The Project Payday Scam – What is it?
Project Payday is a CPA (Cost Per Action) money making opportunity. CPA offers are put out by big companies that encourage people to sign up for their products and services with incentives like free trials or low cost, limited time offers. They do this in hopes that they’ll generate future sales for the companies. The Project Payday program takes advantage of the way this system works and teaches you how to make money from it.
So, is Project Payday a Scam?
I’ve previously reviewed a similar program to this called Instant Payday Network, another CPA offer money making opportunity (which perhaps is even worse than Project Payday).
It’s advertised as 100% free way to make fast cash, but is it really free?
It’s misleading that this program is 100% free to join, it’s really not. While you can go right ahead and pay around 35 bucks to get access to Project Payday, they offer an alternative option to sign up for one of their chosen cost per action offers, which are not really free. You’re going to have to give out your personal information, including your credit card.
Let’s take a look at this offer from You can chose to sign up for their 7 day free trial offer and get instant lifetime access to Project Payday.
Except you need to actually keep your subscription with ($19.99 per month) in order to keep your access to Project Payday…so therefore it’s not really free is it?
The other CPA offers they give you to sign up are essentially the same. You’re going to have to buy something from these offers in order to get access to the product.
Can you make $50 in your first 24 hours?
The system is advertised as a great way to make some fast cash, claiming that you can earn up to $50 in your first few hours and have it deposited in Paypal within your first 24 hours of joining.
You’re going to have to sign up for quite a few of these CPA type offers to attempt to make that money, and that is going to involve giving out a lot of your personal information (including your credit card number, address, phone number and even your social security number in some cases) to a lot of different sources.
You should know that these companies are not even guaranteed to pay you any money at all if they don’t want to, and they have the ability to charge your credit card at any time. Even assuming they did pay out and you had no credit card issues, it seems a bit unwise to freely give up that information for a few bucks.
Project Payday is Exploiting CPA Offers
Now, first of all, the way the system works is definitely exploiting CPA offers. The reason these offers are being put out by companies is because they want interested potential buyers to try out their products and services and have them become customers.
What’s happening, however, is the majority of these people aren’t signing up for offers with any intent on keeping the product or service, and cancel the offers before they are charged. Many of these companies know this is happening and are suspicious of sign ups that cancel right away. Therefore, you have to be really careful about signing up for these offers and cancelling them, because if you cancel too soon you might not get your pay out, but if you cancel too late you’ll end up being charged for the product.
You’ll have to keep a really good record of exactly which program you signed up for and when you need to cancel, otherwise you could end up getting charged a ridiculous amount of money for all sorts of products you do not want.
It may be possible to earn money through the CPA route, but I personally wouldn’t want to get involved.
Like I already rambled about in my previous review of Instant Payday Network, I am not a fan of giving out my personal information to companies. I’ve had too many bad experiences with companies charging my credit card and making it as difficult as possible to cancel their services. (Seriously, some of them don’t make it easy!)
There may be a “system” to making money with the CPA route, but it involves experience and a willingness to give up your information. The majority of people who sign up for this program will never make any sort of realistic income from it and will probably end up spending more money on CPA sign-ups than they make from the program.
I would advise people not to go into this sort of money making program, because it isn’t going to make you rich.
If you want to really make money online, you need to stop chasing programs like this.
If you want a system that is really 100% free (honestly) without giving up any personal information, not even a credit card – then you should take a look at Wealthy Affiliate.
—> Read my review of Wealthy Affiliate, the program that WORKS!
They will teach you how to build a legitimate business online to successfully earn money, not exploit a system to attempt to earn a few bucks.
It’s not some product you download – it’s an active, thriving community of people who are in the business of making money online. The entire community works together to help each other out. I’m a member, and if you join I promise I will be with you along the way to help out.
You can sign up for free right here.
Any questions or comments, feel free to drop them down below.
Wendy I liked you review but i must say that you are wrong when you mentioned that you have to keep the trial offer inorder to keep your project payday account. I have personally tried one of their free trial offers, it was a hulu 7 days free trial and I canceled it 5 days after trying it and to this day i still have my project payday account. I dont make alot of money with project payday but i make atleast $40 -$110 a day. IT may not be for everyone but it can work.
Thanks Jerry I appreciate your input here. I was only mentioning what Project Payday states in their terms when you sign up for the trial offers, it may just be that it isn’t always the case and depends on what offer you choose whether you need to keep the service or not. I’m glad that you found something that works for you, but I agree it definitely isn’t for everyone.
Hey Wendy,

Thanks for the insight into project pay day, I would really recommend people to stay away from such programs as you end up giving so much of your details out to lots of strangers that could possibly miss use it. And as for Wendy’s #1 recommendation well you should check that out! I am part of WA and can say its a great place to learn and build your online business i have been there for a short time and already earning decent income online
By the way great website i will be visiting it regularly
Yeah a lot of those companies do not making cancelling such trial offers a walk in the park, let me tell you… Anyway thank you Tejas for stopping by!