Company: MyFlexJob
Rank: 10/100 – scam!
In summary – What is MyFlexJob? (not to be confused with states they offer unique services in the “trial processing” industry, and that they offer flex jobs with Fortune 500 companies to those interested in working from home. At first glace you may think this company sounds great; their website looks professional and there’s no advertised fees to get started. There’s even a bold button to “submit your application” like you would for a legitimate job offering.
Upon further investigation, however, this company is not at all what they claim to be. A quick fill and submit of their application can leave you with more questions than answers. There’s a lot of shady things going on with this company, and I will explain in further detail why I believe MyFlexJob to be a total scam site.
What work will you be doing?
The “work” isn’t actually real work at all. Basically all you’re doing is completing offers to earn credits. These offers are things like filling out a credit card application, signing up for a free trial to GameFly, or just buying a subscription or product. Each offer is worth a certain amount of credits, and once you earn a minimum amount of credits, say 5,000, you can cash out for real money.
There’s tons of problems with trying to do this type of thing as a full time job. First of all, the majority of the offers will require spending money up front or at the very least putting down your credit card information. If you have to spend $50 to earn $52, you’re really only making $2 and that is why the income claims and widely inaccurate.
Beyond that glaring flaw in the system, you’re also going to be giving out your credit card information to a massive amount of companies and that can open the door to all sorts of problems. It isn’t always easy to cancel with companies as they try and make the process as difficult as possible, and some even hide within their terms of service secret charges they’ll put on your credit card without ever advertising or making it clear up front.
Most of the offers will be for completely random products and services you aren’t interested in anyway.
(Instant Payday Network, Online Profit for Dummies, Project Payday and Freebie Money Printer are other systems that take advantage of these trial offers, but in a slightly different way).
Red Flag #1 – They claim to offer real jobs, but their application process is shady
The first step you’re walked through is filling out a quick application on their website that’ll ask you basic questions and only take a minute to complete. But it’s merely a front to make them appear legitimate. I took 30 seconds to fill it out – not even bothering to fill in anything for the “about you” section – and upon clicking the submit button I was immediately approved to start working! No real company looking to hire employees for work at home positions would be that easy to get in.
Real companies (check out Leapforce or Pearson) would at the very least make you wait for an approval email or take a screening exam. There’s no check to verify age, location, credentials… nothing! Considering they state the average earner earns upwards of $20 dollars an hour, it can’t be that easy to get hired.
Red Flag #2 – You need to pay up front for a subscription to MyPCBackup in order to start “working”… What?!
Now, after you complete your application you can go on to watch their orientation video. Here you learn you’ll need to pay $25 for a subscription to MyPCBackup to start working for the company. This should be another red flag that they’re not the real deal. They say you’ll be reimbursed the expense as soon as you verify the purchase, but they only give you back the money in the form of credits which cannot be cashed out until you reach a certain number of them. And you’ll have to spend a lot of time (and money) earning credits before you’ll be able to cash them.
But there’s no reason why you should have to order a subscription to a PC back-up service to start working for them, especially one that is shady in and of itself! No company is going to make you pay to start working for them!
Red Flag #3 – The testimonials are fake and bought for $5 from Fiverr
If you take the time to watch the testimonials given on their website, they seem a little off. Oh, maybe it’s because they’re not real. Someone had mentioned on a forum they took their testimonials from Fiverr, but I wasn’t going to take their word without investigating into it. I took the time to go on Fiverr and actually found 2 of them immediately offering to do testimonials for $5. I took a screenshot for proof:
On the left, a young blonde girl is advertising her services on Fiverr to provide a realistic testimonial for only $5. On the right, here the same girl is again on the MyFlexJob’s website… as you can see the background is identical down to the arrangement of papers pinned to the bulletin board and the unique mole above her lip (I had to make the videos full screen to notice that).
I also found the African-American guy advertising himself on Fiverr as well. I wasn’t able to recognize the other 2, but those alone should be proof enough something isn’t right here.
Red Flag #4 – Their income claims are inconsistent and entirely false
Their income claims are inconsistent throughout the site; their home page states you can earn between $12.33 to $27.90 per hour, another info-graphic only says you’ll get paid up to $23.75 per hour, but their introduction video states the average worker earns around $26. So what is it?
It really doesn’t matter because you aren’t ever going to make anywhere near that amount “working” for MyFlexJob’s. Like I previously mentioned, you’re going to have to start completing their offers to earn credits and that will take a lot of time, energy and money to get anywhere near the cash out amount!
You won’t be doing real work… MyFlexJob is a huge scam!
You’re going to run into all sorts of problems if you try and do this as full time work, first and foremost being you won’t really be making any money at all. You’ll just wrack up tons of crap charges on your credit card for things you don’t even want, just to earn a few dollars in return. You’ll also risk getting your credit card information compromised and may even have to cancel the card and get a new one. This isn’t real work, you are being scammed out of your money if you sign up for this system.
There are legitimate work at home jobs out there, but anything that is “too easy” and asks for money up front is going to not be the opportunity you thought it was.
Want to create your own online business to start earning income online? Check out my #1 ranked educational program on the market!
MyFlexJob-Product Summary
I did a google search with the headline of the video…I found this ( I can’t believe that I was about to give my credit card info to start this program.
Hi Wendy, thankyou for your research into this company. I too fell scam under these people as you can see by my email address! I too was so excited to get this job as I am trying to make $ legitimately online. What a joke. I was so angry. I totally thought that the online franchise was legit until I decided to see what I was advertising. What a terrible thing to do to anybody thats trying to make a few bucks for their family. Paul Birdsal and Alex ? are both rotten individuals in my book and should be arrested.I am already a member at WA so I will see you over there…TY for the work that you do. I knew this girl was a fiverr. I just knew!This company got me for almost a hundo.ugh!! And here I was just trying to make a few $…Thanks again Lisa aka ([email protected])
Yes. This is a proven scam further complicated by it being a heavily promoted affiliate program as well. You are not processing a thing. You are signing up for CPA offers and THEY get paid!
Yeah pretty much!
Hello Wendy. I am an Army Veteran and a full time Student at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I have twin sons and a daughter. I was recently injured and I can’t support my family so I was wondering if you could possibly e-mail me a list of real internet jobs, as you mentioned above there are some. I’ve reached at the minimum 20 and all seem like a scam and from researching obviously “name of company>scam” on google, they are.
Unfortunately there’s a lot of scams in the “online jobs” industry, it’s just the way it is. There’s always people who will fall for it and people like to take advantage of that. If you take a look at the program I recommend, Wealthy Affiliate, I think you’ll find it’s a bit different from all the others out there.
I have been doingbthis for a few days defiantly not what I expected. I was really excite as I thought this was real . if anyone has suggesting and sites that are legit real and not spending money that I don’t have. Please help .
Hey, I suggest you take a look at the training I recommend here. You can sign up for my email course within the right hand sidebar and it’ll get you started!
Thanks for the 411 on MyFlexJob I recently signed up with them and like you said I’m left with more questions than answers.Thanks to you,questions answered.Please send me an email and tell me about your business opprotunity thanks again.
Hey Kelly, no problem. You can sign up for my email course within the left hand sidebar here and I will send you emails each day guiding you through the process of what exactly it is that I do and how you can do it as well. If you have further questions you can always reply to my emails!