My Wealthy Affiliate Review – Find Out How This Program Can Give You An Amazing Start in Online Business
Product Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Overall Ranking: 98/100
Price: $0 for starter membership – Create your account today!
Owners: Kyle and Carson
If you’ve come across Wealthy Affiliate anywhere on the internet recently, you may be hearing a lot of positive things about it. You’re probably desperately trying to search around, expecting to find those negative reviews exposing it for the scam it really is. You’re asking, “Is Wealthy Affiliate too good to be true?”
If you’re wondering if Wealthy Affiliate is a scam, I can tell you it’s certainly far, far from it. My name is Wendy (known as WendyJane within WA), and I’ve been a member of the community for about 3 years. I started a COMPLETE newbie, but took the training and built my own online business. The amazing part is that unlike every other “make money online” program out there, WA actually includes everything you need to create a business online – from the support, help, training, tools AND web hosting! There’s no upsells or hidden costs, period.
It’s by far the most helpful, interactive community for online business on the market today, so you definitely don’t want to miss out on your chance to experience it for 100% free.
Take a peek inside the platform right here
So, what exactly is Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate is a training program that can teach anyone how to start their own online business. The training ranges anywhere from teaching beginners to start up their own niche marketing website to training existing business owners how to put themselves online and use local marketing strategies to grow their existing business.
The great thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that you’re encouraged to start a business from your passions, interests or hobbies, not choose from a list of pre-selected “profitable” niches like other marketing programs will have you do. Starting a business based on your interests makes it more exciting and more likely that you’ll succeed. In fact, I believe it to be the most beneficial training program available on the market today for those wanting to venture into online entrepreneurship.
What makes Wealthy Affiliate Unique?
Wealthy Affiliate is so much MORE than a product. Unlike other online training programs, it isn’t just some downloadable guide or series of video tutorials. It’s essentially like a university for online business entrepreneurs. It provides all aspects anyone seeking out income online will need – training, tools, community and support! You won’t find that within any other “product” available.
The thing about online marketing is the system changes fast, what worked last year may not work today. I’ve seen things change a lot even in the few years I’ve been marketing online! However, the owners, Kyle and Carson, are very knowledgeable and stay on top of the game. Their training and advice is never outdated!
And they’re very active within the community.They sincerely care about helping others become successful online.
In addition to the help and support of Kyle and Carson, there’s an entire community of 10,000+ members that are willing to help you too! These are people from all walks of life, who have varying degrees of experience with internet marketing–some are extremely successful and others just starting out, but they’re all willing to help. There’s no other online marketing “product” you’ll find with that sort of support and community.
Let’s compare Wealthy Affiliate to college…
You would easily pay thousands of dollars for just ONE course, and how much for an entire degree? Some people pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for degrees, and many times more and more these days are left with massive debt and undesirable jobs. Wealthy Affiliate lets you join on the premium level for less than $1 per day, and teaches you everything you would ever need to know about online business. I myself went to college, but I got more benefit out of 6 months of training there than any college class I took, ever. It’s simply a way better value for your money.
So what exactly does “building an online business” mean?
This term tends to confuse a lot of people, but really an online business is just that, a business that is built online. Only instead of a physical piece of property, your business is built upon a website. What type of business you conduct on your website is up to you, but the beginner training within WA focusing specifically around something called affiliate marketing.
Basically, it’s like this – 2 billion people now have access to the internet and are searching in Google and other search engines constantly. Think about all the times you used a search engine trying to find information, advice or even when you wanted to buy something online. You probably clicked on some of the results and found what you needed within the first page, right?
This is where the training at Wealthy Affiliate comes into play. They show you how to create a website around helping people out who are searching for stuff online. You’re taught how to find the terms people are actually searching for online right now, write helpful content around it, and rank on the 1st page of Google and other search engines so people will find and click on your website.
If you build a site focused on a particular niche (a narrow area of interest) and can rank for lots of these key terms people are searching for on a daily basis, you’ll have a lot of traffic being funneled to your site.
In the terms of online business, traffic = potential customers. Once you have established traffic, the training will teach you how to properly monetize it.
And it doesn’t stop there, either. The training encompasses so much more it can virtually be for anyone who is interested in building an online business, no matter what they want to do.
What you’ll learn from just the beginner course:
Access to fully managed WordPress hosting for up to 25 domains you own (premium members)
Websites are the real estate of the online business world. Owning a domain name is one thing, but without hosting, simply having a domain name does you very little good.
The hosting provided by Wealthy Affiliate is hands down worth the $47 monthly membership alone. It can be a pretty pricey business expense if you start looking into the higher quality options, and even very basic hosting can run you over $100/year alone.
Considering they offer fully managed WordPress hosting for up to 25 domains (which if you purchase through companies like Pagely or WPEngine is extremely expensive on its own) and considering you would be paying this as an extra expense somewhere else if you weren’t a member here, you’re getting an amazing deal.
Pros vs Cons
Let’s take a look at some of the awesome benefits and features….
- You can sign up for free, for LIFE. It’s not a 7 day, 30 or 60-day trial offer
- NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! You don’t need a background in web design or marketing to get started here. The training and tools are designed for anyone to use regardless of prior knowledge.
- Superior, up to date training, they never fall behind the times
- TONS of additional training uploaded by members of the community, that’s right–anyone can upload their own training materials! It gives the community a unique aspect – the training is not all provided by the same person. People with all different types of experiences share what works for them!
- 24/7 help and support from a community of 10,000+ members, ready to guide you along the way
- Personal one-on-one support and coaching from the owners, Kyle and Carson themselves
- Web hosting on up to 25 domains you own + 25 free Siterubix websites (50 in total!) for premium members, 2 free Siterubix websites available to starter members!
- Unlimited Use of the WA Keyword Tool for premium members (Same database as Jaaxy (the paid keyword tool) but with limited features
- Not a MLM (Multi-level-Marketing) scheme nor a “get rich quick” program
- A sincerely honest approach, there’s absolutely nothing “sleazy” about it
- You are provided with your own blog to write about your marketing adventures! You can read everyone else’s blog posts too–a lot of times they can be quite inspiring and helpful
- Live video training every Friday-and you can go back and watch them whenever you want! There are so many past videos available to watch, and they provide a ton of useful info. I always learn something new whenever I watch them.
- Best of all you don’t have to go through the process alone, you’ll get LOTS OF SUPPORT from the community. There’s always people willing to help you out whenever you have questions!
However, it isn’t 100% perfect…
- The 24/7 live chat isn’t always the best place for help. Because there’s often times many people in there chatting, people ask questions that get thrown to the bottom and nobody will see them. If that ever happens, simply ask again and most likely someone will see it the second time around. It’s more of a place for easy, quick questions. The more in depth questions are best left for the interactive classrooms or PMs.
- Because Wealthy Affiliate is a highly interactive community, it’s really easy to get caught up in the social aspect (much like Facebook) and spend too much time chatting and not enough time actually working on your business!
- There’s really not many negatives about WA! It’s probably the most engaged, helpful online business community out there! But, I’ve written an in-depth blog that addresses the common complaints people have about Wealthy Affiliate, so give it a read if you want to find out the negatives other people have to say (and my rebuttals, of course).
Who is it for?
- People who can’t find jobs, are underemployed, or just simply hate their job.
- People who hate working for someone else.
- People who want the freedom to earn their own money, make more money, or earn a passive income.
- It’s for those who want to earn some extra money to help pay bills
- High school drop outs, college drop outs (and those that hold degrees too)
- It’s for people who want to go about an honest way of making money online.
- Those looking for quality WordPress hosting (fully managed)
- Essentially, anyone and everyone.
Starter Lifetime Membership: $0, yes ZERO dollars – Sign up for a free membership here.
Premium membership: $47 if you pay month by month, $359 per year (which works out to just $29 per month) It’s not much if you consider everything that’s included.
Price comparison chart – starter vs premium
Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories
Don’t just take my word for it – here are a few examples of the types of successes you can expect from the training…
Derek’s $100 day!
Josh hits 257 sales overnight – earning nearly $700 in a day!
Leo earns nearly $40,000 in a year with just one side project!
Colton hits $10,000 in a month!
This is just a very small sample of some of the success stories posted by WA members – there are too many to put here. These types of successes are happening every day to people at WA. Just hit the “success” tab and you’ll see people posting about things like making their first sale, earning consistent monthly income and quitting their jobs!
Want to experience success like this? Start here today!
My closing thoughts…
The truth is, there is nothing else like Wealthy Affiliate out there. They started back in 2005 as just a basic keyword tool, but it has evolved into a thriving, interactive community over the past 11 years. In terms of internet programs, 11 years is an eternity. It gives you a pretty good idea that these guys know a thing or two about online business.
They even let you join for free just so you’ll have an “in” on what exactly goes down within the community before you put your money down. They provide you with 2 free websites, free starter training and tons of additional training resources and blogs. You’ll have the ability to ask any questions you wish plus you can get your hands on the 24/7 live chat access for your first 7 days (note: after the first 7 days, your membership isn’t deactivated, just limited).
We all are familiar with the saying, “If something is too good to be true, it probably is.” I believe W.A. is the exception to that. Wealthy Affiliate is simply not a scam.
★A special BONUS offer for you★
In fact, when you join with a free starter account, I will offer you a special bonus if you decide to become a premium member within the first 7 days. I will be getting in touch with you personally to say hello, point you in the right direction, and give you more details on your special bonuses!
You’ll get…
✓ Your first month for only $19 (a 59% discount)
✓ Personal coaching from me!
✓ Bonus training materials that I’ve hand selected, which include:
Steve’s “Business From Scratch” – a tutorial that can help clear up confusion for any newbie when it comes to picking a niche and starting a website
Rebecca’s “How to Quickly Identify your Online Money Making Niche” – learn how to pick the best niche for you!
Jay’s Live Case Study in Real Time – actually watch an expert build a niche website!
If you end up not liking it or deciding it’s not for you, well then, there’s no pressure to stay. And with no membership fee required, you seriously have NOTHING TO LOSE! But I truly think you will like it within the community, it has so much to offer you.
If you need additional clarification or help with anything (seriously, anything at all), drop me a message on my profile page. I am more than willing to lend a hand!
What are you waiting for?
Register here for your free courses + bonus materials!
And, if have any questions or comments feel free to leave a comment down below, I’d be happy to give further information or help any way I can!
Hello Wendy, you are the second ‘real’ internet marketer that I have come across; the first one being a gentleman called Nathaniel, who has responded to my emails with my specific questions. I am currently a free member of WA but I am so impressed not only by the company but with folks such as yourselves, who create positive vibes about the company (I am pretty sure they don’t pay you for the well-intended PR that you are doing notwithstanding the fact that you might promote WA through the affiliate boot camp). More than the technical stuff, I like the honesty at play here – a scarcity these days!
And hey, before I get carried away and forget it, let me ask you my question and I am sure you will be kind enough to help me with a response! I love myself as a writer but I hate myself for not being regular in writing. But I have changed a bit now (I invite you to my site, which I have mentioned below if you have the time) and I hope the change is for good. With this quick background, my only question is this: is it necessary to have 50-100 posts in my site for any of my individual articles to rank in the first SERP? I find it hard to believe so but I guess DA and PA go hand-in-hand. So is it possible at all for any well-written article to rank in the first SERP all by itself without support from internal linking via closely related articles with related keywords? I am not claiming my articles to be well-written but I am dying to know this because I have one of my posts in page 19, which is really disappointing. Apologies for the long comment and thanks in advance for your patience!
Hey Bala,
There is no specific number of pages or posts you need to have written before Google and other search engines will start to rank you organically. However, it does take time and content to establish trust. Does it have to be 50 – 100? Not necessarily, sometimes you can have pages start to rank before you reach that number of posts, but it is a guideline meant to make you realize you need a lot of content.
The more content you have, the more trust you have with search engines and also the more rankings you’ll get. Most likely, no, an article is not going to rank organically if it is the only article on the website. You need to keep creating content and target low competition keywords, and eventually, you will start to rank. 🙂
hi Wendy,
I do have a pretty good job now, have done it since 17 years of age, I’m well paid, but for well paying jobs, comes stress and I’m done with stress,
I’m in my early 50’s and am looking for a new carer so to speak, I’ve come across WA a few times now and it looks like a actual legitimate business start up, I do have savings and other investments , that I could almost retire on , but not quite and I’m thinking of moving to a slower pace of life community, but I know I’ll get bored and want to do something, my question is , if a person can afford to go straight to paid member, is that the better option or should a person start the free 1st and make sure this is a fit for them?
thanks, have a great day
Well honestly there’s no harm in taking advantage of the free membership either way. There’s always the possibility you may decide it isn’t for you, and if that is the case, you won’t have to regret throwing any money into it straight away. If you do join and decide you like it and want to pay, you can do so whenever you’d like. 🙂
Hi! I would like to ask, since there are some outsourcing sites or free agents out there whom we could hire to do the research and create an article/blog for the niche selected for an affordable fee only, would this be acceptable as a WA member who doesn’t have the knack for writing/blogging or even have good english writing skills to hire a free agent and do the job (blogging) for him/her in order to produce a well made and effective blog? I am asking this because i have so much inadequate skills in english writing and i just find this program effective for the talented bloggers/writers only. And is there a way to find out and make sure that what the freelancer writes is not a duplicate of another article/blog?
It is fine to outsource your work, and most people will start outsourcing work at some point. However, if you try and do it with a free or very cheap agent, in my opinion, it isn’t worth it. Quality is really important, and unfortunately, if you want something done right it is going to cost you a bit. This is why most people start out doing their own work and eventually outsource when they have the budget, but if you can afford it early on then you can absolutely hire out.
You can use sites like Copyscape or Grammarly to check for plagiarized content. Keep in mind if you try and do it for super cheap it will probably be either plagiarized or almost plagiarized (badly scrambled or rewritten content).
I would like to know how would i get paid
It depends on the affiliate program(s) you decide to sign up for. Some pay with PayPal, some will direct deposit into your bank or send you a check in the mail.
Hello Wendy,
I recently stumbled upon the WA website. I have delved deep into reviews about this company to see if what is offered is a scam. I decided to create an account; however, the website tells me I already have an account (weird). I tried to retrieve password three times, but still no email with a retrieval code for my profile that I apparently made ( I do not remember EVER signing up). I sent an email to Kyle, I believe, about this issue and have not heard back from him either. I have also noticed that every time I read a review it is of people who joined, are happy, and have all the links to go to WA website. Are you really marketing items (i.e. shoes, clothes, etc.) or are you marketing the company? Is there a way to find your or any other members website and see for myself what you do? I read that if any company wants you to pay for a membership ( in order to work from home, then it is a scam. I have my concerns and reservations about joining, especially since I already have an account supposedly. Your help would be greatly appreciated. I do want the freedom to work from home, but of course only for a legitimate company. Thank you for your time and hope you have a wonderful day!
If you are getting a message saying you already have an account, try signing up with an entirely different IP address (in other words with a different internet connection).
Yes, it’s true that you shouldn’t ever have to pay to “work from home” and a lot of programs like that are scams. But it’s important to understand what you are paying for. With Wealthy Affiliate, you are not paying to work from home, you are paying for an education in online business. It is not different than paying for any other class you’d take to learn a skill. Typically anyone with any type of formal career has paid for the training behind it, and that is how you can think of WA.
Some people who promote WA are marketing WA, but many others go into whatever niches they want and market entirely unrelated products or services. Others do both. Wealthy Affiliate teaches you the basics of how to start and run an online business in any niche. Once you join you’ll find that many members openly display websites on their profiles so that is one way to get a better look at what some of the members are doing outside of promoting WA.
Ok, so I’m one of those people that signed up for WAH. I just caught them in a lie, so that is why decided to do some research that I should’ve done
in the beginning. You’d think I learned my lesson, getting burned out of over $2,500 a year or so ago with MOBE!!!! Have you heard of them?
Anyway, the lie was on a video, the guy (Sean) made a comment that we could sign up as an ‘Affiliate’ for WAH. I thought, great, I have a website already so
I’m set. When I called, however, I was put on hold for a while. When she got back, I was told to go to OfferVault. There I would find all kinds of Affiliate marketing
I could do. I told her I was wanting to know how to access their WAH) Affiliate area. Again she told me to go to Offervault.
I belonged to WA a while back, however, it was very confusing for me, plus all of the constant emails! It seemed I was on information overload and I couldn’t dig my way out! I tried to get help form the guy who got me in, but my emails most of the time went unanswered. I know it takes time and a lot of hard work to get going, of course.
I’m sorry your WA experience was overwhelming. I understand what you mean about the constant emails. A tip, you can go into your account settings and change the email settings so you won’t receive any emails or only certain ones. It helps a lot!
Above at the top:-
Product Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Overall Ranking: 98/100
Please tell me – where does that ranking come from? Who/what rates WA at 98/100?
That is just my personal rating, based on my research and experiences. I rate programs based on many different factors and WA ranks high because it’s a great program. 🙂
Hi, I’m a high school graduate from Australia, and I’m currently living independently and looking for a source of income whilst continuing studies full time – do you think I would be able to dedicate enough time into the website if I joined? Or whether creating and maintaining the website requires a huge amount of time? I was also wondering if we started on “Starter” whether we can move on to “Premium” later? And also if it’s possible to go back to “Starter” from “Premium”? Sorry if this question’s already been asked!
No need to apologize, Judi. I will be blunt, it does take a pretty big time commitment to start a business online. However, as long as you consistently dedicate time to it, whether it’s 10 hours a week or 100, you will make progress and that is better than not doing anything!
Yes, you can join starter and upgrade to premium whenever you are comfortable, but you actually can’t revert back to the starter membership once you go premium. However, if you ever do cancel your premium membership your account will be saved so you can come back at any point in the future. You also can transfer any site you build with WA to another hosting service if you decide to leave.
Hi Wendy~ I’m thinking this is what I wish to learn, but I want to be sure that whoever I sign up under is definitely 100% committed to helping those who are signed up under them. Too many times I am finding that they say they will be there for support, but really aren’t (slow to respond, never checking in to really see how the individual is doing, etc.). I understand we will have the support through WA, but not quite the same as having the individual support through the person you signed up under, if you understand.
I understand. I do take the time to help all my referrals who ask for it, so I would for sure be there if you ever needed a hand.
Hey Wendy. I finally have saved up enough money to buy the yearly premium membership, but had few final questions and would love if you could answer them too. 🙂
1.) The biggest and most frustrating question I have is regarding the types of sites one can build for affiliate marketing. Whenever I search for some product or service, most of the results are ‘review sites’ in which people write about first hand reviews of products they’ll already bought and tried first hand. It is a similar case with Wealthy Affiliate reviews. The point is, that after buying the yearly premium membership to Wealthy Affiliate, I would not be left with much money (except for jaaxy and domain name) to buy and try products for myself and then write reviews. Also, I would feel bad inside if I write reviews about products that I have not tried myself or do not trust. So what are the options for me now? Are there other ways to earn as an affiliate other than ‘review sites’? If yes, then please tell me about what are they and how they work in a little detail. And of course once I start earning some money, I can always buy products, review them and start my very own and honest ‘review site’.
2.) What do you think about a pro-active approach to affiliate marketing, in which I’m not just completing the lessons and tasks provided diligently and utilizing the community as much as I can, but also reading mindset books like – The Millionaire Fastlane, Secrets of a millionaire mind; blogging books such a Problogger : Blogging your way to a six figure income; marketing books such as The Email Alchemist; and other books on content creation and the art of writing; and also reading blogs of famous online marketers like Pat Flynn. Will this approach benefit me or am I better of with just focusing on wealthy affiliate? And why?
3.) How long did it take you to make your first sale with the help of the training from Wealthy Affiliate?
4.) How long until you started earning a full time income?
5.) There are few issues with paypal in my country, so are there other ways that different companies whose product I promote and also Wealthy Affiliate can pay me through except paypal?
Thanks a lot once again! 🙂
1. I understand the dilemma. Review style sites are popular in affiliate marketing but it isn’t necessarily the ONLY type of site you can create.
You can just have a singular product or service you are offering (so it could be something you already own or are familiar with, or a digital product, ebook, etc) and your site funnels traffic to that singular product, rather than reviewing a bunch of different products.
There’s also affiliate sites that focus on solving problems – “how to treat x ailment” “how to overcome social anxiety” “how to cure adult acne” etc … you can help people solve these problems and offer them a solution.
There’s sites that focus on specific projects – “hardwood floor restoration” “how to drywall” “caring for tropical fish tanks”
Think of something you are already interested in, a hobby or passion – you probably already own products within a certain niche or are very familiar with them, at least familiar enough to help people in the niche. If you can think of how you can help people, rather than how to sell something to them, then you are halfway to your succcess right there.
2. I am pro reading and expanding your knowledge – you do not need to limit yourself to WA training only. The more you know, so the slogan goes. However, just don’t overwhelm yourself with too much at once.
3. It took me about 3 months
4. It depends what you consider full time – at the end of the first year I was making a substantial amount, enough to be able to pay all my bills, but I would say it wasn’t really a “full time” income which I was comfortable with until the second year.
5. Every company is different, most actually don’t pay through PayPal, so that is probably good news for you. Usually they can do direct bank deposits, or mail a check. I know if you specifically promote WA, they will pay via PayPal, but they may have an alternate option to mail a check instead.
Hi there…I have a question for you. I started my own business last year – marketing, graphic design, print. So I already have my own website and hosting. However, I came upon an ad about wealthy affiliate..and I am interested in having extra streams of income. What would be your advice? Thanks!
Congrats on starting your own business Alyssa! You should definitely still sign up and look around WA to see if it’s a good fit for you. The training can teach you how to improve your existing business in terms of search engine visibility, and market effectively to increase conversions. There is also lots of live training videos on local marketing if it’s a local business?
You can also create unrelated smaller niche websites for extra streams of income! It is totally up to you what you choose to do with the training, but either way I think it could help you.
Hi Wendy,
I hope this question would not be a problem for you.
I am living in USA and I am waiting for work permission that maybe takes months or years. I do not know.
does WA ask for any legal status?
Can I work without this permission here in USA?. What about the laws? I will pay my taxes of course. But I am eager to begin with WA. And what about with the language barrier. Is it all in english?
Hi Tony,
Well, WA in and of itself doesn’t ask for any legal or tax information as they are an educational platform/community. You can definitely join with no problems. It really would depend upon the rules of the affiliate programs you joined as to how it would work, I know in the US many affiliate programs make you fill out a W-9 form, but if you are not a citizen you can obtain a Form W-8BEN which is for non-citizens. You may have to ask for that from the company you are affiliating with.
But, some companies only ask for a PayPal account for payments, and then the tax information is done through PayPal.
All that being said, I am NOT an expert on the laws. You may need to do some further inquiring but as far as joining WA you should have no issues. 🙂
Hey Wendy,
Just wanted to ask a quick question. The premium account goes for $47. So to make a profit from the venture, I should make much more than that! Is it possible for a newbie to make that kind of money if he can’t spend more than 1-2 hours a day?
Again I am web designer, so is it possible to create website outside of the tools provided by WA?
Thanks in advance
Yes it is more than realistic to make more than $47 per month, however it may take a few months or more to get to that point… it just really depends. If you are a web designer already then you definitely don’t NEED Wealthy Affiliate to create your own website! You can do it however you like,with whatever platform and hosting you wish, but the training and community part of WA is really where you would recieve the most benefit.
Hi Wendy,
Thanks for the post. I love writing content & have written contents for few websites. It has always been my dream to start my own blog. Hence ,I’ve been searching the web, taking notes but the process of setting up the blog and monetizing the content is just overwhelming. And I stumbled upon WA, thought to give it a try.
I’m from India, so I don’t have access to free membership and would like to try the premium membership. I’m a freshman at college. So $47 per month is a kinda huge deal. So I thought I could shoot you my doubts and get a clear idea before diving in.
One of my biggest question is, how much money do we have to spend to build the blog for a year?
eg : I want to create a cooking blog, say ,”cuisines under 10mins” or “homemade icecream” . From what I learn about WA is that, they offer courses to help me build the blog & courses related to SEO,promoting etc and WA will be help me rank my page within the first page. But do I’ve to use paid advertising [ social media adverstising and other methods] to bring in traffic or will WA help me promote it?
Glad to hear you are interested in WA! The $47 monthly membership is all you really NEED to spend for the first year (aside from a domain name, about $12 – $15 per year) They include your web hosting and all the tools you need right within WA, so spending additinoal money isn’t necessary. As far as advertising, no you definitely don’t need to invest in paid advertising in search engines or social media, WA teaches you how to promote your website 100% free.
You can always move on to paid advertising and investing in additional tools, outsourcing, etc at some point along the way, but I’d say in your first year as a beginner there is really no need for it. I would develop your business to the point it’s making money before you worry about spending more 🙂
Great website! I do have a weird question though. At the top of the page you aligned your WA picture to the right of your beginning text (name: price: etc.). When I try to add an image to my page, it aligns to the right, but pushes the next lines of text further down and there is a huge gap. Do you know how to fix this? I can elaborate more if you need.
Yeah that is a common problem, but without looking myself I wouldnt know the exact cause. It could be your theme being weird, or maybe your image is too big, or maybe you have extra spaces within the editor. Try playing with the image to see if you can fix the weird gap, or go into the text editor and look for extra spacing they may be causing it.
Could I just email you the picture of what’s going on? I think if you saw it, the solution would be visible. It’s hard to describe it through words.
Sure thing – [email protected]
Hello Wendy,
Please I need your help. I am a Nigerian. I reside in Togo where I do business. I got into wealthy through a blog. Truthfully, I enjoyed my free membership as it offered me time to navigate WA, after which I found out, it was in fact, made for me.
While it lasted I tried to go premium but the requirements in Togo, to open account for online payments by foreigners was just too much for a starter like me.
So I headed back to Nigeria, got my account and card was ready to go blast with premium, but WA rejects Nigerian cards for payments. I was stuck. Though I have a PayPal account but PayPal don’t process payments in Togo where I reside.
My initial plan was that by now, I would have finished laying the foundation and start building.
I tried to connect to the owners but my 7 days premium had ended. I sent messages to the blog through which I joined, no reply.
Now, am not giving up.
Thats why I have been searching for members who update their blog regularly to help me.
How may you help me please.
I can actually make this payment through PAYONEER, or DIRECT DEPOSIT and I want to start with 4 months payment.
Is it possible that you contact Kyle and Carson for me.
Is there any other way for me to go premium.
Hey martin joe, I would suggest you email Kyle directly to discuss this with him. I am unsure what a good solution for you would be and he’d have a much clearer idea. His email is [email protected]
Thanks Wendy,
I am so grateful for your help, I will be on it immediately.
Again thanks. And great thumps up for updating your blog regularly. You have been of great help to me. God bless you.
No problem and so glad to hear it, have a great day 🙂
Hey I’m making a website and I was just wondering, how did you get this comment section? It looks nice! Did it come with the theme or did you get it from a third party like a plugin or something? Thanks.
The appearance of the comment section is just part of the theme, it isn’t any special plugin.
wow this sound great, cos i have tried so many online businesses which turn out to be scam later, presently am so tired of online business, but this sounds different, and i would want to give it a trial. Am a Nigerian, i hope is allowed in my country and how do i get my cash when it starts coming in? do i need to open a particular account? thank you
It is definitely a lot different than most “online business” programs out there! How you get paid depends on the affiliate program(s) you are using – some pay with PayPal, others direct bank deposits and most even offer to send a mailed check.
Hello, I was looking at siteblog and had my credit card number type 10 ready to hit send I stopped. I see that your company sells items through affiliate program or at least that’s what I’ve read I have an excellent idea for a Blog and wish to make money from that as I am disabled permanently. Is WA the site for me or should I find a company that specializes in building web pages for blogging?
WA will teach you how to start a blog, so yeah it is definitely a great place to start! 🙂
Hi, how many hours per day would you recommend is a good starting place for wealthy affiliate? two hours per day I could spare.
Also how does wealthy affiliate compare to online surveys which I done for a few weeks but found them very very boring.
If you can spare 2 hours a day, that’s great. The more time you spend, the better, but it’s really consistency that is the key. WA is not remotely comparable to online surveys. I’ve done quite a few of those myself, with several different companies, and I do not see the appeal. You are wasting your time for pennies and never going to see any real income. You can spend 15 hours a week taking surveys for a few extra bucks, or 15 hours a week learning how to build a real business with WA. The latter won’t give you immediate monetary gratification, but the results down the road are way more rewarding.
Thanks for your help? I guess in WA there are a broad range of successes from very high earners to very low? Do yu think this simply comes down to how dedicated you are or get lucky?
It comes down to a lot of different factors, mainly being how dedicated the person is to their business and how much time (and money) they’re willing to invest. I think at a certain point it comes to scaling up your business in order to earn the amount you want, and that does require a bit more investment. I don’t believe luck has much to do with it!
Hi, thanks for your response again, what do you mean how much money your willing to invest? in what sort of things? sorry if I’m being quite silly as I’m really new to this?
No you’re not being silly, it’s good you’re asking questions! It’s hard to make a significant amount of money without first investing in something. The first investment would be in web hosting, training, tools, and support to start you business (which I recommend WA for). The free version is great for starters and to see what the program can offer you, but if you are seriously interested in creating a business and earning money the paid version is the way to go.
The investment in WA alone can give you the potential to earn a pretty significant income from you business, even enough to earn a full time income online. However, when people are earning extremely high amounts, like $10,000+ per month, it’s usually because they have also invested in other things.
Scaling up their business by investing in paid ads on Google, Bing or Facebook
Outsoucing tasks such as content creation (article writing) and other services
Additional tools like Autoresponders, or paid themes
This isn’t necessarily the case, but generally the more you are able to successfully scale up your business, the more money you’ll make.
Hi, thanks for your reply, so with the investment items that you listed do they in total cost a significant amount of money per month/ year? thanks?
Well the amount people may spend on their business monthly varies significantly. For example, outsourcing would depend on the quality level you hire (ex: article writing can be anywhere from $5 or $100+ per article), and how often/how much you outsource work. Paid ads depend on what medium you use and how much you’re willing to pay. Facebook may be a bit cheaper than Google ads, for example.
I think the best strategy for most people (since the average person doesn’t have tons of extra money sitting around) is to start small and reinvest into their business. Like I stated previously, if you invest $49/month into WA that is enough to get you up and started and making even enough money to make a lot of people happy. But if you want to keep growing, set aside some income to use towards additinoal expenses every month. That will help further scale up your business.
Thanks fro your help again- I appreciate your answers, after you start your business would you start having to register for income tax etc? thanks
Well, personally I waited until I started making enough money to even worry about taxes, and I am operating as a sole proprieter. Since I am in no way a professional on the subject, and because tax laws vary, the best advice I can give is to talk to a professional in your area and take their advice. 🙂
Thanks for your help, reading several of other discussions in the page it is really apparent that if you want to change something you have to do it by stepping in and taking action rather than waitin on it coming to you
No problem, yes that is exactly the truth!!
Hi, just signed up to the premium and on lesson 6! unbelievable support you get on WA from other members.
Glad you are enjoying it.. yes the support is awesome 🙂
First thing i’ve never seen a lot of converse like this before for how many reviews I visited and for how many online marketing program I’ve searched. Im not amember of w.a but i could say this program is not a scam I dug it up for so long about this program and all I see is positive reviews believe it or not they are the top 5 of the most powerful online marketing and recommended in the world. I guess I’ll be joining them soon , I’m an expert for searching about scams, I’m an internet marketer for almost 3years I live in Phil. This thing is real and working
Nice and well presented thanks for the reviews I like your site……
Kirby John.
Thank you Kirby! Yup, WA is a very powerful and effective marketing program for those who are willing to dedicate and commit to the training and their business for the long haul. Hope to see you inside WA!
Hi Wendy,
I ran across you website while doing an internet search to see if Siteblog was legit or not. I don’t know anything about online business but wondered if Wealthy Affiliate was a good spot to set up a site for blogging? (another thing I know nothing about!)
Yes, WA will teach you how to set up a blog and you’ll learn how to make money from it. Just sign up for the free membership and you will see how it all works!
Hi thank for the review. I wanted to know if I can build a website about a celebrity with news about them, pics and stuff like this with WA? I can’t think of sth else for the website. Will WA help me and will I make money with this website? I’m new in this so I need help.
Technically yes, you could do that, but I think it will be much clearer after you sign up and go through the free training.
I have another question. I’m trying to create an account at WA but it says I already have an account and I DON’T have an account and no1 that uses my computer has an account. What can I do? Can you help me please?
Try using a different internet connection, that should solve the issue.
Wendy I was cold-called by a group called Ace Building llc. They charged me $395 to start. Then I started reading about the scams. One article said an outfit called Ace Mantainence was a scam Amazon Affiliate Program. I immediately asked for a refund. We’ll see if I get it.
How can I be sure I’m working with reputable people? I asked if they could put me in contact with a member, so I could ask about their experience with Ace. They said members info was confidential. That was a red flag.
Is it possible to talk with Amazon directly about this affiliate program? Was your experience with an Amazon website affiliate?
I’d like to try this, but with all the scam alerts, it seems risky.
David Silverman
I think it’s important to note any company that calls you up and asks for money to start becoming an Amazon affiliate is 1) definitely not associated with Amazon in any way and 2) most likely a scam.
The Amazon Associates program isn’t in any way a scam, and anyone can sign up and become an affiliate for free – they do not charge for this. The problem is people need a website, hosting, training and help/coaching in order to make it work, and that is what programs will try to sell you on. These so called businesses try and claim they are from Amazon to appear reputable, but most of the time they’re trying to con you out of 1,000’s of dollars. I just heard a story of another similar company scamming someone out of nearly 8,000 dollars! It’s truly crazy.
Personally, I am an Amazon affiliate and my experience is pretty positive. The commissions are a bit low but the conversion rate is very high, so it evens out. I would recommend you sign up for Wealthy Affiliate right here, you can also join my email course as well. You won’t have to put down a credit card and you can get a feel for how it all works. 🙂
Hey Wendy can you help me get started, i dont want to waste any more money, i need exta income, been studying wealthy affiliate for a while just trying to figure out how to get started thanks Robert.
Hey Robert, sure thing. Have you signed up for WA yet as a free member? If not, that is definitely the first step! They do an excellent job of walking you through how to get started, but I also recommend you sign up for my 5 day email course here and it’ll help walk you through the process. 🙂
Excellent review. I am very much impressed.
But I don’t have any product for online marketing so what should I do?
Will they suggest some product for marketing? or I have to find my own product?
You don’t need your own product, you’ll learn how to start out selling other people’s products through affiliate marketing. All you need is to find your niche, and then you can find relevant products. It will become clearer as you go through the training.
Is the program too good to be true? I am thinking of Wealthy affiliate and projectbreakthrough. Some people say that they are just scams while other say no. But, one thing I am sure is that these programs’ price are high for newbies. So, in order to earn money, it seems to pay first.
Well, Project Breakthrough and Wealthy Affiliate are not the same at all. PBT is borderline pyramid scheme if you ask me, and also WAY more expensive. While it is difficult to make money on your own without investing any in my experience, but you don’t have to break the bank. I don’t think WA has a high price point at all for what they offer – just my opinion. I recommend you start with WA.
I made an account with, and payed BlueHost to have my new website. But its has not really worked that well. I became discouraged, but decided to work on it regardless (well mostly because I could not get a refund from BlueHost). Today I received an ad, scam again, but in the search, I noticed that people recommended WA and I had not seen a review that says it is a scam, now I am here.
I just had a few questions, like I said, I already have a website, what do I have to do? Would I have to transfer? What happens to my Bluehost account?
Thank you in advance. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Well, it’s up to you – you definitely can transfer the hosting to Wealthy Affiliate if you join as a premium member, as they have hosting included for up to 25 domains. However, it isn’t required to be hosted at WA, you can keep Bluehost if you wish.
So for example, if you bought hosting at bluehost for a year up front, you can keep it there and transfer over to WA when the hosting plan expires. If the website is wordpress it is relatively easy to transfer the site over.
Hi Wendy my name is Sam. For most of the past 10-12 years I have been working 2 jobs and have wondered if I would be able to go anywhere at my main job which involves working 36 hours a week,and then a second job where I work 20 hours a week. I completed some college,on and off for about 2 years,but never really got anywhere. I am a guy who is into things like researching and comparing just about anything and everything,great with numbers,stats,and English. But I guess the question is this. Is this Wealth Affiliate a good bet for someone like me who just wants to better themselves financially,and is it a good system to use to assist others be successful in life? Hope that made sense. I could use some feedback because I am in a position where I feel like I am going nowhere at my main job,even though they just gave me a 2.00/hour increase(I have been there 8 years and have asked for opportunities to learn new things to better myself but those requests have been largely ignored). Is this something that for someone like me who likes to research and compare things a good investment? If you have the time please email me your thoughts on the matter. I usually check most of my messages through hotmail which is [email protected]. I would appreciate some feedback as I would like to consider making a little extra money on the side.
Hi Sam,
I believe WA is a good investment for anyone who has the motivation and desire to learn how to create their own online business. It isn’t any type of get rich quick scheme, it’s going to take hard work and time to see results just like most things in life. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be a good fit for you, given what you’ve told me.
Utlimately if you’re looking for a realistic and down to earth place to learn the basics, whether it’s just extra cash or a full time income you’re seeking, WA is a great place to start. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t at least join the free starter membership to try it out. 🙂
Hey Wendy,
I’ve read MANY articles about it being better to start with a niche and being easier to rank.. I am interested in the selling of auto parts which I know is a Hugely saturated market, even by high authority sites alone. Outside of years of growing a little bit at a time, do you happen to know of or heard of anyone in the WA community that has had any luck with successfully ranking on the first page of google with a non niche site? Is this community that knowledgeable, or is it just simply nearly impossible, without tens of thousands of dollars in advertising? Actually, let me narrow my question down, Obviously Amazon sells tons of vehicle related items. Would it be possible or to far out of my newbie reach to sell the entire contents of the Amazon automotive section?
Well, I’d imagine it’d be very hard to do to say the least.
Niche websites work well for several reasons –
1. Since they target a specific audience, you have an understanding of who your traffic is and what they want. This makes it much easier to communicate and market to them (and ultimately convert)
2. Since your topic is narrowed, you have the ability to become an expert within that niche and people will trust you more
3. If your site is just pages of affiliate links and nothing else, it will be seen as a bridge page which neither search engines nor actual people will like.
4. They are MUCH easier to organically rank in search engines
If you try to create a website to sell the ENTIRE automotive section of Amazon it seems like it’ll turn out less like a helpful niche site and more of just a giant ecommerce shop. Remember the goal of creating a niche website in affiliate marketing is to help people and if you’re trying to sell hundreds of thousands of products it is gong to be extremely difficult to do.
I would try narrowing down the auto market in some way, by a particular make/model, type of car, years made, etc.. and starting from there. It’s better to start small and branch out later than start too big and fail.
I am very skeptical of this opportunity. For example, if you offer a product or a series of products, does this program pay for them or do I have to take money out of my own pocket to pay for them including shipping? If it the latter, I am not interested. Please comment
WA itself is an entirely online service – it’s an educational platform, a community, a hosting provider and now as of 2016 a domain registar. When you join, you can enter as an entirely free member to get a better idea what it’s all about. There’s also a premium membership option for $47/month that you pay for their service. There’s no additional booklets or anything WA will need to mail you or charge you shipping for.
If you’re referring to having to pay for the products and shipping you will be selling via your website business, that isn’t the case. WA actually trains people to start with affiliate marketing, which involves selling other peoples products. For example, say you build a website around wearable fitness trackers. You could apply to be an affiliate with, then they’d provide you with a unique link ID that when placed on your website will earn you a commission when someone buys anything from that link. Amazon takes care of the products and shipping – you simply get the commission.
I read through quite a bit of comments. If someone joins with you, is your email a quicker way to reach you if I get stuck in my 7 day trial? I noticed a few delays here, which I totally understand.
Also, I’m not familiar with WordPress. Currently, I have a domain and website through Weebly that includes a shopping cart. Would I be able to transfer it over? I feel like I’m not completely taking advantage of the traffic I have now because I am a little unsure about affiliate marketing and keeping up with what I might be accruing. I am also not very good about blogging.
Hi Deborah, email it a bit faster and obviously more personal but you can contact me wherever is best. It is possible to transfer some parts like content, but I don’t think everything could transfer, like the stuff built with Weebly’s framework (so it wouldnt look the same).
I found this tutorial – It seems like the best and most recent instructions, but if you aren’t technical it might be kind of a pain in the butt. It’s possible you might have a way easier time starting over with a new WordPress site, but it depends how well established your site is and how much traffic it is getting.
Hi there, would you mind private messaging me about a few questions I have, I began WA approximately in 2011/2012 because this is something I’d really like to pursue, however, at that time my job became more demanding (12 hr, rotating, night shifts, ugh) and I couldn’t hardly find time to sleep much less invest time into this. I believe WA to be legit, you get what you put into it kinda thing but I got stuck on a few things that I’m hesitant in recommitting my time to, but I know I just got to push forward. Currently I am a stay at home mom to a 10 month old so now it’s finding time in between his sleep/feedings, but I think it’s much, much more time manageable this time around. Plus, I’d really like to get something going so I can spend more time with him as he gets older as well. There’s several topic points I’d like to ask you about that would be incredibly lengthy to go into here, but I was hoping you could get back with me and, if so, I may sign back up under premium with you. I’m fairly well-versed in many aspects of the internet marketing and wordpress, etc. So maybe I ought to give it a few more tries.
Sure, shoot me an email at [email protected] and ask me anything.
Hi Wendy,
I’ve been doing research about online business and I found several most of them scams. One buys from amazon and sell on ebay etc etc. Of course everybody has a blog thsee days and everybody has the best products. So I’m at a stand still.
Here is my story. I work in a factory I have 2 kids and a severely mentally ill wife. This disorder developped over the years (didn’t know at the time) and i care about her so i will do what i have to do for her. She cannot work and i am fighting to get disability. This could take years. One of my kids also have some light mental disorder. I spend a lot of time and money on therapy. I struggle to make ends meet. Have to work almost every weekend. My health is suffering but must do what I hAve to for my family. Almost doesn’t see my kids because I work second shift. …. I make decent money, not great… just decent.
I have time every day but I can’t spend 8 hours on a online business at least not to start Since I’ll still have to work to pay the bills. So 19/50 bucks a month is a big deaL right now. Please be honest. … in order to at least break even the first months how much time in average a day is required. Understand I’m in a very thought position…. I’m willing to work hard as long as I see results at some point. I don’t expect a magic cure just need supplement income. .. after that we’ll see. Ironically I’m asking a stranger blogger promoting a product to be honest with me. I don’t have any money to spare. If you prefer to answer me in private please do so I won’t say a word. You seem like a good person I’m asking you as a human being to answer me truthfully putting aside your “promotional skills” for a minute. If it’s not for me I’m fine with it but I’m running out off options. Just looking for some help. I’m not asking for charity I’ll work for it and I’m sure other people are in worst situation than mine but it’s a tough spot.
It’s a jungle out there. .. so much bs and scams etc etc. Every time I find something good I dig deeper and find out is s scam or they just want your money…
I’m not looking to buy a Ferrari or a mansion just want to be able to pay the bills and see my kids a little bit.
Patiently awalying your response
Thank you
Hey Martin, I am sorry to hear about your situation and that you are struggling. I realize it can be hard, and I hear you. It is definitely a jungle out there to say the least, so many sketchy products are being sold that promise you riches but don’t deliver.
WA sounds like it would be a great place for you. You can take the training and build your business at your own pace, so whatever time you can fit in is fine. Doing a little bit every day will get you closer than doing nothing, right? The more time you commit, the faster you will most likely see results, but you don’t have to commit to 8 hours a day to be successful. Even if you just put in a couple hours each day, you could see results within your first year.
While it’s impossible for me to say exactly how long it’d take you to make money, it took me about 3 months to make a dime and a full year before I was making enough to start paying my bills. I would recommend signing up to WA as a free member and seeing if you think it’d be a good fit for you. 🙂
Hi, what if you already have a domain name, can you transfer that info over?
Yes, you can definitely transfer your domain to WA!
OK, here’s another question. I thought this was free to start. That’s only for 7 days and then you have to cough up $47 a month? What other expenses are there? I am on disability. My check is so small I can’t pay my bills. I need to make money, not waste it as I have so many times, including the business I asked about in my previous comment.
The basic membership is free for as long as you want, but the 7 day trail includes additional features that premium members recieve (asking questions, using live chat, etc). After 7 days, you will lose the privelage to write and ask questions but you still have access to the community resources for free members. The first month you go premium, it’s $19, then $47 per month thereafter. There aren’t other expenses required, only a domain name if you chose to buy one (about $14 per year). I understand it may seem expensive but I think it is well worth it.
I am looking at this program. I had started to do the RoryRicord program, because he said I would get mentoring. I never got any, I couldn’t even figure out how to properly install Skype ( I guess I have it but don’t know how to use it), so obviously I couldn’t even get out of the starting gate. I was told he would get on screen with me and show me what to do. That never happened. Many, many text questions sent, but never answered. I NEED to have some one-on-one, as I am a newbie and obviously low-tech. So why would your program be any better. If you know anything about RR, I’d like to hear it. I think their CN Sociable sounds great, but with no training I’ll never get there. Now he DID have plenty of websites for training, but being low tech and a newbie, I just couldn’t get it. Why would this be any different? I am looking for mentoring, someone I can call when I get stuck, which on the RR thing, was every few minutes. Thank You, David
I am not currently familiar with RR but I will look into it. WA is a huge community with guided step by step training for beginners and lots of people around to help. There are lots of different ways to get support for premium members – live chat, private messaging, asking questions, responding to comments. Because there are 1,000’s of active members, you’ll find there is usually someone around to help out if you’re ever in a bind. You can even message the owners, Kyle and Carson, and they will help you out. Lastly but not least – I’m always around to help out too! I don’t do personal calls but you can message as much as need be.
All that being said, the free membership should give you a pretty good idea if it is the right program for you or not. Only you can decide that.
What are any additional costs beyond the membership? Is there a cost to use wordpress, to use the keyword search sites that might be recommended? Any others, I have learned that all the keyword analytical sites are now high cost so does the membership include this? Otherwise I can’t afford this in anyway. Please advise I am very interested just short of cash.
No, really nearly everything is included. The only additional cost beyond the membership would be if you want to buy your own domain (which is recommended) but those run no more than $12-$15 per year. WordPress and hosting are both included, as well as a keyword tool. Sure, there are optional additinoal costs (paid WordPress themes, paid plugins, more powerful keyword tools, autoresponder, outsourcing, etc) and costs which at some point you may find yourself getting into, but when you’re just starting out and making no money the membership cost of WA alone is enough.
Hey Wendy, thanks for the info on this. I’ve been thinking of signing up, but I have a question or two. I’m an author and I already have a couple of my own websites. Would I be able to use these websites for WA? And would I be able to potentially have others promote my work?
You can apply the training at WA to any website, so sure. If you wanted to actually be able to host the same websites at WA it would be ideal if they were WordPress though.
Hi wendy, i live in Ecuador and I will like to learn more about how to create a webside and work from home, the thing is right know i need to learn and start making some money firts so that i can get a premium mebership then, will WA help me do that?
It’s more challenging to earn money with a free membership but the resources are there to guide you. If you have the determination you can do it.
Hey Wendy,
I’ve got little less than 4 days left of my 7 day clock…got my website, niche, 3 pages of content, privacy policy & about me, but kinda vague on filling out the main content page!!!!
ready to start my 2nd sister site that goes with (complements) the first site. Lesson 10 doesn’t have any tangible learning in it….it just kinda funnels you into the premium upgrade!!??!!
where am I aloud to go & learn about content & links (affilites) with in the WA community while I’m still a freebee….I understand your position to gain when I join, but I really need to see more value than this!
You also said you’d be there to do a little hand holding (guidance)…..from “princess bride” I’m waiting!
Regards, Ed…..PS. hope I didn’t sound snotty, that’s not my intent
Hi Ed,
Sorry for the delayed response here. Yes the main formal training is only designed to give you a basic idea of what it’s all about, and most of the lessons are locked for premium. However, there are a lot of materials inside WA that fall outside the formal training that are still incredibly valuable, many of them open for free members. I’ve pulled a few for more guidance:
6 ways to make money with your WordPress blog
How to add and edit Amazon links
Not ready for premium? Day 8 onwards
To find more, you can go within WA and search for whatever you want within the search area at the top, and you’ll find tons of training and blogs that pop up, many for free members. These are trainings that have been added by members or blog posts written by them that are open to anybody. There is incredible value given to free members here. Upgrading is ideal, but I know it isn’t possible for everybody.
Hope that helps!
I am trying to sign up but I must have had an account before but I have changed my email address this year so can you help me?
Hey Yeresa,
To get around this issue try signing up from a different internet connection and different computer/laptop/phone, etc. For example, the data network on your cell phone or at a coffee shop.
hi Wendy,
Studied a ton of reviews on all kinds of internet marketing offers, and yours sounds legit enough to
give it a go….so here’s my plan (if you’re willing & available to work with me) I’ll be your future fast start poster boy 😉 although 7 days is only enough time to be dangerous….join between the Christmas/New Year break to start the “free clock” not sure how long each of the 10 lessons takes
but will try like the Dickens to have both my websites up & going by 2nd or 3rd day….doable???
Regards, Ed
Totally doable! You can join WA whenever you want and upgrading is entirely optional. Your website can technically be up and running in just a few minutes, but it does take awhile to get it to the point it will be making money! 🙂
Really love to join wealth affiliate but clueless on how to go about it as a Nigerian
Unfortunately certain countries are restricted from the free trial but you should still be able to join WA as a premium member. You can always sign up for my free email course within this page and get a more in depth overview of the process.
Hey Wendy I really enjoyed reading your review on the WA program. I’m new to IM (only been researching about a month and a half now) and can definitely see all of the possibilities with an online business. I know that knowledge is the key to success in any endeavor and it looks like this may be just what I’ve been searching for. I look forward to working with you and everyone inside the WA platform.
Hi Wendy,
Nice review of WA. I have been thinking of this for quite some time now. I have tried other means to make a few dollars online now, and just WISH I had that money back…*sigh*
I’m not so much worried of the cost of this training as I am on how to monetize the niche I’m interested in. I have a good idea about the things I want to write about to get traffic, but it is a bit of a high dollar commitment on the purchaser’s end. Also, I wouldn’t even know where to try to get an affiliate link from. I tried Clickbank, and there wasn’t anything there that intrigued me, actually nothing at all. I know there are more sites like them and haven’t tried all of them yet, but it is a bit disheartening.
So I sometimes see some things on shows like the DIY network, and it just makes my blood boil as I watch some of the things that I see people trying to do, and still others trying to teach them how to do it. Obviously, it is TV after all, but still…
Just not sure how I could make this idea work, or if I could at all.
So I guess what I’m trying to say is that I like to help people solve problems, kinda like you are doing here, but before I can, I have to solve my own lol.
Anyway, again thanks for your review here, I’ll see what I come up with.
Nice review of WA and I wish you all the best!
Good luck 🙂
Hmm, well if you could be more specific with the niche you were thinking about I could try and help you out as far as finding affiliate programs you could work with. There are tons of affiliate programs besides Clickbank so not finding it there doesn’t mean much, I don’t really use Clickbank at all because my niches don’t fall into those categories either. If you want this to be a more private conversation, shoot me an email here: [email protected]
Hi wendy,
I wanted to know if there is a way that WA can assist people who are in MLM companies to sell the products that are manufactured by that mlm, putting in consideration that they believe in and are passionate about those products.And hence make money both in retail sales from the MLM and also on affiliate marketing
You could apply the training at WA to help you promote any business. Most MLM companies make you sell from a template type website which you have no control, so I wouldn’t use that generic site to work with the WA training. However, you could create your own website within a related niche and refer traffic to your MLM sales page. For example, say the products you sell are weight loss supplements. You create a website within the weight loss niche and refer your traffic to your MLM page to make the sales (you also could sell any other related products as well as an affiliate)… make sense?
I am from India and after going through reviews, I really wish to join Wealthy Affiliate but it says that Free Starter accounts are not available in your country, but we would love to have you as a Premium Member!.
Is there any way to get a free training?
Unfortunately since you’re located in India you would have to upgrade to premium if you wanted to follow the training at WA. You can sign up for my email course though (within the right hand sidebar here). It’s free and will give you a general overview of how to get started!
Hi Wendy,
Appreciate your honesty and knowledge. I was looking at a couple membership programs, one of which is WA. Does WA have an effective instruction/teaching on driving large numbers to your website so you have the opportunity to convert people? There’s a smorgasbord of software, etc. that claim to provide traffic via scraping, posting etc. But does WA clearly give a road map that doesn’t break the bank?
Yes, actually the training at Wealthy Affiliate is great for people who want to start a business without breaking the bank, because unlike most other programs, it teaches strategies for generating traffic that are completely free. That way beginners aren’t required to constantly put in more money that they don’t have.
I wouldn’t trust any software that claims to drive large numbers of traffic, you don’t know where this traffic is coming from or if it’s even real people. The most important thing about traffic is it has to be relevant and interested otherwise what’s the point? The bottom line is this – it’s better to have 100 daily visits and a high conversion rate than 1,000,000 daily visits and no conversions. This is exactly what WA will teach – getting high converting, relevant traffic!
I’ve been reading through a lot of your recommendations during the past few days. It’s great to see so many comments from others who are WA members or planning to join.
However, I’ve made adsense sites before so not a total newbie as far as making sites go. But I’d like to learn more about the marketing side of things. Do you still think that WA is worth doing or should I take, say an Udemy course in online marketing which is cheaper and covers a lot? $47 is quite a lot monthly and I’m not sure if the type of training I’m looking for is there.
I believe WA is totally worth doing even if you do have some basic experience in online marketing. The training is very thorough and is constantly being updated to stay relevant to what works TODAY – not what worked last year. I don’t know anything about the Udemy course so I can’t exactly speak for it, but the decision is up to you and what you think would be best. WA is more than just training though, as it’s a full community and web hosting platform as well.
Remember you can join WA for free and try out the basics to see if it’s for you, and you can also upgrade for just $19 your first month. If you decide you don’t like it after that, you can cancel and never have to spend the $47/monthly price.
I am a student. I have a goal of making about $100,000-$200,000/year within the next 2/3 years with multiple income streams I already am with an marketing company and they have given me 5/6 mini websites. But I want to have as much income streams as possible in other niches, along with the online business I have already. I have some idea about generating traffic to my mini websites, but I want to know how to convert the traffics into sales and leads. Do You think that’s possible if I join with wealthy affiliate? Also how much can I make having just a free account? Do you think I can just make $5/$10 with a free account in a few weeks? I am not really looking for money right now, just something that I can legitimately built up within 2/3 years of time. Making $5/$10 with a free account in short few weeks in wealthy affiliate will justify the cost(money and time) for me. What is your opinion? That’s quite a few questions. Please let me know ASAP. Thanks!
You definitely will learn how to convert your traffic into sales with WA – their training is very comprehensive. 🙂
However, when people start asking the “how much” income questions I obviously can’t predict what you will be able to make happen in the beginning. I can tell you though, your goals seem very realistic. Most people who are total newbies take awhile to generate money with the WA program but considering you already are experienced in marketing and sales, it may come much faster for you.
Hi Wendy !, Is it available in the Philippines?
The premium version of WA is available in the Philippines, but the free version is not.
Hi Wendy,
Your site on WA has been the best I’ve seen by far. Particularly, your fast and concise replies to questions without sounding like a fast talking used car salesman or cultish Amway rep. Thank you very much. I’m pretty much convinced! I’m an American with a business in Japan that could use help with net presence. Unfortunately, it can be difficult for foreigners to get credit cards here so it may take time to upgrade to Premium but, should I sign, it will be under you! I wish you the best.
Hey wendy, really loved your review. 🙂 It seems almost unbelievale that there are no negative reviews about WA anywhere. I am currently in college and want to become financially independent as I graduate so that I won’t have to search for jobs or do further studies, but instead focus on doing what I love, so I’m saving money to buy one year’s membership. I just had three questions and would love if you would answer them – Is one year enough time to atleast start earning some money if I work hard and dedicatedly, giving a lot of hours to this?
Am I done with spending money once I buy a year’s premium membership or will I have to spend more money in terms of some products that I would have to buy and try for myself, then write reviews on my webiste (ex : basket ball shoes)?
Would it better to make some base before starting out, like researching on my chosen niche, writing a blog and make some following before starting out or should I just begin with whatever the course starts with?
Thanks a lot! 🙂
An entire year is more than enough time to start earning money if you are entirely committed to it. To quote a former WA member, “If you don’t make back $365 in a year, you’re either bone idle or doing it wrong” Just keep in mind you have to be willing to try different things if something isn’t working. Not everyone sticks with their first niche, so if you have a feeling it just isn’t working for you don’t hesitate to start over with something different. It can take multiple tries to really give you a feel for what is going to work for you.
Aside from your domain(s), a years membership includes basically everything you absolutely NEED, but of course there are extras you can choose to spend money on. There are extra tools, autoresponder, premium themes, premium plugins, outsourcing work, etc. If you wanted to buy products for reviews you’d have to spend money on those too, yes. But you don’t HAVE to. If you have a really small budget, I’d wait until you started earning money until you started spending money on extras. But once you get the site up and running, companies may reach out to you personally and send you free products to review for them (they did it to me with my first wwebsite) so I had plenty to review that I didn’t have to spend money on.
Just follow the training and work from there, you don’t have to do anything before starting out. 🙂
Hi I thought it was free to join>
Hi Ken,
The free program is excluded from certain countries, so depending on where you are located you may not be able to try it for free.
This is straight up Bullshit folks. Don’t fall for this Wealthy Affiliate BS. I guarantee you this very website – is owned and created by Kyle and/or Carson. It’s a multi-level marketing scheme really, the only way people make money is by ‘recruiting’ new members to sign up for the “premium package” of $47 per month – of which they get $22.50 or something. According to Google themselves, you need 100,000 visitors per day to make $100 in affiliate marketing. And if you think getting 100,000 visitors a day is easy, think again. No matter what key words they may tell you to use, your little blog might get 10 visits a day.
Actually this website is owned by me, not Kyle or Carson. I simply recommend Wealthy Affiliate because it worked and I have been there long enough to see it work for anyone who commits to their business.
It’s really not multi-level-marketing or any variation of it, it’s a simple affiliate program. This means when you refer people to WA, you get commissions on your direct referrals only (you won’t get commissions on your referral’s referrals, etc). And saying the only way you make money is by getting others to sign up is just wrong – the entire program focuses on letting people create a business online in whatever niche they want. If people are interested in promoting Wealthy Affiliate to others than they teach you how, but it is simply one method and not the primary focus.
Af for your comment on needing 100,000 visits to make $100 per day, that is incorrect. If someone needs that many visits to make $100/day, they are doing it all wrong. I have made more than that with ONE website getting a tiny fraction of those visits.
The amount of money you make compared to your visits depends on a lot of different factors –
where is the traffic coming from? (This is very important)
is the content unique and engaging? is your sales funnel effective?
how are you making money? what are you promoting? what type of commissions does your affiliate program offer?
Those are going to vary dramatically and have a huge effecct on how much money you can make. You definitely don’t need anywhere near 100,000 visits per day if you’re doing it right, I promise you that.
Hi Wendy
I just wanted to back-up what you are saying in your answers to William. I am a member of WA and have been for just over one year. I joined after trying to get a website up and running but ran into problems trying to get my website to a point it could be monetized. In my frustration I came across WA and joined for free. Within a few days I upgraded to premium because the quality of service and training I was receiving blew my mind.
If you are a newbie or just wanting some guidance this is a programme that will help you – hold your hand step by step.
Most people at Wealthy Affiliate do not actually market WA at all – they use the resources and training to build their own niche websites. Many then access Affiliate programms such as Amazon, Clickbank, CJ, etc to make their profit.
If you were like me – confused and unsure of which way to go – give them a try for free – you will be impressed and probably want to join premium asap. The training and pathway you receive is awesome – no gimmicks, no flash promises – just solid information, guidance and the world’s largest online marketing community committed to helping one another.
Try Wealthy Affiliate with confidence.
I am a real newbie…I do not know how to manage a website and I will need a personal help..My top question is: May I to blog only in English or could I write in another language like French?
Is it possible to make my website working by itself and making money ?
Hi Wendy, could you reply in my mail box?
While having an English site has its advantages, it is entirely up to you. There is no requirement for it to be English and I know several people at WA who have websites in other languages.
Eventually it can work by itself to make money but it takes a lot of time and effort, and even while it’s “working by itself” you still need to maintain and do some upkeep on the site. No site should be left completely alone if you want it to continue to make you money.
Hi! I have been looking for a way to “work from home” for several years, but always afraid of the scams. After researching Wealthy Affiliate, I haven’t found any evidence of it being a scam. But my question is, what if I don’t have a product to sell? Do they help with suggestions of what to use on my website? I’m not sure I understand this part…
Thx for your help!
Karen, you don’t actually have to have a product to sell. Wealthy Affiliate teaches affiliate marketing, which is selling other people’s products for commission. It’s an easy business model for newbies to follow because developing and selling your own products is much more complex and can be difficult for most people with absolutely no experience.
Is was great to find your review on the front page of google. This means you are truly learning how the SEO word works. This is obviously something you have had to learn inside Wealthy Affiliate. How would I know this? I have been a Premium Member for over a year and a few months ago went to a yearly membership. I am a skeptical person and would NEVER invest in something that does not work. The Wealthy Affiliate program will work for anyone at any level willing to do a little work.
Yep, totally learned much of it from WA! Although I have to slightly disagree with your last statement – most people will only get true results from the training and community if they’re willing to put in A LOT of work… 😉
it doesn’t come easy but nothing worthwhile in life does!
Hi Wendy: I haven’t gone onto any video’s yet just found this below a site. You have been doing
this 3 yrs. Estimating what should someone expect to make monthly or yearly? How many hours a
week do you spend online doing this?
Unfortunately I can’t give you an answer that would accurately reflect your particular situation. Online business isn’t that simple, everyone’s situation is entirely unique.
I can tell you that there are many people earning a simple part time income that are perfectly happy with the extra cash, yet others who bust their butts and are earning well over $10,000/month. Although, no one who hits that sort of milestone did so overnight and probably not even within their first year.
The potential to earn big money with online business is definitely there, it is entirely up to the individual to spend the needed time and effort to get there. It means dedicating yourself completely and never giving up though, not even when the going gets rough or when you seemingly hit a dead end.
99% of people give up after they think they’ve tried hard enough, but the reality is most of those people barely tried at all. Not everyone is going to see success with their first niche, it takes sometimes multiple tries with different niches to really get a feel for what is going to work for you.
Personally for ME, I started earning pocket change after about 4 months of working REALLY HARD… but after the first year I was well on my way to full time. To answer your other question, time I spend doing this is varied, but anywhere from 10 – 50 hours per week.
I have a zazzle store called eternalized I have made a few sales by making a facebook fan page and using Facebook paid ads. Because zazzle is a print on demand I was wondering if WA would be able to help me with how to get more traffic to my zazzle store and also are all AW features mobile friendly like your tools and stuff cause all I have right now is my phone I don’t have a laptop or computer
WA can help you bring traffic to any business. The basic training focuses heavily on creating a niche website and gaining traffic through blogging and keyword research. If you don’t want to gain traffic that way (since I’m not sure what your zazzle store is focused around or if it would benefit much from that) there’s a ton of additional training on all different topics (like PPC/social media/WordPress). You can also learn to create your own website in addition to your Zazzle store, and link the two together.
Also WA is a huge community of online business owners. It’s a great place to ask questions, get help and make connections.
Hi wendy! I would like to know a bit more about Bootcamp. I have a niche to choose but at first I think it would be difficult to make some money with it. So I am interested in something already proved; nevermind if it’s to make litlle profit in the bigining. I am very interested in the wealthy affiliate program indeed. But I want to first learn before going to action. So help me find something to learn with a minimal profit if possible.
Thank you very much!
You can join WA and go through the Bootcamp training if you just want to learn. The training is action based, so it’s set up to train you as you actually are creating your website. You can always sign up for free, set up a free website and walk through the first phase of bootcamp (it’s available to free members) to see if it’s something that could be for you. 🙂
Hello, I’m just wondering if i sign up for free & let say i sign others up for free as well, how do i do paid?
Well if you are talking about how you would get paid promoting WA, you only get paid for those who go premium. Free members still can get commissions for those they refer who go premium, it’s just a bit less of a %.
But how you get paid has nothing to do with WA itself unless you are specifically referring others to WA. You get paid from the companies you choose to affiliate with, WA just teaches you how it all works.
Hi Wendy,
Can you please tell me how much capital beyond the cost of joining and getting a website etc is required to be successful with this sort of business. I imagine like any business you need to keep putting capital in to keep it going. I am new to this sort of thing but I am very keen to learn and be successful at it. Would you be prepared to give me more details on the financials and how profitable this actually is for the average or slightly above average person doing this. I see some financial disclaimers from other programs honestly claiming only 10% or less actually making a worthwhile income from this? Feel free to email me privately if you prefer.
Thank You for your Time
Ross Crombie
Hi Ross
If you’re a premium WA member you’ll get access to pretty much everything you need to learn how to make money online. It’s a recurring monthly expense ($47) or a once per year payment ($359). There are of course extra costs that you may find yourself wanting down the line, but none of them (besides purchasing a domain) are actually necessary to start earning money.
I’ll tell you that I didn’t buy anything extra aside from the WA membership and domain name before I started to make a decent amount of money. At that point, I did start using my earning to reinvest back into my business. For example, eventually you may want things like an autoresponder (I use Aweber, the basic membership starts at $19/month and they offer a 1 month free trial), a more advanced keyword tool besides the one included within WA (I use Jaaxy, basic membership is $19/month and there’s a completey free trial version), a premium wordpress theme (depends what one you buy but they are typically anywhere from $30 – $100).
You also may start investing in paid advertising and outsourcing some of the work… but those things are optional and not something you have to do until you start making enough money you can put aside some of it for things like that. I would say (conservative estimate) that anywhere from an extra $50 – $100 more per month beyond the WA membership for someone who is just starting to make some money online and wants to start kicking it up a notch.
Again, let me stress the fact none of that extra stuff is necessary to start making money. Of course you are right you need to put capital in to get capital out, just like any business. But it really is a very minimal expense in the scheme of things to get started with this type of business model when you consider brick and mortar businesses spend insane amounts to get started and keep themselves going. There isn’t any sort of “hidden” expenses we’re not telling you about that you’d need to get started.
As for the income, it’s not like you’re on a salaried or hourly wage where I can tell you you’ll earn _x_ amount per year. You’re starting a business, and the income you generate is dependent upon so many factors that it’s impossible to even give any type of figure.
There are lots of reasons people fail, but many programs out there aren’t set up properly for people to succeed. Wealthy Affiliate is the best I’ve come across, but not everyone who signs up is successful. I’ve seen a lot of people come and go from WA and I can tell you something, the people that aren’t successful are the ones that give up, and MOST people give up.
I’ve had people tell me they just don’t have time to go through the training, but they are wondering why they aren’t making any money. I’ve had people question why they aren’t getting any traffic after 2 months when they only have 3 posts on their website. Others just don’t follow the training at all and wonder what went wrong.
Some people expect it to be easy and it isn’t, and others expect success to immediately hit them and it wont. Real financial freedom is possible, but you have to be willing to do the work to get there.
Hi Wendy,
Thank You for taking the time to give me such a comprehensive reply, I really appreciate it. Based on my current situation I could dedicate 2,3-4 hours a day just while I get things going and look to add more time as I start to see a return. How many hours do you consider a minimum per day in order to make an actual living from this? Is there any residual income or semi passive income that can be established over time? I’m certainly not thinking that I would be able to do a lot of work at the start and then just sit back and watch the money roll in but I am hoping that I will be able to establish and maintain some steady income streams and keep adding layers on until I can reach an ideal regular income?
Would you consider yourself successful at this and if so what traits do you have that have or what do you believe has led to your success? Im sorry for all the questions but I am very serious about this. Do you make a commission recruiting others and if so how could I make sure you receive the commission for me joining? 🙂
Thanks Again
I think dedicating 2-4 hours a day is a great start. I don’t think there’s any certain requirement, but the more time you put in and the harder you work the more successful you can be. Also, consider the fact that everyone learns at a different pace and comes from a different background, so it takes some people longer than others to pick up on the basics.
There’s definitely residual and passive income associated with this type of business, which is why it’s great. You don’t have to be “clocked in” to get paid. I can take off any day I want and go on vacation whenever I want and not have to worry about work. That being said, it still requires upkeep if you want to sustain the income… so you can’t work to build something up and just forget about it forever.
I consider myself successful, and honestly I think it’s because I stuck with it and worked hard. Most people try it for a week, maybe a month and don’t see results so they don’t think it’s real or even worth it. I do understand though, I mean it’s incredibly hard to work so hard for so long and don’t be able to see any reliable income coming out of it. I think that is what sets those who succeed apart – perseverance, hard work and a bit of optimism.
Yes I do make commissions, but it isn’t any type of multi level marketing program. I make commissions on direct referrals, and it stops there. All you would have to do is sign up using any link given on this page.
Thanks Again for your reply Wendy 🙂
I prepared to build this business up over time and I think I am realistic that it will take some time before I even see any profit but I am weary that there are always a lot of people pouring money into these things and never getting any return but I guess at the end of the day you have to back yourself and believe you can do it.
Thanks Again
So this is for someone who wants to start a business? I read it’s for anyone, but I don’t want to start a business. Will this program still help me?
To be completely honest I think the majority of people who join Wealthy Affiliate don’t have a business in mind they want to start. Well at least I can tell you that I certainly didn’t. The whole business idea throws many people off in the beginning because they just have no idea how it could benefit them since the idea of “business” seems abstract or uninteresting to them.
I mean, I suppose for me to better answer your question I should ask you more directly what exactly it is you want help with. If you want help learning how to make money on the internet, you’re going to have to establish a business.
What I can tell you though, is if you try it out (for free to start, of course) you’ll have a much better idea of what it is about, how it works, and exactly what you’ll be doing and it’ll make MUCH more sense. 🙂
Hmm..even I am thinking to join but don’t want to create a website but only want to promote them so i can make extra money. Do you have any idea like how much we get paid for each referral! Please let me now so i can think of that. Great post. Thank you
Hi John
Yes. It also hv free 7 days trial & premium in Malaysia. Chris
Hello Wendy,
Was wondering if there are any more expenses after the original (free or) Premium membership? I can see monthly cost for Premium membership, but what other monthly costs could one possible incur? – Thanks
If you are a premium Wealthy Affiliate member the only other necessary cost would be a domain name purchase, but that should be no more than around $11 to $15 and is a yearly fee, not monthly. The hosting for your site is included within your membership too.
There are other fees you will eventually consider after you start making some money (additional tools, autoresponder, paid themes, paid advertising, outsourcing, etc) but none of those are things you really need as a beginner. WA does a really good job of providing you everything you need right in one place while most other online marketing programs will charge you exorbitant amounts of money for additional services. There isn’t anything like that happening after you go premium in WA 🙂
So is this basically for people that is interested in starting a business because I’m already in a business trying to get leads
It’s for anyone, if you already have a business you can still leverage the resources and training provided to further and take your business to the next level. 🙂
Hi…can the people in WA help me to know what my niche might be?
Hey Bob, if you’d like to give out some ideas of what interests you it would be a lot easier to help you come up with a niche! Wealthy Affiliate will help you with it too, but it does help to know what types of hobbies you are into or what you’re knowledgeable about. They also offer training within a per-selected niche for people who have no idea what they want to do!
Hello, Windy
Great review, you wrote. I searched a lot for good company to join online. At first, I came across empire network, but I found some reviews for empire network mentioning wealthy affiliate as a better choice.
So, I searched for reviews for wealthy affiliate and found great great talks about it and very few complaints but found many complaints about empire network.
So, after considering my options I joined wealthy affiliate “yearly premium” and it was great and I really hoped that I joined it earlier.
It really helped me a lot and now I own two websites. I really hope I can get some people who I care about to join as it can help them a lot.
Thanks for reading 🙂
I am interested in learning more about this could you please contact me? [email protected]. thank you!
Hi Wendy I’m trying to market this offer online. Can WA help me out with this?
Hi Robert,
I’m not sure what offer you’re referring to, but WA can help you market whatever you want to online. The training isn’t based on marketing any particular thing (like most other programs are tailored for), instead it can be adapted to whatever your area of interest are.
Hi, Wendy,
Does Wealthy Affiliate rely more heavily on PPC, or on building up organic traffic over time? Which one does WA “lean on” more?
Also, why would you join WA over SiteBuildIt? This is not a trick question. I am not a member of SiteBuildIt, but I have heard conflicting things about it. Some say it is “the best” for building a “passion-based” business; others say it uses limited, search engine-optimized marketing that worked a decade ago but not now.
I am genuinely in need of clarification here; Why WA, or why/why not SBI?
Michael J.
Hi Michael,
Wealthy Affiliate’s core training is more focused on building up organic traffic over time, but they do also offer PPC training (the training goes far beyond just the “basic” level). Learning how to get organic traffic is an incredibly effective way to build up traffic without spending tons of money, (like PPC) because that can be a nightmare for beginners. “SEO” like some people might think of it doesn’t work like it did 10 years ago, but you still can optimize your blog and content for ranking well organically within search engines. It DOES work, it just takes time and effort.
The cool thing about having the ability to attract traffic organically first is you can experiment with what actually converts on your website, so when you do venture into some PPC you have a much better shot at running a profitable campaign because you aren’t taking a shot in the dark and gambling your money away.
Honestly I’ve never been a member of SiteBuildIt before so I can’t tell you an in depth comparison between the two, however, I think Wealthy Affiliate offers a much more in depth interactive experience/community than SBI does (with their classrooms, questions, live chat, blogging system, PMs, etc) While the training provided by SBI takes a similar approach that WA does, it may be a bit more difficult to get the help you need and wouldn’t come close to offering the library of materials that are available within WA.
To answer your question, I think you’d learn more easily and get more help within WA, but SBI isn’t necessarily a “bad” choice either. But like I said, I’d have to join and take a closer look to really get all the details.
Wendy I’m ready to signup with WA as paid member I my 7 days are coming to end under different email address .I would rather sign up under you I don’t know if you can be any help to you or me .I came across you on searching WA reviews seems like you know a lot about the WA program if so email your signup link Looking forward to your response thank you Denis
Hi Denis,
I’m flattered you would rather sign up under me, but unfortunately WA is pretty strict with creating new accounts once you already have one, therefore you can only create 1 account under the same internet connection. The only way I know to get around it is to use another connection (public wifi, friend, neighbor) and another device (like a different tablet or computer, or a phone) and it should let you create another account. Something else that usually works is if you sign up on your cell phone using the data network. My sign up link would be any link to WA I have on this page/website.
Thank you very very much for this answer. This is answer is what I was looking for a long time ago. You’re right about the orgnic traffic but for some people sounds easier if you can use PPC, because most of them think that they will get instant results with less effort. However I’m still wondering if WA includes Bing Ads, Facebok Ads en Google Adwords.
No problem! WA has step by step lessons on using both Bing Ads and Google Adwords, and there is a Wabinar (video training) on Facebook’s ad platform. 🙂
wendy i am from pakistan .the pakistan is unsuported country on WA .so how can iget premium acount in pakistan .what should i do?
Is it unsupported from just the free starter account, or from the premium account too? Certain countries aren’t able to access the free account system, but from my understanding you should still be able to join under a paid account. Sometimes the countries aren’t listed within the drop down menu but if you pick a similar country instead, it should work just fine.
Hi Wendi.
Just bumped into your review of WA. I want to thank you for the great job you did in making it simple and convincing. I know nothing about internet marketing and online money making, but I can find my way around on the internet. I have been looking for genuine people to really put me through to no avail. Do you think I can make it if I join WA seeing that I’m a little jittery?
I think if you have the courage to join WA and are determined to make it work for you, then you can definitely do so. 🙂
Is it alright to promote just one product on your website or does it need to have a few similar products?
You can do whatever makes sense for your particular niche. Many times there will be multiple products you are promoting and others you may have one main product you sell, but you can still promote other products as well. There is no “limit” for that so to speak, but you want to make sure you have a good content to affiliate link ratio (more content, less affiliate links) and that what you are selling makes sense and converts.
Hello Wendy!
I have been reading a lot about this program and I first came across it last year but I was too afraid to join it since I have been scammed before. I am a full time college student and I have very little work experience. I want to ask you how exactly do you make money and what products do I have to sell? I have never created a website in my life and so I am a bit nervous about this. Is it easy to create one and is someone who has absolutely no experience with online marketing capable of making money? I am a newbie.
The basic training within WA will teach you how to make money by partnering with other companies and selling their products for commissions (affiliate marketing). The companies you join and the products you sell are entirely up to you, as you can go into whatever niche you want that interests you. The key is to capture a specific niche rather than something very general (for example, “hardwood floor restoration” versus “home repairs”) and then dominate that field.
Yes, you can make money and create a site having aboslutely no experience.. I knew nothing when I started out, but if you are willing to follow the training, put in the effort and learn then there’s no reason why you wouldn’t be able to. 🙂
Hi Wendy,
I am very vaguely familiar with internet marketing terms and looking for some clarification. For example, you stated that WA will teach you how to partner with companies to sell their products on your website via affiliate marketing. I’ve only heard this term before on Instagram and on Craigslist from people recruiting testers for a new app. My question is, don’t you have to have a substantial amount of followers or subscribers (I guess in this case it would be visitor traffic) to get reputable companies to work with you? Does WA provide you with leads to these companies or just educate us on how to proposition them? I have no website experience at all and have deleted all of my social media. I’m trying to get a realistic hold on if I can do this or not.
Certain private affiliate programs can be picky about who gets to affiliate for them, but in general MOST aren’t. Even a total beginner can create a new website with some decent content and join an affiliate program with no issues. You’ll learn all about how it works if you sign up! 🙂
I thought of something else I would like to know. Do you need to have a lot motivation to succeed with an online business as I have a disability in which one of the symptoms is I really struggle with getting motivated?
To contiuously put in the effort and time involved to see success in this field, yes, motivation would be something you’d need to have. If you struggle with that, you just have to find ways to get past it and stay on track if this is something you really want to do.
hi wendy,
i belong to one country that cant access the free membership.
before getting premium, what can u say ,
my niche is about real estate, selling condominiums, house and lot, etc.
i dont have a website yet, (planning though) but i promote thru fb page, also tried its paid ads.
how will WA help in my niche?
WA will help you by teaching you not only how to bring traffic to your website, but how to convert that traffic into people who will actually listen to what you have to say and buy. They have a pretty big focus on organic traffic because it’s free, and most people don’t initially have the type of money to throw away into paid advertising. However, if you want to promote through paid ads and FB, there is pretty in depth training on how to properly use Bing and Google ads that I found extremely helpful. You’ll learn how to use it in the most effective way possible without losing all your money.
The great thing about the training offered is you can apply it to ANY niche, so it would definitely work with yours. They also offer a lot of support and you can interact with the community, and they have unlimited web hosting for premium members.
Hi Wendy, I am keen to start my own online journey. I know I am very good at two topics: soccer video games and fitness/bodybuilding, However, I don’t think i have the tools and cash to create a product about them, or maybe I am doubting about how to start. I have never tried making money online . Is WA going to teach me step by step like an actual university class?
Thanks in advance
Hi Wendy!
Question: Have you EVER TRIED TO LEAVE WealthyAffiliate and transfer your website to another hosting provider??
Hi Wendy, thank you for the fantastic review! I am definitely considering WA and it seems way more comprehensive than the other affiliate marketing programmes out there. However I do have a question. Does the programme advise on the legal requirements of affiliate marketing (IE complying with the FTC’s dot com disclosures etc)?
Hey Rich,
Yes if you follow the training they do advise you on how to deal with the legal requirements of the FTC. 🙂
Hi, I just joined WA. But I do not understand what it means by “Sell stuff that people want”.. Does it mean that I need to have physical goods to sell?
You don’t need to have physical goods to sell, the basic training teaches something called affiliate marketing, in which you sell other people’s products for a commission. This can be done through places like, Walmart, Target, Clickbank and 1,000’s of others. It just depends on what direction you want to take, but starting with selling other peoples products is the easiest way to start.
Hi Wendy. My name is Owen. I am extremely interested in joining Wealthy Affiliate. I do have some internet knowledge, not much. I would basically need a road map to tell me what I need to do in order for me to achieve my goals. I have quite a few questions for you. I understand that you are very busy. Would you be willing to e-mail me or call me to discuss in detail my joining Wealthy Affiliate ?
Sure, feel free to shoot me an email with further questions — [email protected]
Wendy, I am a free member now at WA. I have no idea, no niche yet. So I decided to promote WA as an affiliate. Maybe I will be doing it the rest of my life – just promoting WA:)
Do you think I can earn up to one million dollars per year, as Kyle has claimed? I am really excited. I know it all depends on me and how I promote it. But I just wanted to know how much money you people are earning on the average promoting WA. I am definitely sure WA is the best place on earth. But I need your encouragement and inspirational advices for me to pursue my goal. Please give me a lengthy explanation as to whether I could / should be promoting WA the rest of my life, as long as I havn’t find my own niche. Thanks in advance.
The potential to earn that amount of money is there, but it would require a lot of time, effort, dedication and massive scaling. You’d have to be willing to reinvest much of your profits towards growing your business, for example, outsourcing work and using paid traffic sources, and even creating your own product. But once you build a foundation that is making you a profit and have had a chance to experiment and test the waters so to speak, you’ll get an idea of what works for you and what doesn’t, and from there it’s all about taking what works and scaling it up. However keep in mind you probably wouldn’t build a million dollar operation within the first year, it takes awhile to build up to that point.
If you are passionate about promoting WA then go for it, it can be a great start. But personally I am a believer in multiple streams of income, especially when it comes to making money on the internet. If your only source of money suddenly gets cut off for whatever reason, you are left with nothing. I would recommend slowly incorporating different campaigns into your business/websites, even in different niches if that is what you want to do.
I am interested in cooking – would there be a niche for that?
yeah absolutely, although cooking is pretty broad…there are LOTS of niches within the field of cooking. 🙂
Hi. I read your whole page and all the comments. In one of your responses you say the BBB is a scam because the founders of this company said so. Your reasoning behind this accusation was the fact that they charge money for membership. Isn’t that a bit ironic? If you look up a company on BBB, it says in plain sight that they charge for membership, and that not being a member MAY be due to not having applied. It has nothing to do with the grade given, which is not paid for, and is based on many aspects. If a company is out to make money off of people, does that classify it as a scam? If so, almost every company in existence is a scam. Also, they gave your company a good rating, a B+ currently. There have been 6 complaints total. Also, for as much as you talk on how much money you make on your website, and how you are affiliating with major companies from it and all, one would think you would be more than happy to provide a link to this website, but every time someone has even asked about this website, you have asked them tor a private e-mail. If you have nothing to hide, why not promote your OWN website by providing links on here?
My reasoning behind questioning the BBB isn’t that they charge money for membership.. I fully understand the ultimate goal of any company is to make money and they have to do that one way or another. I NEVER said that companies that want to make money off people are scams. The problem I have is many companies who aren’t accredited with the BBB will get a bad rating for seemingly no reason and don’t really have any power over it (unless they pay), yet other questionable companies who have paid for a membership will get A+ rating.. it just makes you wonder. I think in certain cases the grade given is definitely paid for, although I know it’s not always the case. Yes i know Wealthy Affiliate has a better rating now, but at one point they had an F for really no reason at all. My point is you have to take a BBB accreditation and grade (good or bad) with a grain of salt, it doesn’t really mean anything on its own.
I don’t want to promote my other websites all over this blog because: 1.) It’s pretty personal, I only like to share with people who are genuinely interested 2.) I like to provide a bit of backstory and explanation as to why I created the site and how exactly it works, and I feel that is best done in a more personal email 3.) When you’re displaying a site and telling people “this is how I make money” you have to beware of people that are going to try and take advantage and steal/copy your ideas. This is why I like to leave it out of the general thread here.
Hi Wendy,
I am very much keen to learn everything about affiliate marketing and make money online. I don’t have my own products as such but I publish and sell books on Amazon. I am making over 1000 Dollars a month which is great but I am looking for some other ways to make money online so I wont be dependent on one income stream. I wish to create multiple income streams. Wealthy Affiliate seems great option for me.
But do you think Wealthy Affiliate will help me growing my book business by creating websites and sending targeted traffic to the books? or I have to pick products from Clickbank or Amazon? Can my books be my products?
WA can definitely help you out here in terms of getting more traffic and sales for your Amazon books, and yes you can use your own books as your product. You can always incorporate other books/products that aren’t yours too, but no you don’t have to pick producst from Clickbank or Amazon (but there are many other affiliate opportunities outside of just those 2).
Hello Wendy,
I’ve been searching for an online training program to build a business on the internet, and I came across to your website. I’ve saw a lot of good reviews about Wealthy Affiliate, but decided to post comment here because your article is very comprehensive. After doing some research about WA, I can say that this is really legit. I’ve read one of your replies telling that Philippines is one of the countries where free membership is restricted. Even with the knowledge that the free membership is restricted in my country, I still decided to create a free account. Yes, you are right that I can’t enjoy the free membership before upgrading the account. I really wanted to try the free membership before upgrading just to check if it would really work for me. My question is, will I still be able to grasp the basic of what WA can offer if I cannot access the tools which a regular free members can use? Or is there any other ways I can experience the training before upgrading my account?
It would be great if you can give some options here.
Looking forward to your reply. Have a good day!
I’m sorry you can’t get access to the free version! Well, I have a lot of information on my website for beginners who are interesed in affiliate marketing so you can take a look around and you’ll probably be able to get a pretty good idea of if it’s something that is for you or not. Honestly I’d recommend just going for premium at least for the very first month.. it’s only $19 and you’ll be able to try out 100% of what they offer.
Hi Wendy,
Thank you for the nice convincing review! 🙂
I have a couple of questions please!
1- With the free account you have 2 free websites! are they full business websites with domain/s, buy and sell, shopping cart, PayPal/credit card….etc?
2- Can I go back and forth to the starter free membership if i decide premium is not for me in a certain time?
They say you can cancel premium account anytime but what about my original free account (as it is suppose to be for life) Am I allowed to go back to it?
Really good questions, first of all the free websites are high functioning WordPress sites but they do have some limitations. Do you have your own products that you sell? I’m not sure if you would be able to use them for direct selling (you have to have special hosting for that) but you could definitely use them to direct to a merchent site.
Secondly, no you cannot go back and forth between premium and starter. If you are a starter member you can remain one for as long as you wish, but if you ever upgrade to premium you can’t revert back. However your account will remain in tact if you unsubscribe and you can come back as a premium memeber whenever you want. If you do go premium and decide you just want to be a starter member, you could ask Kyle or Carson if you could create a new account to use so you can keep the fstarter membership.
Why do you say your a web designer lmao?
You can install a wordpress theme and plugins that does not make you a web designer
A web designer needs to know html, html5, css ,jquery, javascript, java and a bit of C#
I know all this but Im not a web designer, I can make a website from scratch using HTML ,CSS
and a bit of javascript but Im not a web designer
Sighhhhhhhhhhhh another MLM program
Why not get hosting make your own product drive traffic to it and sell it?
Then once you can do that You can call yourself an internet Marketer 🙂
So your logic is because I’m using WordPress I have zero knowledge of anything? WordPress is awesome so I do choose to use it, but I know a lot more than you assume I do. I suppose I can call myself that because I have gotten paid to set up and help businesses with their websites… so yes I think it’s a fair title.
You obviously have no idea what Wealthy Affiliate is or how it works. It is definitely not a MLM program at all. There are no downlines, it is strictly direct referrals. Also, it is focused on teaching people how to build an online business rather than just selling the pgoram to others.
Internet marketing is a general term used to describe any type of selling/marketing over the internet. It isn’t necessary to create your own product to do it and the affiliate model is an excellent one. I have websites within a range of different niches and have great success when it comes to driving traffic and making sales.
Bro, web designers don’t need to know any of those languages. Design is visual. You’re talking about developers.
Nice one Wendy, great Bobby.
You could of actually thanked him for the long comment, it will keep your Google ranking on page 1!
I am having trouble signing up
I’m sorry Victor, could you be more specific as to what trouble you’re experiencing? I’d like to help you get it figured out!
Way to go Wendy. Boy, you received a comment from someone that was just looking to complain about anything. My feeling to Bob is, “don’t knock it until you try it”. Why doesn’t he join for FREE and then send a comment. There is no place better for service and support than Wealthy Affiliate. I’ve tried others. If you want to start an online business and have all the tools you need, then WA is a sure bet if you are willing to work on your business. Great website and very informative…Danielle
Of course you will give them a good review, you are affiliate with them, it’s not like you will give a bad review a degrade the companies name.. I find a lot of this “reviews” for this company online and I find that is very suspicious. It’s obvious that you have links on the page to advertise the site so that way you get your share.. Why should anybody believe you unless they are desperate or stupid.
I did check out the site and I find it very funny that most of the top people are new and signed up very recently. December 2014 and January 2015 are not 10 year old accounts. Infact I have not found many other than Carson and Kyle.
You pay them 50 dollars a month, so that means you have to get at least 50 referrals .. I can understand paying them to use their website promating your niche.. but even if you promote wealthy affiliate you still have to pay them $50 a month.. That is not right, why do you have to pay them if you are doing work for them, and not only that is you take all the risk, not them. They also act like they care about people, but no they only care about themselves and they make sure they don’t take a hit. They win know matter what while you have a chance to fail while you pay THEM..
I also checked the success column and people who have done this for 6 months have only made $9, so 6X50 = 300 for Kyle $9 for that guy that was PROMOTING wealthyaffliate..
Ya how about you guys just keep making these fake review sites , this is why nobody takes online businesses seriously anymore.. it’s a joke. Not to mention that there is a big lie on this page you said that starters get to have a taste of the full site….. that is not true at all. You can’t use links in live chat meaning you cant ask for help for your webpage if you are a starter.. you don’t have access to many tools, you can’t send private messages. etc..
Most people on the site are probably getting screwed.. I mean if you are advertising their site you should not have to pay them and on top of that pay for a domain to support their site not to mention do all the work…
Since this is a wordpress site, I imagine that you get to decide which comments can be displayed, so I’m sure mine wont show up since I’m going against your little advertisement.
Thanks for the comment Bob, I understand you might be frustrated because you think all online business programs are just a joke (because many of them are) but I don’t think you really understand what Wealthy Affiliate is truly about. Did you actually go through the training when you signed up, or were you just looking for reasons to complain?
Let me individually address your complaints here so maybe you and others who read this can walk away a little more informed.
Of course you will give them a good review, you are affiliate with them, it’s not like you will give a bad review a degrade the companies name.. I find a lot of this “reviews” for this company online and I find that is very suspicious. It’s obvious that you have links on the page to advertise the site so that way you get your share.. Why should anybody believe you unless they are desperate or stupid.
I know there are a lot of “reviews” for products on the internet that are completely fake and only written with the intent to earn commissions, but having been involved with online business since 2012 I can assure you that this review is my honest opinion and I would absolutely recommend it to anyone interested in making an income on the internet. People can join for free to test it out to see if it’s something that would work for them, so I’m not scamming anyone out of their money (and I would never do that).
And yes, I am an affiliate and I do have links on this page, it isn’t supposed to be a secret. What I focus on though is helping people, so when people sign up through my link I do everything I can to help them succeed in addition to the support they get from the community at WA. Out of the 1,000’s of people I’ve referred I haven’t had anyone personally complain to me, in fact I really get nothing but positive responses. Most members who upgrade to the premium level stay premium for several months at least, and even others that cancel their memberships eventually come back again.
I wouldn’t be doing myself any favors by recommending a program that I secretly knew didn’t work or that I thought was screwing people over. After all, since people join for 100% free they would soon find out it was a joke and choose not to upgrade.. or if they did get the first month upgrade they would cancel immediately afterwords.. and where would that leave me? Yet… people join, upgrade and then choose to stay for several months.. so something must be legitimate here??
I did check out the site and I find it very funny that most of the top people are new and signed up very recently. December 2014 and January 2015 are not 10 year old accounts. Infact I have not found many other than Carson and Kyle.
Yes many top members are newer, but the “top members” only mean people who are the most active within the community and isn’t a reflection upon how old WA actually is. Looking at the top list now, however, I see about 50% of them have been there at least a few years and are extremely experienced and helpful people. Many people who’ve been with WA for awhile aren’t highly ranked because they’re too busy building their business to spend all their time building their rank within the community. Personally I’m ranked 500+ because I’m not anywhere near as active as some people… although I still am around WA and respond to all my messages and help whenever I can.
But at the end of the day, most people just don’t stay with WA forever. It is an educational platform and many people get the education and move on, just like high school or college. (Although I think there are legit reasons to stay a member even when you have moved beyond the basic level, it isn’t for everyone and that’s fine)
You pay them 50 dollars a month, so that means you have to get at least 50 referrals .. I can understand paying them to use their website promating your niche.. but even if you promote wealthy affiliate you still have to pay them $50 a month.. That is not right, why do you have to pay them if you are doing work for them, and not only that is you take all the risk, not them. They also act like they care about people, but no they only care about themselves and they make sure they don’t take a hit. They win know matter what while you have a chance to fail while you pay THEM..
I don’t completely understand your arguement here. WA is providing a service and they have every right to charge for it. Did you know that you don’t have to be a paying member of WA in order to earn comissions on referrals? But even if you do pay and actively refer others, you are still going to be earning commissions so it isn’t like you are doing all this work for their benefit while you get nothing. Actually, did you know that many “online business opportunities” (think MLM type companies) charge costly ADDITIONAL fees just so you have the right to be an affiliate and sell their program? That is pretty messed up! WA is not like that, there is no extra fee to affiliate with them and like I said, you can even earn commissions as a FREE member.
I also checked the success column and people who have done this for 6 months have only made $9, so 6X50 = 300 for Kyle $9 for that guy that was PROMOTING wealthyaffliate..
First of all, let me remind you that Wealthy Affiliate is NOT a “make money online” type program, it’s an educational community. Your $47 monthly charge is really a bargain for everything you learn and all the services they provide (with awesome web hosting included). Let me ask you this, if you spent 10K on a semester of college are you going to earn that money back immediately or start complaining of being scammed? Probably not! You are paying for the education in the hopes it will pay itself off one day, which isn’t much different than WA (only much cheaper, obviously). Honestly paying for a membership at WA can’t guarantee you’ll make money anymore than getting a college education will. It’s your effort and hard work that determine your success.
That being said, the level of success you achieve and the time it takes to earn a certain amount of money will be different for everyone. Personally I was able to earn over $1,000 within my first 6 months, and that was in a niche entirely unrelated to promoting WA. Others make much more within their first few months and others take longer, it just totally depends.
Ya how about you guys just keep making these fake review sites , this is why nobody takes online businesses seriously anymore.. it’s a joke. Not to mention that there is a big lie on this page you said that starters get to have a taste of the full site….. that is not true at all. You can’t use links in live chat meaning you cant ask for help for your webpage if you are a starter.. you don’t have access to many tools, you can’t send private messages. etc..
Starters really do get to access much of the site for free with of course a few exceptions. The point is to give them a taste to see if they like it, not provide them 100% with EVERYTHING a paying member gets. What they do provide is pretty good though considering there’s no fees involved.
The reason starter members can’t use links is because many people will join for free with the sole purpose of posting spam links around the community so this is a way to prevent that. You can still post your website with a space within the URL like www. my website . com it just won’t be clickable, but people who want to help you can still understand what your website is so they can help you out.
Wealthy Affiliate isn’t for everyone, but that is why there’s the ability to join for free so it can be tested first. I challenge you to find another company within the industry that can compare to all the services WA offers. The reason why so many people love WA and why it has been so successful is there’s nothing else like it out there. They are different beacuse they actually focus on helping people rather than taking their money, and that is a practice I can stand behind.
Pretty much nailed it on the head Wendy. great response to an uneducated comment which may put people off signing up. Ive been a member of WA for a few months now, and i have learnt so much more in this time than i would have anywhere else. WA has helped me promote my own website, whether you do or do not promote WA is entirely up to you, however i feel if you have a good experience with it, then why would you not? Bob, wealthy affiliate is not for everyone, its an education platform and social network. If your looking for “get rich quick” schemes, grab a Lotto ticket from your local store and keep them fingers crossed…. or better still, visit and learn about matched betting. made me a pound or two in the past.
I have two projects that I am currently involved with; 1. An MLM Company 2. A niche product. I am aware that I need to be more Internet savvy, to boost sales and increase my leads. However I wanted to find out if WA could assist me with my businesses. I really want an effective way of attracting new leads to my MLM business, and to also drive traffic to my niche product. Is this something WA offers?
Hey Victor, Yes! The training at Wealthy Affiliate is structured in such a way it will teach you how to build a business in whatever area you want (within their Entrepreneur Certification courses). You can definitely learn how to get sales and attract leads to your existing projects 🙂
I had an account with WA some time ago under a different email address. I quit due to not knowing exactly what I was doing and really not being able to get any help. Kyle and Carson were great but I just couldn’t figure out what steps to take or what niche to get into. Right now I am involved with a different program and the reviews I have read about it are correct about things being confusing with the classes and scripts. I am not a quick study-never have been and that makes it a little more difficult for me too. I became disappointed when I googled this programs reviews and all kinds of information saying exactly the same thing in them verbatim came up. I guess that is one of the articles that are available to use for that program.
I really am interested in Affiliate Marketing and have been trying for so long to figure out how to get it started successfully but as of yet have been unsuccessful and have gotten very frustrated. I feel that I need more direction than I have been able to get from either program and I have not found it available.
Am I doing something wrong?
Janet, I understand your frustration and inability to get started. When I joined WA as a free member the first time, I started going through the training but gave up because I just had absolutely no idea what niche to choose and kept second guessing myself, I kept thinking “I’m not an expert at anything, I don’t know enough to create a website about any particular topic, I can’t do this!” I couldn’t overcome the negative thoughts so I just gave up, but still kept the idea of affiliate marketing in the back of my mind for several months.
One day I woke up and decided I just needed to do it. I picked a niche and just went with it and started from there. Often times people get too caught up in thinking of a perfect niche or hopping from program to program, and in the end they don’t get anywhere. It comes down to jumping right in and taking action on the training. Just pick a niche that interests you and go from there. You don’t have to keep your original niche, you can always start something different if you change your mind.
I guess my point here is the most important thing is to just start somewhere. Even if you’re not 100% sure on your niche choice just pick something and do it anyway to start. It’s the only way you’ll ever get anywhere.
Hi Wendy,
This sounds great and everything, but what about the people who, like me, are injured and out of work? I cannot afford to put any money towards this program, the free part sounds good and all but will that really work for me? There is no way I can pay over 300 dollars at one time in any capacity so buying into this program is not going to be a possibility.
If I were you, I’d check out this article on taking full advantage of your free starter account at WA I think it’ll definitely help you out in regards to your situation. 🙂
Even though an initial investment is ideal, I do understand not everyone can afford to put down money into this sort of thing. But do be aware a one time $300 investment isn’t required, you can pay monthly if you do choose premium and it’s easier for many people to afford that way.
Hi Wendy,
So after you learn and train how to build a website and you end up building one, how do you profit from it? Who pays you money? and what determines how much I will be making in a given period of time? I am very much interested in creating my own website but does it have to be selling something? Could it be an entertainment website?
Also I read that you invested a total of 400$ in your first year, could you clarify please what would a person normally invest in when it comes to making an online businesses?
Thank you!
You get money from whoever you decide to affiliate with. This could be Amazon, Ebay, Clickbank or any other affiliate program out there (there are thousands so obviously I won’t list them all). The program(s) you decide to affiliate with will depend upon your niche.
There’s a lot of different factors that determine how much you make in any given period of time. Most people won’t start making money for several months even with a great amount of effort, however once they do start making money it’s usually significant and passive (they earn money without having to work more). The amount of money also will depend on what your niche and what you’re promoting, because some things have higher commissions and recurring commissions which will lead to a greater income overall (or at least make it a lot easier to achieve a higher income).
Affiliate marketing is generally promoting products however there are some people who have entertainment type sites and rely on ad income (like from Google Adsense) and make out quite well. I don’t think it’s as profitable as affiliate marketing though.
Yes I did invest about $400 my first year. I made it all back and much more, though… so it was definitely worth it. Here’s the breakdown of what a “normal person” will need to invest in:
domain and hosting – domain about $12/year, hosting varies significantly depending on type, but can range from $60 – $200+ yearly
some type of education – the majority of people will need at the very least a basic education or structured lessons that’ll teach them how to go about creating a business online. You can find information for free, but it’s a lot harder to piece together what’s good, bad or outdated advice with what you should actually be doing and what actually works today (in 2015).
What you spend on this can vary significantly. There are “gurus” offering to educate people for $1,000’s, college degrees dedicated to it (obviously several thousands) and countless step by step “proven money making systems” you can buy from places like Clickbank, JVZoo, or Warrior Forum for relatively cheap but mostly useless or at least not very good.
help/support – maybe not everyone will “need” to invest in this, but it definitely helps a lot to have help along the way, especially when you’re first starting out. If you sign up for any type of program to help you make money online, there is usually going to be some type of an upsell for “personal coaching” that’ll run you a pretty penny.
There are then other expenses like premium themes, paid advertising and outsourcing costs… all of which aren’t immediately necessary (and I only bought 1 paid theme in my first year).
If you seek these all independently you’ll be investing A LOT more than $400, trust me. This is why I started out at Wealthy Affiliate – they offer basically everything you need to start for a very good price (their yearly is only $369) and that includes all of your hosting, education, help and support.
Hi Wendy,
As a total newbie sometime ago I purchased a ready made website in an area I have some knowledge and
interest in. In the process of time devoured so much information regarding marketing on the net that
I now find myself so confused and overloaded with information that i am now totally frozen with no
idea where to start or how to untangle the mental mess I find myself in.
What started out exciting has now become a struggle and WA is my very last resort.
My websites are: http: and
I am aware that I have taken on a niche that is very competitive and have been told it wont work, however I
don’t give up easily and believe with the right help i could make it work.
My vision was to create an online superstore where sport and health minded people would eventually gravitate
to for all their needs.
I envisioned creating blogs with articles and information etc. that would inspire interest and possibly lead
to my site to make purchases.
I am 71, as a result little to no internet experience but can boast some offline marketing success.
Many years ago I was a professional weight training instructor with a great interest in health and nutrition
hence the websites hope that I may be able to do something online instead of retiring and watching grass
grow in my backyard.
Any genuine help and advice would be extremely appreciated.
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is very useful for those who want to make money online, particularly if you are a beginner. They will teach you step-by-step with the tons of tips, tutorials, and thorough guides. Definitely, Wealthy Affiliate is too Good and True!
hi mrs wendy,
i just finish my college a months ago and this website’s title interest me. and as such i have seriously little to no experience working. i would like to try working online first before starting my own business online.i would like to ask you if WA gives opportunity to help us working online to another company who are searching for employee online. or is WA only teach us how to starts our own business.
i am still lost and new to this online working so please enlighten me. and thanks
Hey there, I suggest you create a free account with WA and go through the beginner training, it’ll help guide you along what it’s all about and how to get started. It would be a good idea to sign up through my email course (within the left hand sidebar) and from there I’ll send you extra training and you can always reply to my emails if you have any other questions or need additional help. 🙂
Tried to join but every user name I tried is already taken so how can I get in ???
How many names did you try? Sometimes I have to try several times when I create accounts before I find one that hasn’t been used yet. Or, it could have been a glitch, you could always try again. You should be able to find a name that isn’t in use.
Hi Wendy, quick question. I’ve just signed up for the free membership and I am starting the learning program. My question is: Is it possible to make money with the free membership and then use those earnings to pay for a premium membership? At the moment I am not able to spare one red cent… Thanks
It’s definitely possible but will require a bit more effort and work. Sign up, take full advantage of the starter membership and then read this article:
Is it meant for US residents only?
No Cami, there are plenty of people from around the world that join WA. There are a few countries restricted from the free membership though, I believe India and the Philippines.. there may be another one I am not sure. I do believe they can still sign up they just have to pay for a premium memebership.
Hi Wendy, I’m WA Member too.
Where i can find you in WA?
Hey there, here’s my profile link:
Feel free to follow and shoot me a message! 🙂
BEFORE YOU JOIN… it is IMPOSSIBLE to delete your account. I have several emails going back and forth with Kyle trying to delete my account. Apparently, once you join, you’re in for life. keep that in mind.
You’re right that you can’t technically delete the account you create at WA. That being said, however, you do have the power to delete everything within your account (info, pictures, etc) and opt out of recieving any emails from the company. That way you’re information isn’t “out there” on the site if you don’t want it to be, and you won’t get any constant emails from them either.
Also if you do choose to become a premium (paying) member, you’re not “in for life” with your payments. You can choose to pay month by month or once per year, but you always have the option to easily cancel the membership at any time so you will no longer get charged.
I’m sorry you are dissappointed with this but it really isn’t a big deal at all.
Hi there Mr Disappointed,
If you think about this logically, if WA removed ALL TRACE of your existence, you would delete your account and sign up again and again and again taking advantage of the first 7 days of extra bonuses EVERY WEEK.
Wealthy Affiliate has to log you permanently into their system otherwise they won’t be able to keep you from taking advantage of their excellent system.
Good luck man….
just curious to MR. DISAPPOINTED, thinking of joining WA,if such a great program why did you want to delete?
There’s a lot of reasons certain people would want to leave WA. Often people find they really don’t have the time to invest into the program or they were in hopes it could be a “quick fix” to money troubles, and WA is certainly anything but. Then there’s others who don’t necessarily dislike WA, they just find that the type of work isn’t a good fit for them. Simply put, you can’t please everyone.
Really, the only way you can find out if it’s something you want to invest your time in is if you join for free and explore a little bit. The free membership gives you a really good taste of what they offer, so you’ll definitely know if it’s something you want to be part of after you’ve been a member for a few days. 🙂
Hi Wendy,
I sent you an email to your email address and would like to find out more. Hope you can reply back.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
hey ria, I’ve replied to your email!
is wa something you can make alot of money from or is there a limit to how much you can expect to make.
WA isn’t a “make money online” system; it’s an educational platform and community that helps beginners learn how to build an online business from scratch. It can’t guarentee you’ll make a certain amount of money any more than going to college can guarantee you a good job.
It’s up to you to take advantage of the lessons, tools and help provided to really be able to make an income. How much money you can make is entirely up to you and the work you put in to your business. Once you start making money and found what “works”, all it really takes is scaling up your efforts or rinsing and repeating the process to make more money.
hey can you help me ,,,what actually is this program about ???Does it need investment..
Wealthy Affiliate is largely about affiliate marketing for beginners, but it really extends far beyond that. It’s also an active community where you can ask questions and get help on a variety of topics (from SEO to WordPress to Local Marketing), attend live classes every week, and get unlimited web hosting for your sites. They have a super easy website builder as well.
Basically it breaks down the process of creating your own online business step by step. It’s really easy for newbies to grasp the concepts and follow along and actually see results using the training. It does require investment if you want all the features provided, but it’s free for anyone to sign up and experience the basic program as a preview. 🙂
Well as usual what is advertised as free and I will never need a credit card is not free. To become a premium member a credit card is needed and I know that the free membership is probably worthless so it does cost me money
Have you tried the starter membership Bill? It is not worthless, there’s plenty offered to free members without the need for a creditg card – free websites, coaching, support AND training. Believe it or not, similiar material is packaged and sold by “gurus” for 1,000’s of dollars in the name of “personal coaching” … (only much of the time it’s way lower quality than what is offered in WA at the free membership level).
That being said, yes you do need to put down money for the premium membership. But WA gives you the ability to “try before you buy”, and that’s incredibly valuable and very rare in this industry.
There are soooo many online marketing websites, most of them are scams. I have yet to find one that’s not a scam. I don’t see how WA is any different. I haven’t tried but all I see is positive reviews all because what they actually teach is to promote WA to make money out of people joining.
Correct me if I’m wrong!
Actually if you were to even try Wealthy Affiliate (it’s free) you’d realize they were all about teaching people how to build a business online within whatever niche they choose, not just about teaching them to promote WA itself. While they do have training that focuses around teaching people how to build a website within the “make money online” niche to promote WA (and whatever else they chose) that isn’t all they’re about. Furthermore, that specific training course wasn’t even launched until 2013, and WA has been around since 2005. All new members are encouraged to go through the “Entrepreneur Certification” training, in which they will create a website that has nothing to do with the promotion of WA.
I joined WA and started making decent money online with an entirely unrelated niche before I even created this website. The training works regardless of what you choose to promote. Maybe you should try Wealthy Affiliate before you assume it’s just a scam. : )
I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for over a year
They have taught me so much in such a short space of time
I am proof that WA is not a scam and they are willing to help people like me learn how to start a business from scratch
I could not thank Wealthy Affiliate enough for everything they have done for me
Hello Wendy,
I would love start an online business for supplemental income and I am honestly sick and tired of all the scams. Is this legit? I’m not sure of what niche to go into. Can it guide me to a niche?
Thanks for the great review. I actually just signed up with them last week…. I think today is my last day to upgrade for the discounted price, so I’m heading over there now to take care of that.
No problem Chris! Sounds great, hope to see you around WA! 🙂
Hello Wendy-
I like your review about Wealthy Affiliate as I was once a former member (few months). I really didn’t have time to do any work as I was very busy with a job where I was working long hours almost every day. Now, I feel like I have more time on my hands to do this and re-join. But, before I do, I just gotta ask you if I would need to have a business license when I do this? I appreciate your input.
This is something that will depend on the rules within your specific location, but honestly I wouldn’t really worry about that part until you start actually earning regular money – like at least $1,000+ monthly… and then in which case I’d recommend consulting with an accountant. They usually will do free consultations. I was building my business online for a year before I even got to the point I had to worry about it. 🙂
Wendy, Wealthy Affiliate sounds good. You say WA encourages members to build a website connected to a favorite interest. But what if that website topic carries little appeal to niche buyers? I’ve been told that a real secret to success is to use a super niche finder tool to find something in great demand but very difficult for buyers to find. What is your response? Does WA offer a niche finder like this? I also wondered if the premier membership offers free traffic building tools? You said you still had to spend $400 during the first few months. May I ask what tools you needed that WA didn’t provide? Also, does WA transfer premier members’ pre-existing websites under their hosting?
I think a bit of research should be done beforehand on whatever niche you choose, but in general any niche will have people that are interested. The challenge is knowing how to find, connect and communicate with that group of people and get them to trust and buy from you. That is the stage where many people fail in this business as they have no idea how to properly connect with their audience.
You won’t find the secret to success within any niche finder tool, believe me. If you can’t compete with your competition and engage with your audience you’re not going to be successful, even if you start with something that’s in great demand.
For this reason WA does not offer a niche finder, because it is not necessary. WA offers a keyword research tool within both their free and premium membership so you can find great keywords to target and in turn, build your traffic.
The $400 I spent my first year actually included my WA membership, I invested in very little else. WA provides basically everything you need aside from the actual domain names (which run about $12 bucks a year or less). There are a few additional tools I have purchased since, including Jaaxy (keyword research suite) and Aweber(autoresponder). I did NOT invest in either until I made enough money to justify the cost.
And yes, you can transfer your pre-existing websites to WA hosting. 🙂
Hi Wendy.Just read your website & most comments.I’ve been working the starter mem.for abt 5 days now and got stuck on my niche.Got really little helpful help from community,Kyle,or Carson. Never got a definite reply abt the $359,only the $19 for 1st month,then $47 monthly after that.Want to know if the $359 is still offered & is the $19 1st month part of it?Only have 2 days to decide to go Premium,which i really want to do,but want to know abt the $359,as i am on a real tight budget.Also,can i do the Bootcamp & a 2nd free website for my own niche,which i want to be in the ‘Exercise & Fitness’ field,or if i do the Bootcamp is that all i get?I know they offer 2 free sites.I really need to get this up & running,as i am very serious & need a reliable,reputable,& lucrative online business.What say ye?
Dennis –
Yeah, if you choose to upgrade to the yearly membership within your first month (before the billing cycle is up) you will be credited the amount you had left on your billing cycle towards the $369…. However, it actually makes more sense to wait until the end of the $19 first month to upgrade to yearly because then you will take full advantage of the first month special. The yearly membership averages out to around $25 per month. You will be able to choose to upgrade to your $19 first month even after the 2 days are up, it’s just you will lose certain features of the program you had access to within your first 7 days.
You are welcome to do more than one website if you want, but they recommend you start out with just one. It becomes a lot harder to manage when you start dealing with multiple sites, especially if you’re a beginner. I would recommend you choose a niche you’re most interested in to start. 🙂
Ok, so what is the name of your website so I can see what your selling? I tried WA before and it turned out to be very technical. Hackers are ruining the internet. It should be so much easier.
When was it you tried WA? It has changed a lot in the past few years and they’re making things easier all the time. Are you referring to my other website? If you drop me an email at [email protected] , I’d be happy to show you. 🙂
Thank you for this honest and accurate review of one of the greatest treasures on the internet, Wealthy Affiliate.
I signed up with Wealthy Affiliate through you Wendy, last December and I could not be happier or more excited.
Your one on one sponsorship along with the rest of the entire WA community, including Kyle and Carson has taken me to new and previously unattainable levels.
I came from a fairly rich technical background but I was always missing many parts to the puzzle of online success.
WA and you have taught me to step by step create my foundation (website) and grow it with content and the inner workings of Google. Soon I will be duplicating my accrued knowledge for other select niche’s.
Wendy, thank you again for my new career, all my best,
It’s been a pleasure Gary and thank you for your honest opinion. I try my best to work with and help everyone that reaches out to me, and there are many other members of the community who do the same. No doubt your techincal background was a huge advantage, but I had very little technical experience when starting out (aside from basic computer knowledge) and it was a bit of a hurdle to get through in the beginning. However, I’m so glad I stuck it out because it was totally worth it!
I’m trying to create an account but it keeps saying that I have an account already. Which I don’t. I even typed in my email address in the login box to have it email the password, but it’s saying that I’m not a member. I don’t know what to do.
Hey Michelle,
Sorry you are experiencing this! They were having a technical issue with certain IP addresses but I was told the problem would be resolved today. If you’re still interested try creating an account again later today or tomorrow and it should work for you!
I was wondering if you are still doing this. Do you do just this or do you have a job ouside of this? Does it require any money to be given to make this a success? Can you make a good income doing just this and no other job? Is the premium membership needed to be successful in this?
Hi Angie, yes I am still actively doing this. I do have a seasonal temp job in addition to this, but the majority of my income is coming from my online efforts. Just like a real business, it does require some investment – but honestly, it’s so minimal compared to what you’d spend starting up a “real” business that it is completely doable. I think my first year I invested about $400 in total and was able to make it all back plus start profiting within the first 6 months. No, you do not need the premium membership to be successful, it just will help provide you with a strong foundation/education/support system the will help tremendously. 🙂
Hi Wendy,
I am completely new at Affiliate Marketing. Last few days I am trying to find out how this market works before I join in. I really liked your website. I just have one question as you have mention in one comment (I personally don’t sell my own products, but use affiliate marketing to sell already existing products on the market) What does this mean? For instance can I use Walmart or Target product on my website and sell it without taking any responsibility of shipping them and Why would cx buy Walmart products from my website? I am sorry this could be a silly question but just want to be clear before I sign up. If you can just give me a link of your’s or anyone’s website in which you keep other companies products to see how its works and I would really appreciate.
Yes,when you are an affiliate you are not responsible for the actual buying/shipping part,you are just providing a special (affiliate) link so when they click it, you’ll earn a commission if they were to buy something. Walmart and Target both have affiliate programs you can use to promote anything they sell. also has an affiliate program, as well as pretty much any other company you can think of.
You ask, “Why would something buy Walmart products from my site?” and that is a really good question. The goal of creating a website isn’t to just copy and paste and sell a bunch of stuff from the original seller’s site, that isn’t of value and in that case a person would have no reason to want to buy from you. Your goal in creating the site would be to provide lots of vaulable/unique information the person wouldn’t find on just the sellers website. The goal is to help people, not sell.
This is all stuff you’ll learn as you go, but there’s definitely a lot more involved than just “selling” other peoples products. If you want to see any website examples shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]
Hello Wendy,
I am on a fixed income and really need to gain some extra monthly income.My question is can a person be reasonably assured of generating an income from just going through the free membership training? My income at present time precludes a $47 month outlay…it has taken me 4 months just to scrape together a $62 ‘nest egg’,lol!
Hi Michael,
You absolutely can earn income from using the resources provided to you within the free membership, it depends on your determination, willingness to learn and the effort you put in.The free membership provides awesome training, resources and tools that other places literally charge $1,000’s for… so signing up is definitey worth it for anybody.
I would recommend taking full advantage of your first 7 days because that is when you will have ability to access the 24/7 chat and comment/ask questions within the classrooms, training, blogs, etc. You still can keep your membership, websites and training materials past the 7 days, but you won’t be able to communicate after that unless you go premium. Take advantage of that and ask any questions you may have within that time.
That being said, the premium membership is definitely worth it and can help tremendously, but I wouldn’t recommend it unless it can be fit within your budget.
A great review….I have used your link to sign up too…excellent. Good luck in the future and thanks for this honest account.
Thanks Tony! Look forward to meeting you inside WA!
Hey Wendy
Now, this is one AWESOME review on Wealthy Affiliate. There’s lot’s of great information to read here and I really like the images you have used as well.
After reading your article, who wouldn’t want to become a member of WA any way? When Wealthy Affiliate offers the 4 essentials to starting an online business and especially getting started for Free too.
It’s really a no brainer and people have absolutely nothing to lose, but everything to gain.
Too bad the Better Business Bureau rated Wealthy Affiliate an F and have had multiple reports that they don’t have a business license. There have been people that join the members area or whatever its called and get their writing rights revoked. What I mean is, Wealthy Affiliate gets paid the membership fee and you’re still only allowed to do either what you could do as a free member, or less. They have the right to do this too, because of either fine print, or laziness by the person who signed up not reading the rules and regulations. Some people last a while in the members section before this happens, and some have had their rights revoked immediately upon sign up. The good hype you hear on the internet about this company are people who have joined, taken Wealthy Affiliate’s “classes” and made a website using their advertising scheme to get clicked on when you search for information about the business on Google. That way, there seems to be nothing bad to hear about this company. Just keep digging. I’m not trying to say you can’t make money online, but no one is going to pay you as much as this company promises without you paying up first, and it still may be pennies on the dollar. Otherwise they wouldn’t exist. This is how they make their money.
Not being accredited with the BBB is NOT the same as not being a legit business. You need to be careful if you judge a business by its rating with the BBB. In order to receive a positive rating a company is required to pay them a fee. This is why many shady online businesses flaunt an “A” BBB rating, but in reality all it means is they paid their dues to the BBB (yet could be scams). All Kyle and Carson would need to do is pay up the BBB and get their shining “A” rating – but would it make any difference in terms of their quality of service? They refuse to pay in because they know the BBB is scamming legitimate businesses out of money. There have been several investigations into this and 20/20 even did a segment on it, you should check it out.
Wealthy Affiliate has been in business since 2005 and in that entire time 3 complaints have been filed with the BBB. These THREE complaints in 8 years were only billing issues that were filed years ago that have since been resolved. They’ve had ZERO product/service complaints. A company that has been in business going on 9 years with 0 product complaints that consistently satisfies hundreds of thousands of their customers has an “F” rating? … something is fishy there and proves the BBB cannot be trusted.
Wealthy Affiliate is a spam free community. What you’re referring to is the few and far between who choose to solicit and spam within the community even after they’re warned not to (in case they did not initially know it wasn’t allowed). This is not an issue for the vast majority of people, only those who choose to ignore the rules.
Your statement about the positive WA reviews couldn’t be further from the truth. The training within Wealthy Affiliate expands so much farther than any other online program or product. The vast majority of members don’t make their money from actually promoting Wealthy Affiliate, rather from their own online businesses they have either created from the training provided by WA or growing their local businesses by taking advantage of WA’s awesome training on local business marketing.
Personally, I leveraged the training to build my own online business in absolutely no way relating to promoting WA itself. After I was successful with that, I absolutely knew this training could teach ANYONE how to do the same and that is why I am now recommending it… because I know it actually works. It is not any sort of “scheme”.
The best part is this program is free to try out, so anyone can see for themselves. I haven’t had a single person tell me they didn’t like it. Thanks for bringing up these points so I could address them. Have a great day.
This is no longer true. As of October 2014 they have a B- with the BBB due to the length of time the business has been operating, the small complaint volume filed with the BBB on relation to the size of the business, AND there was a response and resolution to all 4 of the complaints that were filed. The BBB has sufficient background information on this business, which leads me to trust them since they have these accommodations without paying a dime to the BBB, since they are not currently a “BBB Accredited Business”.
i read all comments and reviews and your personnel motivation of this program. Are you sure this is true by your heart because i trust on your faith and now join after your comment on it
Hi Amir! I do believe in Wealthy Affiliate with all my heart. However I believe in it for what it is – an amazing training program and community that teaches/supports you in creating your own online business. Remember it is not a “money making program” or “get rich quick” scheme. Joining Wealthy Affiliate won’t make you successful, but taking action on what you learn and benefiting from everything provided to you within the community will help tremendously.
hi Wendy
thanking you for your reply and actual picture of Wealthy Affiliate. I will join this community very soon so keep helping me.
No problem Amir, I am here to help. Look forward to meeting you within the community! 🙂
Hey Wendy,
You mentioned in one e-mail that if you don’t sell your own products and just use products already n the market. You also use ad sense. You mentioned u had to get a lot of traffic to produce any real income. Were you referring to just the ad sense or the entire program you are using?
Hi Lisa,
When I told you about needing lots of traffic, I was specifically referring to adsense because the cost per click is so low – you literally are only making pennies if someone happens to click (or view) the specific ad. I barely use adsense anymore, and I would only use it on particular websites. Don’t get me wrong,obviously you want traffic, but ultimately you want to be able to convert your audience and with adsense you are sending your audience away for pennies, which is why you’d need an extremely large audience to make it very profitable. And even then, if you had 1,000,000’s of viewers, you could be making A LOT more if you were to incorporate other forms of marketing instead of just adsense. If your using affiliate marketing, it’s better to have 100 visitors that buy from you than 1,000,000 that don’t.
Hey Wendy, great website I am a college student right now so this website has some great information for me thank you. An this WA program review is really good gives a great insight. I am now a member there and think it’s great if anyone want to learn and achieve making money online.
Hey Tejas, glad you find the information useful! Thank you for stopping by and commenting! 🙂
Hi Wendy, Thanks for the review on Michelle Withrow’s Work At Home University. I thought that it might be a scam. You saved me $47 so I am joining Wealthy Affiliates under you. I may not be able to take you up on your free bonus. I am leaving on a 7 day cruise on the 19th and will be back on the 26th. That is over your seven day limit as I plan to upgrade when I get back. Thanks! Carlos Grant
Hey Carlos! Not sure if you already signed up or not, but if things are too hectic for you now, you could just wait til after you get back from your cruise to sign up then you’d be able to get the free trial and discounted first month 🙂 The 7 day trial starts from the day you actually sign up with your name and email, so if you waited til afterwards you’d still be able to access it. Either way, it’s an awesome program and I don’t think you’ll regret signing up! 🙂
Hi, Wendy. I’m just curious because I have never worked from home and really need at home work at the present time; how exactly do you make money from online business without selling? Do you make money every time someone visits your website? I have no idea how that works and would love to know.
There are multiple ways to make money from an online business, it just depends what works for you. I personally don’t sell my own products, but use affiliate marketing to sell already existing products on the market. I also use programs like Google Adsense (in other niches) in which I get paid a certain amount when people view or click the ad, so in a sense you basically get paid just from people visiting your site..but you need a lot of web traffic to make any significant income from that.
But there isn’t just ONE way to do it! When you sign up for Wealthy Affiliate as a free starter member, you can learn all about ways to monetize your web business 🙂
FYI – Wealthy affiliate is not the best training out ther e to learn SEO/IM All you are going is leveraging Instant payday keyword to build your list and sell wealthy affiliate lol or other products. But in the end it is a really biased review.
You’re entitled to your opinion, but may I ask have you ever been a member of Wealthy Affiliate? If you don’t find it good, what would you suggest to be better training? I have not found any other online program to be remotely close to what Wealthy Affiliate is, and it’s the ONLY program like it I’ve ever found that lets you try it out for 100% free, where you don’t have to put down a credit card number or go through any bull-shit CPA offer.
I cannot tell you how many people have joined after involving themselves with countless other programs with zero success, to find WA as the place that finally made internet marketing *click* and help them finally start making money online.
I’m not “just leveraging the instant payday network keyword” – I have an entire website here in which I talk about ALL sorts of things related to internet marketing. I leverage HUNDREDS of keywords to drive traffic, but only with the best intentions. I happen to review Instant Payday Network, yes, but I don’t think it’s a program that is going to lead most people towards any true success online, therefore I do not recommend it and I’m trying to HELP people actually be successful here, not lead them to some program JUST because I am making money off it, that is definitely far from the truth.
If I just wanted to make money from promoting products, I could create positive reviews about all sorts of crappy products and sell them to people – (like many people do!) but I don’t – I want to tell people about a program that actually WORKS for normal people – I have been a member for a year and it’s worked for me – I’ve successfully built my own niche website (outside of the internet marketing niche) and I cannot tell you how many success stories I hear inside of WA.
So, is my review biased? Well, you know what? Anyone can join for free and test out the training, community and leverage the free websites – so they have a chance to see if it’s something they want to be a part of and involve themselves in BEFORE they spend their money. It also trains people to build a real business online – not just some misleading sales pitch that lures people into spending thousands more dollars on unnecessary upsells, or just a pyramid type program (like Empower Network).
Please tell me another program that has as much training, unlimited web-hosting, a thriving active community, tools and where the owners are actively engaged and actually helping out the people and building relationships with them – and on top of all that lets you test it out for free? I would love to know about it!
I was just going to comment and say I really liked the review (I too believe in the program) But instead I really like your professionalism in handling some criticism. Very respectable response. The thing is when writing a review of a product like this (WA) is your readers can try it before they buy it. NOT to many affiliate marketing, internet marketing or training program let you see the inside. I wish you great success! Mike
Thank you, Mike. You’re right, the ability to try it beforehand definitely sets it apart from other programs. It may not be right for everyone, but at least people can realize that before they invest money into it.
Hello Wendy,
I am aware that the internet is full of get rich quick scams. It was research that led me here. My questios are: Does this work if one is in a time sensitive situation? How realistic is it to be making money in fairly short order? I certainly do not have a ‘product’ to sell. I do care about honesty, integrity, and quality.
I cannot give you an exact time table on how long it would take you to start making money. It is entirely dependent on the person and how much effort they put forth. However, I can say it realistically will take a few months before you start making sales, and even then, if you start out with affiliate marketing, most of the programs take between 60-90 days before they will pay out. I got my first sale about 2 months after starting up my website, but then I didn’t get my first paycheck til about 3 months after that. So if you’re looking to make some money in a fairly short amount of time, it’s most likely not going to give you that. The training at Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to be successful in the long term, and unfortunately it just takes time to build up to that.
I care about honesty, integrity and quality as well, and you can chose to promote whatever you want – you don’t have to promote anything you don’t approve of or don’t feel comfortable with.
Hi Wendy, I was really interested to hear your response for Francis from October 13th, but you never responded on this message board?
Hi Jordan,
Sorry I never responded here. You don’t need your own product to make money, you can use other peoples products (affiliate marketing) and earn commissions. It’s okay to have no idea what you want to promote before you get started either, going in I myself had no “product” in mind to “sell”. There are endless niches you could chose from, (essentially any niche as long as there’s a market), and then once you’re established you can find something (or multiple things) to promote.
A niche is just an audience that’s looking for something – a product, a solution, information – and you need to provide that to them. It helps to pick something you’re genuinely interested in when you first get started out, because you’ll have a much easier time writing about it. Once you get rolling with this, I think you’ll find the whole product thing much easier than you think.
Hope that helps!
Out of curiosity, is this a paid advertisement from Wealthy Affiliate?
No, I am just a member and this is my personal opinion on the program!
Please don’t say something offensive like…oh, if you don’t believe in yourself you’re setting yorself up for failure. It’s just that it may take time for revenue to flow in and some of us can’t afford an additional bill.
Hey Wendy
My question is, what if you join WA with a free starter kit. Upgrade for the premium account and things don’t pick up, financially, as fast as you thought, and you just can’t afford the monthy membership. Can you revert to the started membership just so you can stay with the program?
Sorry, I was wrong, Jeremy is right. You cannot go back to being a starter member, if you decide to cancel your premium membership you can’t go back until you upgrade to premium again.
Just wanted to clarify. I’m pretty sure you can’t downgrade from premium to a free member. Once you go premium, you are either there or you’re not a member of WA at all.
Yeah you are correct, I thought you could be I realized awhile ago you couldn’t – I’ll have to change that response.
Thanks for excellent review. Wondering if you have any tips for people (like me) who do not have a product but want to make money online.
Hey there!
Checked out your website from a link within your WA profile. Looks like you’ve got something nice going on here….
Just wanted to point out a small mistake (sorry, I’m a stickler for proper English 🙂 – In the Cons listed about you mentioned that the information may seem overwhelming enough to ‘detour’ people, but I believe you meant to say ‘deter’…
Hey, Thanks for pointing that out, yes that’s what I meant! Lol.
Really great and informative review! It really is a great place to learn and grow. Keep up the good work!
Thanks brit! 🙂
Awesome Review on Wealthy Affiliate. For anyone who thinks about building their own online business this is an absolute must for the step by step training that goes along with the daily tasks is very effective and help members to stay on track. If you have a positive mindset and you are willing to work towards success there is absolutely no reason not to join.
Keep up the good work and have yourself an awesome day.
Thanks for stopping by Christene, and you are absolutely right. I appreciate your feedback! May you too have a wonderful day!
Excellent review wendyjane. “Wealthy Affiliate is so much MORE than a product. It’s essentially like a university for online business entrepreneurs.” Very nicely done.
Thank you Steve for stopping by. That is what I love about W.A. so much, it’s not just a hot “product” or making money online! It’s EVERYTHING you’d ever need to be successful. 🙂
I love your review. I recently joined Wealthy Affiliate myself and I can support what you say about them. One of the few genuine communities out there that are actively interested in helping people succeed.All the bestLes
Thank you. I agree, they are one of the few GENUINE internet training programs out there for making money online, and their support does go a LONG way in helping people be successful at this!
Nice 🙂 That’s all what I can said :D.
What a comprehensive review! Thank you, wendyjane!
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Hey Wendy, you have a great website….I just wanted to know if I have any questions can I send you a inbox message? I am new….Do you have any suggestions for my website? Thank you…….
Hey Maureen,
Yeah you can contact me personally if you have anything you want to talk about. You can get in touch either via the contact page of my website, or just shoot me an email at [email protected] 🙂
its not free in my country, philippines
Yeah unfortunately there are a few countries that the starter membership is not available to.
Is this free in Malaysia?
Hey John I’m not sure, unfortunately a very small number of countries are blocked from the free program (but they are still welcome to join premium) however I do not have a list of what they are. The easiest way to find out is to click the link and see if it offers you the free membership.