Product: Online Home Careers University (aka Careers @ Home University, Work At Home University…)
Price: Initially $97.95, then $77.95, then $47
Owner: “Melissa Mayer” (fake person)
Rank: 0/100 – SCAM!!!!
What is Online Home Careers University?
What this product is and what it claims to be are two entirely different things. This is actually a downright scam and has been done many times over on the internet, using nearly identical sales pages, photos and testimonials. It’s merely a copy paste scam that is going around and is designed for nothing more than to fool you out of your hard earned money, then call to hound you with additional upsells! The creator is fake, the testimonials are fake, the claims are fake – it’s just one giant lie that is definitely too good to be true.
Let’s take a quick look at how this product compares to the competition…
Scam Alert #1 – So called creator Melissa Mayer isn’t an actual person!
This girl “Melissa Mayer” looks familiar because she’s been floating around the internet as many differnet people. You see, she’s a stock photo and that story is fake!
Take this example:
Look familiar? Oh yeah because it’s identical!
Oh and here is the actual stock photo of Melissa, or Michelle, or whoever she is…
In case you aren’t familiar with stock photo – it’s a website where you can go and purchase images to use at your own free will. This girl is obviously real but she isn’t any of the people these websites claim she is. All the testimonials on their site are stock photos as well (it claims so right on the salespage) however that seems like an incredibly shady practice. It says it’s to “prodcut their identities” however there just isn’t any reason they would be fake pictures unless it wasn’t a genuine product.
Scam Alert #2 – Online Home Careers University hides behind many identities
Like I stated previously, this program isn’t one of a kind. There are many others, such as Careers at Home University, Work at Home University, Stay at Home Revenue, Profit From Home University…
The sad part is those aren’t the only ones, there are more – but I think you get the point. There is no reason for a product to go around with many aliases unless it was trying to hide something.
Scam Alert #3 – Promises you’ll make ridiculous amounts of money doing virtually nothing
As you read down the sales page, they keep saying how easy it is to makes TONS of money working from home. They also go so far as to claim it’s “proven and guarenteed” to earn you _x_ amount per day. Any program that tries to make such claims is lying to you and you should stay away.
If there was a real job that let you make $450 daily from just working a few hours “posting links” – wouldn’t everyone be doing it? They’re pretty vague about the whole link posting process, but it’s probably something like posting spam links across the internet. Some people do stuff like that to earn money online, but it’s shady and you’re probably not going to be very successful or earn a lot of money trying to do that. When it comes to making money online, I can tell you first hand it is not that easy or simple.
Scam Alert #4 – They want all your phone number (along with lots of other personal info) so they can hound you with upsells!
They promse you a “free one on one consultation with an internet expert!” but what that actually translaties to is they’re going to have a sales representivie call you and try to get you to spend $1,000’s more on additional products and services. This is merely a gateway for upsells and nothing more.
Many people are angry and confused once they join and want their money back.
Final Thoughts
This program has absolutely no value. I don’t know how many times or in how many forms this product is going to dance around the internet disguised as another to try and mislead more unsuspecting folks.
I do want to point out that there really are people earning this type of income online, but it isn’t from any sort of program like this. Yes, it is possible to work at home online but it takes hard work, patience and determination. If you’re willing to make it happen, it can. It just isn’t so easy like they claim. No one can make any sort of guarentee of online income as that is entirely dependent upon YOU!
PS If my review isn’t enough to pursuade you this program is a flop, check out the comments section on my review of Work at Home Univeristy – there are many, many people commenting there who are complaining about being scammed by them!
**Sick of scams? Read about my #1 ranked program here.**
(100% free to join!)
Have you been scammed by OHC University or one of its aliases? I’d love it if you’d share your story down below!
Yes, Wendy… like you, I fell for it. You are correct in that after you got ‘fished’ they try to sink you more with more bonuses and other things which will end up costing you more. I got the CD and it ws pitiful — it didn’t even register on my PC!! I immediately called them and told them I wanted my money back.. Customer service gave me a Return Authorization number and said that the company will refund me AFTER they receive the CD —- the blank CD — ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!
I will be contacting my bank by next week to get my money back from these scammers.
The sad thing is that it is difficult to find a decent paying full-time job in this present down economy. I just got my MBA degree —- so you can imagine how much worse it is for me.
Who can we contact so these people are banished from the internet? Well…. they’ll come back as leftovers — dressed in “different” faces and snake oil.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Maria. I understand completely how it is – the economy is terrible and many people with degrees are working minimum wage jobs because it’s all they can find. I have a bachelor’s and worked crappy jobs right out of college, so I’ve been there.
Yeah they certainly come back dressed in different faces. I’m not sure how to really stop this… so for now I just try to warn people the best I can. If you’re really looking to earn some extra money, I suggest you give my recommended program a try. It teaches you how to build an online business which will create sustainable income for years to come.