As someone who has been making money online for the past few years, I am quite familar with various programs that exist to teach beginners to get started. Unfortunately, the niche is saturated with low grade products that promise you the moon but offer very little in reality. When it comes to programs like Ultimate Home Profits that boast easy money, it’s best to think twice and do some personal investigating before you come to a conclusion on whether or not the product is right for you.
A look inside Ultimate Home Profits – scam or honest program that can earn you money online
The short answer? It’s a terribly misleading, low quality product at best. It’s full of upsells that’ll quickly empty your bank account and the “training” will leave you running around in circles.
Stop wasting your time with products like this! Check out my #1 rated training program
It seems like everywhere you look, whether it’s in the comment section of an article, on social media, or even in your email inbox – there’s an offer to try out the latest and greatest product that’ll finally make you those millions.
Ultimate Home Profits (formerly Extreme Home Profits and Excel Cash Flow), is one of those programs. Most likely if you’ve stumbled across it, you were first led to some fake news story claiming a single mom earns $8,999 a month working online. From there, you were led to the actual product sales page, where you can learn all about a struggling single mom, in this instance her name is Emily Hudson, and how incredibly easy it will be for you to make money online with this system.
Sales page vs Reality
The more you read, the more it almost seems too good to be true! Well, probably because it is. The sales page is wildly inaccurate and misleading. The claim is that all you have to do is “post links” and you’ll be on your way to making tons of cash online – up to $379 per day.
You can even calculate your income with their handy dandy income calculator! Although, if you do the math – $379 per day works out to be just under $140,000 per year, yet their income calculator calculates you can make over $1,000 per day – that’s nearly $400,000 a year. Hmm…
Reality – it’s impossible to predict how much money someone will make online
Online business isn’t a 9-5 with a set hourly wage or salary, so programs that devote their entire sales pitch trying to sell you on the fact you’ll be making a certain monetary amount are all b*llshit.
They mislead you into what you’ll be doing to make money
They claim you just post links for big box companies and get paid $10, $15, $20+ per link. Not only is this crazy misleading, it’s extremely oversimplifying everything.
The basic training overviews topics like affiliate marketing, dropshipping, Ebay and list building. Affiliate marketing is the only topic that is even close to their so called “link posting” job offer, but it is a big stretch. There’s a lot more work involved then what they make you believe.
The biggest problem is the training is more like an overview rather than in depth, step by step instructions beginners will actually need. Furthermore, there are huge holes that you’ll constantly need filled by upsells (they’ll make you spend more money to get more training, web hosting, support ,etc).
The average beginner will likely get nowhere and only further in debt trying to b
uild a business with Emily Hudson’s Ultimate Home Profits.
Price – it isn’t just the $97, $77, or even just the $47
Even if you manage to snag Ultimate Home Profits (or Extreme Home Profits) for the $47 offer, it doesn’t end there. They’ll overcharge you for things like your web hosting, additional training and support – which everyone will ultimately need.
With programs like this it isn’t unheard of for people to be asked by the sales team to invest 5, 10 or even 15 thousand into building their “business”.
This program isn’t original in the slightest – copy cat scams have been going around for years
Ultimate Home Profits, Extreme Home Profits, and Excel Cash Flow aren’t the only names these programs go by.
It seems that as soon as one comes, it goes with another popping up to take its place. They all use the same website template, sales pitch, fake news story, – and in many cases even the same struggling single mom.
Here are some names of similar copy cat programs:
Online Home Careers University
….plus many, many more…
I can’t tell you the exact connection between all these programs, but I encourage you to take a look at the reviews and see the incredible similarities between all of them. There’s no reason high quality, legit programs would constantly be changing their names or have a reason to mislead their customers.
Want to learn how to build a real business online, without all the hype?
Programs like Ultimate Home Profits are shady at best, if not (for lack of a better word) simply just scams. It can be hard to know if it’s even worth investing into the whole idea of creating a business online because with all the bad products and misinformation the entire area can appear to be one giant scam after another.
But I can assure you making money online in and of itself is very real, although not easy. To be completely honest, there’s really only one program I find myself recommending time and time again to beginners for its high quality training, support, community, tools and amazing value.
How do i know that your program is not a scam too? Because I have read hundreds of these online make money quick from home and yes they are scams So why should I believe yours is any different, Please inform me and prove me wrong.
Well, Wealthy Affiliate isn’t a make money quick from home program so that is the first thing that sets it apart. It’s basically an online learning platform and community for creating a business on the internet, or existing business owners. You can read the complete review I’ve provided here to get more details and maybe see for yourself. The final thing i’d like to point out is it’s 100% free to join (without a credit card) so anybody can see what they’re getting into BEFORE they put any money into it.