Online marketing degrees are being offered more commonly these days in schools such as Full Sail, Franklin, and Ashford University. It’s definitely a growing field as more and more companies move their marketing online. And with this new area of business, many reach out to experienced individuals to manage their campaigns. But is having an internet marketing degree really a necessity?
If you’re thinking about getting such a degree, you may want to first consider the points below.
#1. It changes too fast to fit the style of formal educational teaching
The internet marketing world changes fast. You know how college courses are set up – the semesters are planned and probably not reformatted every semester. If it took you even just 1 1/2 -2 years to complete a degree, the marketing world would be a lot different by the time you got out of school, rendering all that stuff you learned in the beginning useless and outdated. It’s a field that requires being constantly hands on. With online marketing, you can’t just take a few courses and learn everything. You really need to dedicate yourself to continuing that education throughout your career to keep up on what works.
#2. Most related jobs don’t actually require a degree
If you look at job listings, you’ll notice tons of openings for jobs like Social Media Manager, SEO specialist, Media Marketing Manager … just to name a few.
But the thing is… many jobs within this field aren’t really looking for education, they’re looking for experience.
Take a look at the above examples – “Digital Marketing Producer” and “Search Marketing Specialist”. You can see they require a bit of experience, but nowhere on the job description does it suggest the need for a degree. I didn’t just cherry pick these out of 1,000′s of results either, I found these doing a quick search within Many others that mention degrees within the job description only list them as preference, not a requirement.
#3. Those years spent in school could be traded for years out in the field gaining experience
Every year you spend in school is a year you are paying money instead of earning money. Those with no experience will need to learn it from somewhere, but learning does not require obtaining a formal education from an accredited university. Getting your hands dirty and learning the skills required is available to anybody with an internet connection for a heck of a lot less money.
The internet is a wonderful place that has many avenues to help you learn. There are online business communities dedicated to helping folks start out in the field of internet marketing, and other online learning centers such as where you can learn tons of related skills. Neither of which are anywhere near costing you that $31K you’d spend on a degree.
#4. You’re overpaying
The entire reason people attend college is to land careers they couldn’t have without the formal education. With internet marketing, most of the time you don’t actually need a degree to work in many of the fields.
Here’s a tuition price guide taken from Full Sail University’s website:
At $10,333 per semester and 3 semesters of work, you’re looking at $31,000 for your degree. In a field where a degree is mostly not required, you may want to reconsider just how you go about educating yourself.
#5. You can easily create your own business online
The best way to learn the ins and outs of internet marketing is to start up your own web business. It isn’t nearly as hard as you might think. There’s places online to help start you out. You’ll find yourself picking up all the required skills (SEO, Google Analytics, Adwords, social media marketing, website creation) in no time at all. And best of it all, you’ll be earning your own money in the process. Earning while you learn sounds a lot better than going into debt while learning, don’t you think?
With your own business created, you won’t even need to work for anyone else. Or you could very well start up a new company with your acquired skills such as SEO or website creation! At the very least it’d teach you the skills and give you the experience many employers are looking for in the field.
Just take the time to figure out what it actually is you want to do, and find out if having a degree is really a requirement.
There’s no need to go in to debt if it can be avoided. There are plenty of opportunities for you within the field that don’t require spending ridiculous amounts of money on an education. If you can jump in the game without having to put a down payment on your education, I’d definitely consider it.
Remember that internet marketing is a constantly evolving field that requires continuous learning. A degree may give you a very expensive piece of paper, but it won’t directly get you the experience and skills you really need upon entering the job market.
Do you have a degree in internet marketing? Do you find it useful or do you feel like you could have learned it elsewhere? Share your thoughts!
Coming from a Full Sail University Internet Marketing Graduate I have to say you have definitely made some good points.
Although I did learn so much at Full Sail, gained wonderful friends and had the Instructors there every step of the way I don’t like the loans that I had to take on. Of course no one does but for the cost of the tuition I really wish I would have done more hands on training than anything.
I definitely don’t regret going to college because like I said I learned things I probably never would have such as what is a SWAT analysis and what are Buyer Persona Types. I have a whole sphere of friends that I never would have had if I had not attended Full Sail but you’re right, you don’t need a degree in IM to succeed.
Concerning your 1st reason about IM changing, I will say this about Full Sail and the instructors, they are constantly changing their curriculum to stay current with what’s going on. Also, at any time, I can go back and take a class for free so that I can stay up to date as well.
Great post and some really great advice for those on the fence of whether or not to get that degree or go for experience.
~ Audrey
Hey Audrey,
Thank you for leaving your insight here, it is greatly appreciated. College can be great, and the experiences and friendships you gain cannot be replaced. Still I think one must consider the cost of an education with their needs and what they can afford. It is definitely possible to learn and achieve success without a degree in this field, so if you don’t want to spend the money on a degree there really isn’t any reason to.
It’s really awesome that Full Sail keeps up to date and allows you to go back and take class for free! Considering the way the internet marketing field changes all schools that offer degrees in IM should allow students to do that (if they don’t already).
I know some people learn better in different types of environments with more structured learning (like college), and the may benefit a lot from a degree. But for me, personally I learned everything I know about IM from much cheaper alternatives and first hand experience.

Really good job done here!!! A degree in Internet Marketing is a new thing and I am in agreement with you that you don’t need degree in this industry but i think what people can do is they can design some sort of crash course on Mindset and approach towards Internet marketing, although this market is very dynamic but still Mindset and approach will remain the same!!!
Mindset and approach.. you are absolutely right! Those make all the difference and are things that will never change.
First of all; Really awesome site you have here!
I really enjoyed reading your aticle about Internet Marketing Degree. This will help a lot of people who need to find the proper information regarding this subject. And what better ways is there, then to visit your site?! Your site and this article ROCKS!
Thanks a TON!
Yeah just giving people some food for thought. : ) Thank you for the comment Johan!
You have provided a lot of good information for anyone wanting to build an online business. We are fortunate to have people like you who give us insight to the real workings of building a business. As far as having a degree, I feel joining a program like Wealthy Affiliate is more important because you learn from the successful professionals. What could be better than that?
Yeah, I think it’s a great opportunity many people tend to overlook. Just thought I’d put things into perspective. : )
Hey Wendy
You’ve created an awesome clear site here
I didn’t realize internet marketing courses were $10,000 and upwards. That’s a crazy amount of money, especially when we can start with Wealthy Affiliate for Free and no doubt receive much better quality training from Kyle and the rest of the community
Thanks Neil. Yeah, internet marketing courses are expensive…but that is the price you pay for a college education. I’m not saying it’s worthless, just that people should really think twice about paying for an actual degree for these kinds of jobs if it’s not needed. You definitely can get the same support, training an experience from cheaper alternatives (like WA).