBB give an “F” rating I figured it required more research. So glad I am one of the lucky ones not losing any money!
Yeah, that could be a warning sign, but the BBB isn’t always the best place to get your opinion on a company. Remember, companies actually have to pay money to even get rated with the BBB in the first place, and any company with enough money can pay their way into receiving good grades with the BBB even if the company is crap – so just keep that in mind next time you see a shady sounding company with an excellent score – it probably means they just paid a lot of money to receive it.
But in this case yes, it’s true – Work at Home University deserves a big fat “F”!
Hi, you can tell me about this program working from Mexico, It Works or not? and I don´t have credit card, is possible to make a money order and you can tell me instrutions about it? . Thanks.
Hi, I’m unsure which program you are referring to. I’m not sure how WAH works, but if you sign up for Wealthy Affiliate you do not need a credit card, and the program will definitely work from Mexico. There are members there from all around the world.
Thank you vey much,I saw this while I was searching for job me being not sure when I did the search job in my area I put another name and email to be sure I called the number when I clicked the contact when I called I said I was calling to get more information the representative said my call was being recorded she said she can help me with I said I was calling to get more information she said sorry our website didn’t get me enough information she statutes talking than she said you might thing our website is a scam inside my head I’m like that’s suspicious than she said they have 3 website but it’s the same company with one number ,than finally I’m go google which that’s where I got the side but after than I’m google trying to see if there was any complain about this if it’s a scam I came across your post,hope to hear from you
You’re welcome Josefa, and thank you for sharing your story here. Glad you took the time to do your research, as you can see many others have actually paid money for the program to only find out they want you to pay 1,000s more dollars to actually get started! There’s nothing good about this program and you’d be wise to invest your money in more legitimate opportunities.
Thanks for all this info. I did purchase the WAHU system for $97 and proceeded to work it. I was told to immeridately call a specialist to get me started for only $4000. Do I feel foolish. I’ve been trying to work the program without enlisting a specialist…..but no go! Disappointment
I would like to work at home on computer related projects and am willing to put in the time and effort it takes to make it successful. Just can’t seem to wade through all the scams out there!!
Thanks for sharing your experience MarySue. I know it can be hard to find a good opportunity through all the scams, but there are some decent programs out there, I always recommend the one I use, Wealthy Affiliate. You can try it out for 100% free, so I suggest you check it out. It will get you up and running with your own free website and training to start your very own online business.
I thank you so much wendy for this. I was bout to give them my money til something told me to do more research on it. I called the 1 877 number and theres 2 people that you can only talk to. I asked for there names and ext. number but they dont have one. So not real business i personally thinks its a scam. Really was looking foward to making money online.
You’re welcome Sade, and thank you for posting your story here. You’re right, Work at Home University it isn’t a real business (nor a university) – but if you’re looking forward to being able to make money online, you don’t have to be disappointed and give up hope. It is possible to make money, if you get started in the right direction. I’d recommend starting with the training at Wealthy Affiliate (100% free) and see how you like it
Wow! i cant believe that website was a scam. I been thinking for 4 days if i was going to join or not! haha i was just about to give up 97 dollars today until i ran across your website!!! Thank you so just saved me time & money
You’re welcome, and thank you for your comment. I hope you consider taking your money and investing it into a legitimate opportunity.
Unfortunately I fell for WAH university a day ago and even talked to the sales personel on the phone and the person asked to pay another $200 to join a group so I’ll have a mentor, thank you for this information, really helped
Thanks so much for the post. I’m sorry to hear they tricked you and demanded more of your money, I hope you get it resolved and are able to get your money back!
Thanks Wendy. I wanted to try it and see if it did work and write my personal review on it but its complicated I honestly don’t even know whats going on.
One question, why are the videos once you log into the account seem so real????
Hi Brenda,
They just know how to suck you in. They’re going to try to upsell you and get you to pay a lot more money for services you don’t actually need. I really would try to get your money back and sincerely hope you don’t have any issues doing so.
You should join a community like Wealthy Affiliate, and try to make an honest approach at earning money online. Success will never come easy or overnight, you have to work for it. But it IS possible.
Hi wendy, thanks for this…i almost sifned up last night but luckily there wasnt enough in my account..i then asked a friend to look into it and he found your article! Thanyou x
I just paid $97 earlier and im so skeptical about these things and didnt do my research this time… Im so mad because I know better and the whole “advertised in the news” bs made me believe it was real. I just hope i get a refund ;(
Thanks for putting in the time to do research and uncover the scammer!! everything you said made complete sense!!
You’re welcome!
Thank you so much for posting this. I discovered the WAHU yesterday and it seemed to good to be true. I am glad that I think before leaping and I know to research for reviews. I am a mother of 2 children and I would love to work from home to spend more time with my kids. You just saved me from a HUGE SCAM, I cannot thank you enough!!!!
You’re welcome! It’s possible to work from home, you just have to get started in the right direction. I hope you take the time to sign up for Wealthy Affiliate, I’m sure you’ll love it!
Ah, I figured it was a scam. I knew to do my research before anything else. I’m glad Googling “Michelle Withrow” has you as the top result. I’ll take the time to check out the resource you mentioned, since I DO want to get into working online. Thanks a lot for the useful info. It’s much appreciated.
You’re welcome, Tim. Absolutely check it out if you want to start working online! I’m always here for you if you need help too!
i wanna wendy pleas but am not whiz .
you can email me on also
it is sad how many scams there are online. i guess if you can’t beat them, join them. make your own scam site and you’ll be making bank. i am kidding, of course, but it does make you think. thanks for the review, you make good points. I hope that your reviews are legitimate.
Hey you have a point, and unfortunately many people don’t mind profiting from the misfortune of others – hence why there are so many scam sites. Sad, but true. This is why I write these reviews, because I want people to be informed and not get scammed out of their hard earned dollars!
hi!thanks for your information,i was about scam!!!
You’re welcome!
I signed up for $77- and watched one video and tried to get started by updating my profile. Then it said to call the Start up Specialist first. Wow; talk about misinformation; These guys have scamming down to an art. I am not taking calls from them anymore. I will seek a refund straight away. Sorry I didn’t do my homework before I fell for the add to make money at home.
Yep they just want your information to call you and sell you lots of expensive things you don’t need. I am sorry that happened to you and at least you’ll know better next time! I really hope you have no problems getting a refund!
I enrolled here but not even 24 hrs, I asked for refund. But they gave my money back. I was nervous because of all the reviews that they don’t return your money. But thank God they did. I still have a little trust on this site, but if you don’t know about business and you don’t have the patience , don’t do it, its not worth it.
Awesome, thanks for sharing your experience. I’m glad to hear you were able to get your money back, others were not so lucky!
Hi jasslyn.may I know how you get back the refund?
thnx. you saved my money and time.
Glad I could help
Thank you for this important information. I just about to invest my $97 to the program until I rad your article. I’m so thankful for reading your information.
Well glad I could save you some money! I hate seeing people get scammed!
I’m so thankful I read your article. Very helpful
I’m glad you read it, too! Thankful to help out!
Thank you so much for this very informative site you have created. Otherwise, I will be joining several people that has been scammed online.
You’re welcome! That is what I do!
Thanks for the tips, very helpful. Cheers
You’re welcome, Paul!
Hi Wendy thanks for the info. I was abt to apply for this University. You really saved me from this scam. God bless you.
No problem, it’s what I do. Glad I could save you from wasting your money.
Thanks for this site Wendy, I almost fell for this too. Just seemed like a fast way to get some cash. Thank you for this site to save me money!
You’re welcome Lindsay. Unfortunately it takes time and effort to make money online and these get rich quick programs are just designed to take your money. If you’re interested in a real opportunity, check out my #1 ranked product.